View Full Version : snap shooting

06-05-2003, 09:35 PM
wut r the ways u guys snap shoot im not very comfortable the way i do it right now i wanna try diffrent ways let me know

06-05-2003, 09:39 PM
It all depends on what kind of bunker I'm playing but normally it's up front some I'm snappn' from both knees.

06-05-2003, 09:56 PM
all depends on how high the bunker is.

06-05-2003, 09:57 PM
and if youre not comfortable yet, practice behind a couch or something, looking into a full lenght mirror. It really does work.

06-05-2003, 10:01 PM
I sit with my knees against my chest and pivot out with my waist, but I have never seen anyone else do it that way.

06-05-2003, 10:07 PM
The position of your legs should not make that much difference.

If you are having problems then I propose that you are using your hips too much for the action of returning to a safe position.

The action is best performed with the torso and mid section.

The position of your lower body does affect this and you should practice it from all positions, but snap shooting is a waist up activity.


Good luck, it takes a while, and once you learn it you have to make sure you do it well on both sides.


adam shannon
06-05-2003, 10:10 PM
IMO snap shooting isnt a style measured in stance. no matter how im standing or kneeling or even walking/running. if somebody pops up i double tap 2 center mass.

06-05-2003, 10:14 PM
The best snap-shoot technique is the one that eliminates your opponent and the one taht keeps ya small :D

Seriously tho, you gotta adapt with the situation you in. Thats whats so cool about paintball. Sometimes you have to get uncomfortable. Space frame this, drop forward that, balh blah blah. At the end regardless of how comfortable your setup is, you have to get uncomfortable to make the moves. Just ranting!

06-05-2003, 10:15 PM
yeah it depends what kinda bunker i'm playing in at the moment i snap shoot, i could be laying down or whatever. it all depends


06-05-2003, 11:53 PM
I snap shoot one knee. If I'm shooting more one the right side of the bunker, my right knee is down, and shooting out the left side of a bunker with the left knee down. I like it this way because I have my other leg bent, which gives me more manuverability if I need to move quick. It's more of a safety thing for me though, but it has saved me before. But, really and trully, since there are tons of strange bunkers out there, practice makes perfect.:)

06-06-2003, 12:10 AM
Originally posted by gamarada717
I snap shoot one knee. If I'm shooting more one the right side of the bunker, my right knee is down, and shooting out the left side of a bunker with the left knee down. I like it this way because I have my other leg bent, which gives me more manuverability if I need to move quick. It's more of a safety thing for me though, but it has saved me before. But, really and trully, since there are tons of strange bunkers out there, practice makes perfect.:)

thats how you're supposed to do it according to many paintball articles i have read (from APG and Splat mags)

although i usually have 2 knees down, in the middle of the bunker, so i can pivot out to both sides with ease.

06-06-2003, 01:02 PM
Always check the sources.

Snap shooting is done regardless of your position behind the bunker. It should be executed from any position at most angles.

In a standup can you are shooting with a marker veritcally oriented from a standing position or a kneeling position.

The same is true for the dorito/nacho bunkers.

For the smaller bunkers you may be on one knee (a higher stance), two knees (easier to get lower), or laying down (a snake).

So snap shooting has to be learned from all positions.
