View Full Version : Magnetic Triggers

06-10-2003, 01:22 PM
I was having a small conversation with my cousin just a few minutes ago. We got into the discussion of why some players don't like electronic frames that uses magnets...why? He came back with another question: What's the first thing magnets pick up when you slide around in dirt?

I guess his point was, with some of the metallic materials in the sand, it can affect the overall performance of the magnetic trigger if there are things getting in between normal operation.

I just recently bought a used Emag and have yet to go out and play with it. My question to all the Emag owners are, have you had any problems with picking up metallic particles and it blotching up trigger operations?

06-10-2003, 02:37 PM
don't think that is a real big issue with emag owners

I had no trouble with mine when I had it.

06-10-2003, 02:40 PM
uh, unless there is iron filings in your dirt, it should be fine...

ONLY iron is magnetic, so only ferrous substances would affect it (and even then, there is very little chance that it would do anything...).

06-10-2003, 03:40 PM
Iron is NOT the only magnetic element, Cobalt is also magnetic, there are also a few others as well, which i'll list when i remember them.

06-10-2003, 04:06 PM
well unless you slide with the triger pulled there isnt a problem.

the only exposed magnet is on the top of the trigger, and only exposed to the world when the trigger is pulled.

other wise it is press up aginst the trigger frame.

hope it helps.

p.s. good to hear you got an emag. tired of TDS having a better gun then you ?

06-10-2003, 04:24 PM
yeah, well....

iron is the only one your going to have stick to your gun in any sort of quantity.

06-10-2003, 04:41 PM
Originally posted by datapimp69
well unless you slide with the triger pulled there isnt a problem.

the only exposed magnet is on the top of the trigger, and only exposed to the world when the trigger is pulled.

other wise it is press up aginst the trigger frame.

hope it helps.

p.s. good to hear you got an emag. tired of TDS having a better gun then you ?
LOLOL!!! Well, my mini was right up there with her RTP. :) But I guess having gotten her RTP from the man himself helps a little.

But yeah, I'm happy I got the emag...I just can't wait to go out and play with it.

06-11-2003, 10:32 AM
well, the pull is different between springs and magnets... I've found that magnets give you a little bit more of a "snappy" pull and springs have more constant pressure.

06-11-2003, 10:42 AM
Yeah, after dry firing mine a few times, I must admit I like the feel of the emag's trigger myself.

/me waits for the day I can finally go play again!

06-13-2003, 08:47 AM
You would have to have quite a bit of ferrous metal on the magnet to affect the properties of the magnet. I doubt you would get that unless you lid into a pile of metal filings.

The magnetic trigger is a great way to return the trigger and to fire the gun. Because it involves no physical contact or mechanical parts, it is more reliable than a switch.

06-13-2003, 12:41 PM
Yeah..this conversation came up when we were discussing his plans to upgrade his cocker, eblade or racegun. He mentioned that a lot of eblade users had problems with stuff getting in between the trigger mechanics because of the exposed magnet. Eblade owners, is this true?

I was wondering if this applied to the emag's trigger as well. Besides, I haven't come across a thread with regards to the emag having this problem but I just wanted to see if anyone even noticed.

Thanks guys for the replies! :)

Evil Bob
06-13-2003, 01:43 PM
Sounds to me like he is expecting the metal filings to actually get in the way of the trigger movement, he seems to be thinking that it might be possible to get enough in there that the trigger can't get close enough to the HES to trip the firing circuit.

The distance from the HES is sufficient enough that even if you completely covered the trigger magnet with metal filings, it will still fire, there is enough of a gap there that the filings won't pose any threat to movement.

-Evil Bob

06-13-2003, 04:18 PM
Well, I just got back from the paintball store a few minutes ago. Was able to check out the eblade and asked the store owner how it worked. The magnet on the eblade was exposed and it's only used to return the trigger back.

I saw how much space was between the magnet and the top of the trigger and it wasn't that much space. I can see why some cockers had some concerns about getting stuff in between the trigger and magnet. I believe it still uses a switch to trigger the firing circuit. But those were my brief observations. I can't say I'm a guru with cockers so I can't really comment too heavily on em.