View Full Version : Building a paintball field, and some quesitons?

06-08-2003, 01:39 PM
I am in the process of creating a non-commercial paintball field. Possibly in the future going commercial. I have 300 acres of mixed wood and prairie
Some questions for everyone:

1. Would a you prefer a technical field with designed cross fire and cover, or randomly placed cover?

2. Leave the field natural and let the players find their own cover?

3. What makes a field challenging?

4. What makes a game "fun"?

5. Why would you return to a paintball field?

6. What characteristics would a field need to cause you to drive 1-2 hours?

7. What do you like least about fields / games?

Please email me with suggestions jhensche@hotmail.com
as I don't get to read this post as often as I should.

06-08-2003, 01:55 PM
1. Would a you prefer a technical field with designed cross fire and cover, or randomly placed cover?

You need at least one speedball/air field for serious players

2. Leave the field natural and let the players find their own cover?

Sorry to say, but woodsball is on the decline for competitive play

3. What makes a field challenging?

Long runs between barriers that require a team to work together in order to get people from bunker to bunker.

4. What makes a game "fun"?

The people, that includes the refs and players

5. Why would you return to a paintball field?

Non-expensive, helps if it is Bring your own paint and has a fill station!

6. What characteristics would a field need to cause you to drive 1-2 hours?

Fill station with reasonable prices
Reasonable paint prices
good competition

7. What do you like least about fields / games?

The main thing for me is the cost. The only other complaint that I have is that sometimes refs can become lazy, but if you pay well and have the refs respect you, things normally go well and replacing problem refs shouldn't be a problem.