View Full Version : Flatline Reg

D Bigolow
06-06-2003, 04:46 PM
When I fill my Flatline tank, air fires out the front of the reg in a steady pulse like fashion (sounds like the gun is firing but in short, slighlty muffled burst and the first pressure gauge (gun pressure) bounces back and forth; again similar to when firing. Sometimes air escapes in a small steady stream from the front. I completely emptied the tank, unscrewed the regulator looked at it, added a drop or two of oil, and then out it back together. Now whenever I fill it from a scuba tank air escapes from the output nozzle (LP/Gun) leading to the gun. When I put my mouth to it, I am able to blow air through the input nozzle (HP/Tank) and out the output; and vis-versa. What are some possible explinations and solutions to this problem?