View Full Version : Fanning/Walking

06-08-2003, 02:27 PM
I've heard a lot about fanning/walking triggers and I think I have an idea but I wanna be sure. Is there a difference between fanning and walking. Also does anyone have a pic, drawing, vid, VERY detailed explanation on how to do it? I was just curious...and ignorant...heh...thanks

06-08-2003, 02:55 PM
Fanning or walking the trigger, as far as I know, is where when one shoots with a double triger, they fire by placing both fingers on the trigger, then depressing the trigger with one finger, and when the trigger itself moves back into it's original position, from firing the marker, the other finger depresses it. It's most common when shooting electros. Hell, I dunno. Anyone else wanna help out?

06-08-2003, 02:55 PM
here are my explanations to the best of my knowledge:

Fanning: Fan yourself with your hand. now take one/two finger/s, and do that on the trigger. There ya go, fanning.

Walking: Pretend your two fingers are legs and have them walk across your computer desk or whatever. not take them and hold them in fromt of the trigger. On an Electro, you get a quite high rate of fire by tapping with each finger at different times, since the electro is quite sensitive, this is easily achieved, wheras you cannot do this on a fully mechanical gun

06-08-2003, 03:12 PM
Originally posted by shinobidice
...Walking... you cannot do this on a fully mechanical gun

Yes yopu can... Ask CDawg. He does it with his I-framed Mag.:cool:

06-08-2003, 03:42 PM
fanning: take your index, or middle finger, hold it horizontal to the trigger, inbetween it and the guard. move your finger back and forth between the trigger and guard in a "fanning motion"




walking: take your index and middle finger, hold them horizontal to the trigger. with your index finger, tap the trigger, release, and as you release, bring your middle finger in and tap the trigger again, repeat this process and its called "walking" (this is most commonly done on electros, the only mech i have ever seen walked in person was toms chord ULE trigger mag.)



please excuse the quality of these vids. they were taken on my fuji digital camera.

06-08-2003, 03:49 PM
Your camera makes avis? Mine makes MPGs. Or did you convert themto avi?

06-08-2003, 04:01 PM
nope, mine makes them as AVI's