View Full Version : Setup an Intelliframe on a MiniMAG

06-06-2003, 01:46 PM
I have just bought a new Inteliframe for my old MiniMAG.

I replaced the old frame with the Intelli, and couldn´t fire. I could not even move the trigger.

I discovered that the sear was pressing all the time the microswitch, so I had to remove it. Once done everything was ok.

I supose that I will have tu cut a little the lower part of the sear. That part of the sear (as is shown on the on-line store) doesn´t protude downwards of the pin that is used to adjust the trigger. But in my MiniMag it protudes 2 or 3 mm.
¿How many mm I must file of it? ¿Have I to let it just as the sear that can be seen in the on-line store?

Anyway the change in easiness of use and increase of rof is very good. I never thought that there would be so big difference. Thanks AGD for such a good job making this product.

Thanks in advice and sorry for the mistakes, but i´m spanish and I don´t write too many times in English.

06-06-2003, 03:44 PM
yeah i had the same problem, my MM sear had an extra thing on it so i swapped it out with my automag sear n everything is all pretty now

06-06-2003, 04:21 PM
I just went through the same thing. You can buy an new sear through AGD online or any paintball website that sell Airgun products. They are between 8 and 15 US dollars. Or you can cut the rest off as you stated. I would recommend a small belt sander or Dremel.