View Full Version : Flatline Reg Problems

D Bigolow
06-12-2003, 10:54 AM
When filling my Flatline tank, air fires out the front of the reg in a steady pulse like fashion (similar to the sound of the gun is firing but in short, slighlty muffled burst and the first pressure gauge (gun pressure) bounces back and forth; again similar to when firing. Sometimes air also escapes in a small steady stream from the front. I completely emptied the tank, unscrewed the regulator looked at it, added a drop or two of oil, and then put it back together. Now whenever I fill it from a scuba tank air escapes from the output nozzle (LP/Gun) leading to the gun. When I put my mouth to it, I am able to blow air through the input nozzle (HP/Tank) and out the output; and visa-versa. What are some possible explinations and solutions to this problem?

06-12-2003, 09:28 PM
when it was being filled... it filled too fast... too much pressure prolly caused the one little oring on the nipple to fall out of place and it prbably got pinched... that happened to my tank.. it was $4 to fix.

D Bigolow
06-13-2003, 10:49 AM
Would AGD or a local scuba shop fix it for me?

06-13-2003, 06:32 PM
AGD will take care of it. Call them up and get an RA number.