View Full Version : A day of Paintball (pics)

Frank (the spank)
06-07-2003, 10:22 PM
Just got back from playing a day of paintball at a new local field.

Whew.. my feet have blisters.. I did a lot of running. This was a speedball and urban field, I had a blast!

No pictures of me since I was taking them, but here are a few of the game I sat out. (hey my feetsies were sore, lol)

My buddy Josh


Great pic, eh? notice the cocking block all the way back, caught him in mid shot :)

This was this guys first time ever playing paintball, had a rental spyder and he made a mad dash and bunkered a guy, lol

Field is Valley Thunder Paintball in Galt California, between Stockton and Sacramento, off of Arno Rd. from hwy 99. great field ran by a great guy, the owner is an old school player and shoots his 10 year old Automag which is still at level 6 with the removable power tube and it's still going strong. He won't upgrade anything because he says it works perfect, and he's really good with it. One day I'll get a picture of it.

06-07-2003, 10:28 PM
Looks like fun, i just played on thursday with some people I know, they have their own $4000 sup air field /w a snake and the works, it was very fun. And its here in Montana.