View Full Version : reloader or TSA

06-09-2003, 12:06 AM

i'm in the market for a new hopper. and wondering opinions. while i've had GREAT luck with my old revy, recent comments on them have sacred me from getting a new one. reports of weak feed necks and such.

i've narrowed it down to the 2 least common feeders out there. the empire reloader and the halo TSA.

i can't afford/justify a halo b, AK's i just find too ugly, too loud and just not for me. the egg2, still owned by BE, and of course, ugly.

sooooo, that leaves me with few options. what's the AO opinion?


06-09-2003, 12:10 AM
The tsa sounds a lot cooler than the reloader IMO. I guess I could be biased since I want a tsa...

06-09-2003, 08:45 AM
I say TSA, number one reason? Because its backed by odyssey paintball. They have the best, most hopefull, and fast staff in the paintball business. If there is a problem, they will fix it, and fix it fast. I sent my halo in and they sent it back the same day they got it. As for different, if you want different get the TSA, the other looks just like a revvy, and will perform no better than one to boot.

06-09-2003, 09:57 AM
tsa! its more purdy and odyssey has GREAT customer support!

06-09-2003, 10:03 AM
well if your revvy is pre BE i would stick with that. but out of those two i say TSA