View Full Version : running/playing with warp

06-07-2003, 11:08 AM
yes another warp question. I just bought a warp and put it on my emag, if feals really great and the way i hold my gun i can put the paint out really easy. Now my question is that it feals like its only for turny ball. I love playing rec now and then just to have fun. Can i still do that? i mean it feals like im running around with a big heavy box that loads people up with paint.

do you guys use warps in normal play? where you just run around and have fun with the noobies?

I am a back player and thats the reason i got it but im starting to have doughts. Make me feal better about my buy!!

06-07-2003, 11:23 AM
REmember that playing rec ball is really a state of mind change.

Instead of poping out and launching a nuclear strike like in Tourney play, pop out and take a few well placed shots.

I play rec with my Emag and warp. If your concerned with overshooting people, turn down your bps limiter to sub-10bps. :)

06-07-2003, 11:39 AM
I carry a warp out on my mini. I use it mainly just to keep a lower profile and create a bigger blocker for those games that gun/hopper hits don't count. :)

06-07-2003, 11:48 AM
I run a warp and only play rec and plan to get into scenerio. Played for the first time with it couple weeks ago and dont think I will ever go back, having that blimp gone was nice and gun just felt different to me in a good way. Crawled during a couple games and was laying behind a log and had several people pinned simply cause they couldnt see me at all, hardly had to expose anything while shooting.

06-07-2003, 07:15 PM
Rec or tourney I use my warp. Tourney I use straight e-mode...gotta dump lots of paint. Rec, I use full manual. 1,2,3 shots at a time. It's strictly a lower profile thing.

While running and usually while playing I hold my gun by the warp with my non-trigger hand. It's more comfortable and I can control the bouncing more while shooting.

Using a warp is 100% preference. If u like it keep it, if not sell it here.

my 2 cents.

06-07-2003, 11:54 PM
I dont use a warp. But if you like the feel of the warp don't bother taking it off. I agree with the other people in this thread. Don't fire long 13+ bps shots in rec. It's not fair to the noobs and other people, like me that play rec just to have a fun time. Use restraint but keep the warp.

06-08-2003, 06:57 AM
I play nothing but rec here in japan and i used my warp every game untill the magic smoke that makes electronics work escaped that is (i fried the board and the vib sensor came off)

Der schneipa
06-08-2003, 01:29 PM
Originally posted by BajaBoy
do you guys use warps in normal play? where you just run around and have fun with the noobies?


In normal and tournament games!;)
I love it!:cool:

06-08-2003, 01:37 PM
I always use it when shooting my mag. However, I only use it for what it is supposed to be used for when there are teams there and they are practicing against us Recballers. Then I get nasty because it isn't nice that a team of 7 is using the rest of us (like 12) as target practice.

What I really despise is when there are a bunch of 13-14 year olds playing and a team comes and has the ref set it up so that its me and a few other guys with the 13-14 year olds against the team. I see how its fun for them, because they get lots of targets that don't shoot much. But these teams are normally a bunch of 16-17 year olds trying to show off their angels or cockers.

That has changed a lot since I got the lvl 10 though... or my timmy... When that happens, I load up with whitebox paint (1100 rounds, big 8+1 pack), sit at the back and just dump paint on the other team while trying to coordinate with my more experienced teamates. Hey, better practice for the other guys, because they loose half the time :D

But back to your question, unless they are shooting paint at you where you are at a disadvantage, don't shoot long strings of paint to show it off. You will just come off as a cocky rich bastard.

06-08-2003, 03:15 PM
I'm a MAG player since 1994. I love the feel of the mag and its reliability. I recently(this spring) placed a WARP on my beast. I will find it very hard to ever take off again. The feel is perfect the warp actually helps steady the Mini or my new X-mag. I'm not a tourney player!! I play rec. As above, when in rec setting look to increase your accuracy and fire control. Know that when the S**t hits the fan in a rec game, ie.. you the last man standing, that you can have the comfort of knowing you could dump your hopper w/warp combo in your defense. It is completely you preference but if you get into scenario I would think you would want that speed for firepower when jumped by an opposing squad. My 2 cents. Enjoy :D :D

06-08-2003, 03:33 PM
Originally posted by TreeFarm I run a warp and only play rec and plan to get into scenerio. Played for the first time with it couple weeks ago and dont think I will ever go back, having that blimp gone was nice and gun just felt different to me in a good way. Crawled during a couple games and was laying behind a log and had several people pinned simply cause they couldnt see me at all, hardly had to expose anything while shooting.

I must say, seeing a Warp on your VM-68 is possibly the funniest thing I've ever seen! I just wish I would have gotten pics of it!

Anyhoo... I too use a warp on my Mag, and I have never played a tourney. They do come in handy for rec games, especially when you play against 90% of tippmanns... I get more stares at my gun then anything.

06-08-2003, 10:42 PM
I love the stares. People constatnly asking what the warp is, and what it does. Mostly they ask how much it cost, and if I like it or not. I can't wait to show up this year with my E-Mag and warp. That will get ALOT of stares. Last season though, when people heard me shoot, they ask, "what gun is that?", and when they see me after a game, they are like "a mag?!?"

06-09-2003, 10:42 AM
Once you go warp you'll never go back!:D
I'm addicted to my warp (warp junky); newbs wet their pants when they see one on a marker, especially mine!...muahahahahahahahahahaha

Upgrade your grey matter 'cause 1 day it may matter!!!