View Full Version : revy or ak hoppers??

mag hugger
06-07-2003, 03:39 PM
hey im woundering what every ones thoughts are on electronic hoppers which should i get an ak richochet or a 12V revy w/xboard? ive heard that the revy can break balls because of the paddles bein hard is this true? money is not a care between the two thx :D

06-07-2003, 03:54 PM
i doubt any revy's out there have paddles tough/fast enough to break a ball in the hopper unless theres something wrong with the paint.

I DO know however today while playing i was walking on to the field and all of a sudden my hopper falls off. Turns out my 12 volt revy w/xboard feed tube broke off in my ULE body. Makes me mad...i took VERY good care of it, never hit it on anything...it just fell from the vibration of me walking.

try one of the new y-board evo's. friend has one they are pretty nice so far

mag hugger
06-07-2003, 04:02 PM
any other thoughts? anyone?

06-07-2003, 04:11 PM
if money isnt an issue try a halo or eggo. never tried either but those are most commonly used and alot of people really like them

06-07-2003, 04:12 PM
yes, i was wondering the same thing, ive been trying to decide if should buy the ak richochet or the revy with x board i was wondering if anybody had any input on the richochet as i have yet to hear much about it.

06-07-2003, 04:18 PM
As an owner of a 12vt, eggo II, halo b, and rico, go for the halo, however, if money is an issue, get the egg. For the money the egg is the best on the market. However I am lucky, and money wasnt an issue, so out came a halo b! :D

06-07-2003, 04:29 PM
I think the 12v Xboard Revy does a better job feeding paintballs than the Rico AK (I have seen both in action close up a lot). The rico shells feel more flimsy, but there have been no actual problems. The 12v shells feel really strong, but they HAVE been having problems recently with them breaking. Although they are both fine, I personally have not had any problems with my shell and its the "breakable" kind, just go for the one you like more. Some will tell you to go Rico to be safe though

There would have to be something seriously wrong with the paintballs for them to break because of the paddles. The most brittle tournament paint works fine with the paddles.

06-07-2003, 07:04 PM
I just ordered a ricochet AK for my birthday because of all the nice things people said about the Brittle revy shells.

Obviously if money is a concern HALO B and revy shells are not the answer. BE does not seem to be fixing the problem.

Everyone says that the Ricochets look kool. Id really like the 2k0 but its out of my price range. Obviously when moneys tight $10 matters.

goto http://PBreview.com and look

Ricochet got 9 out of 10 and Revy got 7. What does that tell you?

06-07-2003, 07:13 PM
the only bad thing i found with ricochet's is that when u use a cocker and chop the paint from the chop will go up in the hopper and stuff. but ricochet has great customer service i broke my shell (my fault) and the sent me one nut it was the 2k not eh ak so i calle dthem back and tehy sent a second oen for free.

06-07-2003, 07:46 PM
if the paint from a chop goes up into the feed tube it isn't the hopper's fault, its the gun's

06-07-2003, 08:36 PM
A warp feed might fix that since its force feed. It should help prevent chops.


06-07-2003, 10:47 PM
I have an AK its very nice but I haven't tried anything else, my brothers got a 2K, he likes it.

06-07-2003, 10:53 PM
I just ordered a Richocet AK for my RT Pro let u now how it works. The reason why I bought one was because i've had many bad experiances with revy's, they all broke because of the shell, and my friends have had bad experiances with them.

06-08-2003, 01:44 AM
i read elsewhere on here that if you have a broken revvy shell they'll replace it for free...
apparently they had a run of bad plastic or something lately

although i'm not formally endorsing the idea...
the odessey tsa is out...
i think i seen it online for $60...
it's apparently like a revvy only better
the wheel spins in the opposite direction that you tilt your gun so balls are always being pushed into the feedneck
and it's sound activated like a rico

06-08-2003, 04:50 AM
Ricos are NOT sound activated. You're thinking or the Reloader.

Rev's breaking "recently": I broke 3 last year and it sounds like ppl are still breaking them. Dosen't sound like BE has changed any quality control issues.

06-08-2003, 06:48 AM
i've never had a problem with my ricochet. it's also sealed a little better then the revi's are, so if you play a game in the rain, all the revis on the feild will be shorting out, but the "sea trials" of my mag we in the POURING rain, and my rico never failed. one thing to watch out for on a rico, is that the design does work sometimes for bounces, but 1 time when i caught a bounce, it bounced it right on my lenses. but this has happened once in a year of using it. their costomer service is great, i emailed them saying that mine wasn't feeding up to par, it seemed like it would not read a ball or 2, causeing it to not feed. they sent me a new sensor for free. they also sent me a new motor for free becuase i asked if there was a way to quiet it down, and in both cases i recieved them in 2 days (they're based out of Arizona, i'm in NY)

06-08-2003, 09:48 AM
Originally posted by Star_Base_CGI
I just ordered a ricochet AK for my birthday because of all the nice things people said about the Brittle revy shells.

Obviously if money is a concern HALO B and revy shells are not the answer. BE does not seem to be fixing the problem.

Everyone says that the Ricochets look kool. Id really like the 2k0 but its out of my price range. Obviously when moneys tight $10 matters.

goto http://PBreview.com and look

Ricochet got 9 out of 10 and Revy got 7. What does that tell you?

starbase- the ak and 2k are the same, besides the fact that the 2k has a timer and a shot counter (not a must)and it also has no window.(i have one myself)

the ak has no shot counter or timer but again you dont need them. but it does have a little window in the side to check your paint and is 10-15 bucks cheaper. really, i think the ak is a beter buy. i got the 2k in trade or i wouldve bought an ak.

06-08-2003, 01:32 PM
Originally posted by Halliday
Ricos are NOT sound activated. You're thinking or the Reloader.

Rev's breaking "recently": I broke 3 last year and it sounds like ppl are still breaking them. Dosen't sound like BE has changed any quality control issues.

i stand corrected...

when i say recently i meant within the last year...
my revvy body is about 3 years old and is solid as a rock

i have to second what thejester said about revvies and rain...
the board gets wet and it decides to run all the time and the low battery light comes on even when the rev is switched off...
it's fine when it dries luckily...

06-08-2003, 05:51 PM
I've played with an Halo, Revi and the AK, and in my oppinion the AK is the BEST for the money. I've had NO feed problems except when the first stack is loading into the gun(the feed neck doesn't want to feed at first but fixes once a stack has been loaded). The AK is STRONG and will NOT break, plus, it actually has deflected a few shots, but had 2 break on the VERY tip where its not rounded. ALl in all i say the AK is an awesome deal, the 2k has all the LCD ball counting crap that will just waste battery and not be of any use.

06-08-2003, 06:47 PM
One thing that has not be mentioned... the Rico only uses 1 battery. I had one and it was nice. I have a Revi now..wish I had the Rico back! I think I may get a Evo II though...a little faster for just a little more money. You can get the new style AK on ebay for $48.

06-08-2003, 07:01 PM
I have a rico with the screen in the back, cant remember non-ak. Its freaking great. I think its faster than a VL and I use only 1 9v. I am also using a very early board v 1.0.

only thing that sux is when you are really throwing paint the counter isnt very accurate and has trouble counting balls. The other negative is that it is a 145-150rnd hopper.

I love mine and would never go back to a revy.


06-08-2003, 07:09 PM
You have the 2K. I had one but did not have it long....wish I had it back.....The only difference is the LCD screen on one and the side window on the other.
You could hook it up to your Intelli frame...but the way it works it may not be necessary.