View Full Version : Revolution feed neck problems

06-04-2003, 09:37 PM
Howdy. So I loaned my hopper (revolution w/x-board) to some of my moms friends (i sold my mag to them so they could shoot deer and their son could have a nice paintball gun). Anyway, it got broken and they bought me a new one. only prob is, it won't fit in the feed neck of the GenX 4 I currently own. So my question is this: Do I sand down the neck of the revvie or get a feed neck adapter thingamajig?
Thanks, InvisBill

06-05-2003, 12:14 AM
If it's close to fitting then just sand it down.

06-05-2003, 11:28 PM
Way to promote the sport by selling a PB gun to shoot deer with. :rolleyes:

06-06-2003, 12:17 PM
She wanted to shoot deer... with paintballs.... I'd love to hear THAT story. Was it just for amusement? Tell her to go to a paintball field and have other players bunkering her and see how amusing it seems then :D And you know her son is going to be using that thing to shoot signs and stuff, really bad image for paintball. I don't know them so I'm not passing judgement, but be careful: they do something stupid and the cops get involved they'll blame you partly and possibly keep your gun for evidence. It happens.

Sand it down if it's close,it should fit.

06-06-2003, 09:18 PM
Why is it that people always assume the worst? Instead of assuming that I am an irresponsible brat, why don't you let me tell you the details.
See, the buyer of my marker has spent a very large sum of money on landscaping her yard, only to have deer walk through and eat most of it, even though the plants are the kind deer don't like. She has tried everything short of shooting the deer with a gun. My mom suggested she use a paintball marker, and she like the idea since it is nonlethal. Her son also wants to play, and he liked my mag. So they bought it.
And, I don't think that you should be saying that the kid (who is a very nice guy) is immature, since you probably don't know him. Would you want people making judgements about you when they don't know you? I know I wouldn't. Also, I am not responsible for her sons actions. He could easily get his hands on a marker if he wanted too.
Thank you. L.K.

06-07-2003, 09:19 PM
sand it down so that it fits... but still fits snugly so it doenst fall out

and omg... i would LOVE to unload a hopper of AGD/JCore pepper balls on a deer... that would be just plain fun :D