View Full Version : Martha Stewart indicment

06-04-2003, 11:48 PM
heh...Martha Stewart was indicted for an insider trading scandal. I don't know but for some strange reason I hope it doesn't go well for her.:D

06-05-2003, 03:23 AM
The show isn't that bad...

...If you're 90 years old.

I've got no reason to feel sorry for a criminal, no matter how "nice" she may be.

06-05-2003, 07:39 AM
Come on, its Martha Stweart! How could you hate her, you see her all over the place in K-Mart, and she tought me how to make curtains for my windows, and how to arrange beautiful bouques of flowers!

06-05-2003, 08:20 AM
Martha Stewart is da debil
I hope she gets the chair (I know it's not possible, but one can hope)

06-05-2003, 08:25 AM
Well now lets not convict on an accusation. The case I have seen so far is pretty weak. Some discrepencies of the color of the pen in a notation does not indicate WHEN the notiations were made. And so far that seems to be the crux of the prosecutions case. That and the timing of the sale of the stock.

Lets not forget that indictments by Grand Juries are pretty easy to get. They are, after all, only the Prosecutions side of the story presented in a closed room with no defese presented. Its only a matter of mildly convincing a Jury that you have some hint of illegality you need to pursue. And the Grand Jury normaly leans toword granting one so as to allow the process to proceed if they can see ANYTHING that might should be tried out in court. So it doesn't realy take much for a Prosecutor to obtain and indictment. A conviction is a whole nother matter.

Let let her have her day in court like anyone else should be given. She is at this point innocent. Thats the way it works.

06-05-2003, 08:47 AM
Yea, im not a fan of her, but that would suck if she had to go to jail..

06-05-2003, 09:00 AM
Shes sucks.

Shes stands for everything thats wrong with America and corporate greed. Evidetly she started doing home projects cause Wall STreet was too competitive. Than once again was doing old dirty tricks. LIke trying to make a company out of a name.

A COmpany is more than a name, its products.

Little people get screwed and taxed all the time. Now its Her turn.

Her home, Turkey Hill she bought with her husband. Than drove her husband and kids off with her obsesive compulsive behavior. Her house is too perfect. I bet she fits the profile of a serial murderer. Any person that keeps a house that Clean has real issues.

Nice photo. Ha ha.

06-05-2003, 09:19 AM
Shes from my mom's town, they didn't know each other but Martha and her family weren't well liked. Even back then she was snobby and *****y.

06-05-2003, 09:37 AM
I hate snobby ppl. Down with Martha!

06-05-2003, 10:50 AM
She'll be decorating a 5x9 foot room VERY shortly.

PLUS, the new orange jumpsuit is supposed to be the new black. :D

06-05-2003, 10:52 AM
This may sound kinky but I think she is hot! I have some of her books. She can stay at my house till this all blows over. :D

06-05-2003, 11:10 AM
It WOULD have to be you wouldn't it?

Always the quiet ones...

Originally posted by cphilip
This may sound kinky but I think she is hot! I have some of her books. She can stay at my house till this all blows over. :D

06-05-2003, 12:44 PM
heheheehee.... :D

06-05-2003, 12:53 PM
Him or shartley ... figured one of the two.


Originally posted by Dayspring
It WOULD have to be you wouldn't it?

Always the quiet ones...

06-05-2003, 01:05 PM
Originally posted by lopxtc
Him or shartley ... figured one of the two.


HAAAAAAY!!!!! :mad:


06-05-2003, 01:58 PM
I found it funny that they had footage of her stock broker sitting on the beach relaxing, while they were showing Martha walking in and out of the courthouse.

The show isn't so bad, I'd rather watch that than get a root canal. I heard she is a B**** to work for though.

06-05-2003, 02:02 PM
Originally posted by graycie
I found it funny that they had footage of her stock broker sitting on the beach relaxing, while they were showing Martha walking in and out of the courthouse.

The show isn't so bad, I'd rather watch that than get a root canal. I heard she is a B**** to work for though.

Heard that too. Remember the gardener who didn't prune the way she likes. Not sure if this is true, but I heard that she pinned him against a wall with her car.

06-05-2003, 02:11 PM
I always knew she was a complete psycho. behind that curtain of perfection lays a criminal mastermind.

06-05-2003, 02:27 PM
Originally posted by lopxtc
Him or shartley ... figured one of the two.


Yeah.. what Phil said….. HAAAAAAY!!!!! :(


I don’t think she is an ugly woman, and may even border on attractive….. but her attitude and very being prevent her from being “attractive” to me.

The reports of her being a “female dog” come from everyone down to her own friends. I saw an interview with one of her close friends the other day and he stated that even HE said she feels she is above everyone around her. And I will leave it at that. ;)

Now, ever notice her new hair style? See how it covers her face? Anyone familiar with psychology? ;);)

Phil, you can have her. :D

I saw a report that said that she is one of the most polarizing people of today, folks tend to either love her or hate her…. There seemed to not be much middle ground.

06-05-2003, 03:10 PM
yea I see that polarization. I also hear more "Hear Say" about her than any other woman in that business. I tend to think a lot of it is exagerated somewhat. I really would tend to discount it to some degree. What you have here is a Woman who is smart and forcefull. And doesn't tolerate half way. She wants something done and done right and she will come out and tell you immediately if she is not getting what she wants. Now in a Man in business that would be an admired trait. But because she is a woman its somewhat exagerated into a "B". I think if your Boss was that picky and he was a man you would accept it more than from her. Something to think about. You might disagree but I think it has something to do with it. Many women admire her for her ability and willingness to do what a man would in the business world and to take the risk of polarizing people over that sexist view point of why do it that way. She does it because she wants things done right. And she is the boss. Maybe that style is something she learned from being taken for granted and discounted as a Blond for so many years. Maybe its her way of making sure she is in charge. Maybe it had to be that way for people to respond and do what she wanted them to do.

06-05-2003, 03:17 PM
Originally posted by cphilip
Now in a Man in business that would be an admired trait. But because she is a woman its somewhat exagerated into a "B".

A "man" would be called a A-hole

06-05-2003, 03:25 PM
Did anyone hear the one about the limo that tried to turn around in her driveway???

06-05-2003, 06:22 PM
Originally posted by graycie

A "man" would be called a A-hole

Yea but he would still get more respect for being one and not caring if he was! ;)

06-05-2003, 06:43 PM
Cause an A-hole is just an A-hole. A "B" is frustrating aaaaaaaand a A-hole :D

06-05-2003, 06:45 PM
The case against her is very weak. So weak in fact that they are going after her for obstruction and not insider trading. I believe right now they are trying to embarass her into cutting a deal. She won't and will eventually be aquitted. Even if conveicted, it is a low grade felony and she is a first time offender. Federal sentancing guidlines will call for something between probation and house arrest.

I am not Martha's biggest fan either. However she has been punished enough. Look at her. For a $45,000.00 savings on Imclone, she has lost over 1/2 of a BILLION dollars. Remember that Martha was BILLIONAIRE in the late 90's because of Martha Stewart Omnimedia. Since Imclone broke, she has seen her stock slide in the last 18 months from over $20.00 a share to $10.13 (as of 6/5/03). She owns 61% of the company. Watching her lose all this money over a $220,000 stock trade I think is the best punishment that society can wish upon her!:D

06-05-2003, 06:49 PM
Insider trading wasn't the only charge. She's also being slapped with obstruction of justice and fraud! She tried to alter e-mails sent to her by her broker before the investigators could look at them. Smart lady! :rolleyes: Best bet is that she's guilty as sin.

Before I heard about the other charges, I was kind of leaning toward her side, though I don't like her a bit. My thoughts were, if somebody calls you up and tells you that a stock you own is about to tank, are you supposed to just sit on it and wait for it to happen? And then what happens if you do nothing, the stock somehow does well, and then somebody finds out that you had insider information? Once they tell you, you're damned if you do and damned if you don't!

But there's no excuse for trying to interfere with an investigation.

Edit: Needless to say, 1DE posted while I was typing. Drat him! ;)

06-05-2003, 06:54 PM
Originally posted by davidb
Insider trading wasn't the only charge. She's also being slapped with obstruction of justice and fraud! She tried to alter e-mails sent to her by her broker before the investigators could look at them. Smart lady! :rolleyes: Best bet is that she's guilty as sin.

Again, she was not charged with insider trading. Their wasn't enough evidence of that for the Grand Jury to indict her. She was indicted on 9 counts ranging from securities fraud to obstruction of justice. It is a very weak case!

On the bright side, her stock is still falling!:D

Edit: Woops! I was typing this while you were editing your post! ;)

06-05-2003, 08:06 PM
Actually her stock went up today....

and no she was not indicted for insider trading,

And yes the case is more of a publicity stunt to show the Government is cracking the whip on the sleezy stock trading stuff. It's not very much of a case from what I have heard and for some reason the Prosecution feels it needs to release a lot of accusations publicly.

I believe I pointed out an indictment is fairly easy to get. A conviction is much harder. She just might be innocent folks. Her stock broker is a bit more suspect but there is not much there either so far. I would advise you to wait it out and see. Today was the first time the defense got to see what the prosecution had. And she will have the best lawyers money can buy so it better be rock solid case or they will lose it. I am starting to believe they don't realy even care if they convict or not. They just want to make an example for others of how much it will cost to fight it and that alone is a sort of punishment and a public win for the Feds.

You people ever see a Federal white collar crimes prison? I should be so lucky to get sent there. There was one on Eglin AFB in Florida where I grew up and one of my GF's father ran it. That's were Hollerman of Watergate fame was sent. The "fences" surrounding it are white painted lines on the sidewalk. You are supposed to get permission to go outside of them but inside there are Tennis courts and a pool. They can get permission to leave and go shopping, Fishing, Play Golf and such...

06-05-2003, 08:18 PM
Wow, that's harsh. :rolleyes: :D Of course, the ones who are in there probably think it's a living hell.

06-05-2003, 08:21 PM
Originally posted by davidb
Wow, that's harsh. :rolleyes: :D Of course, the ones who are in there probably think it's a living hell.

Sad thing is, they are still dealing with insider trading.:D

06-05-2003, 08:35 PM

not anymore cphil

06-05-2003, 08:56 PM
LOL Good one pbz! Good one!!!! :D How true!

Automaggin, this place I am talking about WAS a federal prison. Not a halfway house.... :eek:

06-05-2003, 09:07 PM
Correct me if I'm wrong but If someone told you to sell your stock because they knew it was going to crash, would you not sell? Do I have the facts right? If I got a tip like that I'm sure I would sell. Who in their right mind would sit there and say "just because you told me I have to take the hit and lose the money". Unless I have the facts wrong. I would have sold those stocks also.

06-06-2003, 04:28 AM
Originally posted by CasingBill
Correct me if I'm wrong but If someone told you to sell your stock because they knew it was going to crash, would you not sell? Do I have the facts right? If I got a tip like that I'm sure I would sell. Who in their right mind would sit there and say "just because you told me I have to take the hit and lose the money". Unless I have the facts wrong. I would have sold those stocks also.
Okay I will correct you… ;)

This does not have to do with someone telling you to sell your stock. Insider trading laws deal with inside information. Brokers often advise clients to sell or buy stock, that is their JOB. But it is HOW they know to do so that can get them and their client in trouble. Also if someone from inside a company knows something and tells a friend about it so they can ditch their stock…. Same problems with the law.

It is to prevent individuals from profiting while the rest of the stock owners lose money.

Now…. honestly? If I was told something I would have probably sold the stock too. But that does not mean it wasn’t illegal. I also speed in my car. That is illegal too. But if I am caught speeding, or was caught selling stock on an inside tip, I would have to face the music… JUST LIKE EVERY ONE ELSE. ;)

However, it seems that the Government is more interested in pushing the issue of OTHER things Martha has allegedly done because of her being under investigation for insider trading.

Again, this is not about whether we would do something or not, but whether that something is illegal. And in this case the reasons behind the law are good ones, and honestly not aimed at these fairly small situations, but for larger ones. That does not mean I would let her (or anyone else) off the hook though. I think it all depends on the situation.

06-06-2003, 08:31 AM
Yes it would be illegal if someone told you to sell because they had some insider knowledge that they were using to determine that it was about to go under. That would be illegal. The issue here is did Martha know it was insider information? And then the bigger issue that the government prosecution is basing thier case on is, even if she didn't know at the time, did she cover up what happened? And then, when she announced after the investigation had begun that she was innocent,did that constitue stock manipulation of her own companies stock? That last one is very odd charge to make.

It appears they did not charge her with insider trading but they chose to file a civil suit for that seeking damages. Thats kind of odd too.

The entire loss she avoided by sellin ImClone stock that day was $45,000.

06-06-2003, 08:57 AM
Originally posted by cphilip
The entire loss she avoided by sellin ImClone stock that day was $45,000.
Which may seem like small numbers to some, but is more than a good portion of our country makes a year, before taxes. ;)

Yes, this seems more like sending a message to folks…. If you get caught with your hands in the cookie jar (whether you knew you weren’t suppose to be taking the cookies or not), what you do AFTER that fact can be as bad as taking the cookie in the first place, if not WORSE. Sometimes it is just better to admit what you did, even if it was out of ignorance, than to try to hamper an investigation. There is no law that states that you have to “help” an investigation against you, but there ARE laws that say you can’t impede an investigation, lie to investigators, and a good number of other things that are now at the center of her problems.

It is like when that lady was arrested for “feeding parking meters” a while back. Well, feeding parking meters IS against the law in most places, but folks don’t get arrested for doing it. What the lady did was mouth off to the officer who was telling her not to feed other people’s meters (she was doing so in direct sight of a police officer who was about to write tickets), refused to show identification, and other civil disobedience charges.

But everyone wanted to shout that she was arrested for feeding parking meters…. Which was NOT why she was being arrested. It was the charge that was also added to her charges and the one that lead to her involvement with the officer in the first place, but if she has simply stopped doing it and not created the scene she did, etc. she would NOT have been arrested….. and quite possibly not received anything other than a verbal warning.

This is the case with Martha now. If the offense was really not THAT serious, she could have waded though it all with probably little more than a slap on the wrist and some community service of some sort… maybe… even if that. What is happening now is because of her actions AFTER the initial offense, not it itself.

06-06-2003, 09:10 AM
Yep it remains to be seen if she realy DID know and if she did do anything to interfer afterwards. There is a good deal of evidence her Stock broker did but linking her to knowing before the fact and proving the actions taken were After the fact. Thats the key thing here. The evidence all lies in proving there was a sell agreement AFTER the fact. And then anything she said to protect herself might also be then construed to be helping keep her own stock up. And thats another of the Charges. So we shall see...

Oh, I made no comment on the amount of money at all. Just wanted to make sure people knew the extent of gain here. Fairly small for someone like her and you would think no incentive to lie about it. Doesn't make much sense realy. Kind makes you think one of two things. Either she is innocent or she is the stupidest person in the world! Right now I do not see her as being THAT stupid. But.... hehehe....we shall see.

06-06-2003, 05:56 PM
I had no idea Phil could be so gentlemanly! Martha should see how vigorously you defend her. She can't be THAT hot to you so I'll chalk it up to natural male protectiveness of a female in distress. What can we say...Phil is a southern gentleman after all!:D Personally I think she is probably guilty but agree with 1stdeadeye. She has lost alot of money over a little savings.

Also she seems to be made an example of while others who are just as guilty or more so get their hands slapped. Just who did she piss off? Listen to me! I'm starting to become a paranoid conspiracy theorist.:)

06-06-2003, 11:51 PM
I think it would be more appropriate to go after Ken Lay (sp?). Or at least make certain that he never happens again.

06-07-2003, 08:06 AM
Originally posted by than205
I think it would be more appropriate to go after Ken Lay (sp?). Or at least make certain that he never happens again.

Hey, this is not a political thread! It is a bash Martha thread dagnabit!:p

06-07-2003, 09:00 AM
Yeah, Yeah.
Politcal threads never happen here....:D

06-07-2003, 09:08 AM
Martha Stewart is not an inside trader, she was only on the way to being one.

Now if you people would only read the books on insider trading the way the people who founded it had meant them to be read you all wouldn't be so ignorant.

I'm sorry I just had to....


06-07-2003, 09:12 AM
Originally posted by than205
Yeah, Yeah.
Politcal threads never happen here....:D

Please, Please!

*Roberto Duran's voice* No mas, no mas!

06-07-2003, 09:13 AM
Originally posted by FactsOfLife
Martha Stewart is not an inside trader, she was only on the way to being one.

Now if you people would only read the books on insider trading the way the people who founded it had meant them to be read you all wouldn't be so ignorant.

I'm sorry I just had to....


Now that made me laugh!!

06-07-2003, 09:20 AM
Originally posted by FactsOfLife
Martha Stewart is not an inside trader, she was only on the way to being one.

Now if you people would only read the books on insider trading the way the people who founded it had meant them to be read you all wouldn't be so ignorant.

I'm sorry I just had to....


No! You are completely wrong! Because I say so.;)

06-07-2003, 09:36 AM
O.K. First things first: Cphilip SEEK HELP!!!!!!!!!! I gues she might have been attractive about 30 years ago, when she was just wishing she could dominate k mart.

Second, is anyone's life really going to change if she goes to prison? Like she is really going to get the maxium penalty. But, I guess the one thing that this proves is that no one is above the law.

However, I like Robin William's take on the whole thing: She'll be in on her first day at lunch and hold up her tray and scream, "YOU CALL THIS KIESH?"
I'd pay to see that


06-07-2003, 10:38 AM
Originally posted by breg
O.K. First things first: Cphilip SEEK HELP!!!!!!!!!! I gues she might have been attractive about 30 years ago, when she was just wishing she could dominate k mart.

hehe Well I was attractive 30 years ago! :D

06-07-2003, 10:44 AM
Orignally posted by Cphilip hehe Well I was attractive 30 years ago!

Yeah and I was a cute kid

06-07-2003, 06:23 PM
Here is Martha's side of the story:

Martha talks! (http://www.marthatalks.com)

Maybe CPhil can get some ....um..."correspondence" to Martha through this site?;)


She is waiting for YOUR email Cphil! ;)

06-07-2003, 09:31 PM
Oh my god! I just realized that Phil is right! She is HOT!!!!!;)

Couldn't resist......:D

EDIT: Wait a sec...now that I think about it didn't Phil find some newscaster hot a little while back? Phil is the casanova of voyeurs. :) Where is your loyalty Phil?

06-07-2003, 10:43 PM
Originally posted by aaron_mag
EDIT: Wait a sec...now that I think about it didn't Phil find some newscaster hot a little while back? Phil is the casanova of voyeurs. :) Where is your loyalty Phil?

Any lady who will take candy from him is his type!;) :p