View Full Version : Halo or egg?

06-12-2003, 01:11 PM
I think i remember see here one was better for a taller stack and one was better for a shorter stack. Is that right? What would work better with a powerfeed? I have a revy now and looking to up grade.

I did try to search but I didn't find anything


06-12-2003, 01:34 PM
the halos feed fast with a shorter stack, that swhy AGD came out with the no rise body.

HALOs are like 1 or 2 more balls faster than a yboard egg2 i believe. and also about 20 dollars more.
personally, i like how the egg screams when your almost out of paint(the motor is loud when no paint is in there in other words)

i haven't played a game with a halo so i'm not sure how theyu perform, but i did throw my friends on my warp and shot as fast i could, kept up nicely, not a single chop(16v mod to warp), i would chop with a revy on it tho.

i like how the egg2 sit on verticle feed funs, but dont like how it sits on a warp.

well, thats all i can give.

06-12-2003, 02:03 PM
First of all, try searching..

I love my Egg, not as fast as the Halo, but at 18ish BPS it really doesn't matter. It's lighter, but some thing it looks awkward. Hold more balls than the halo too, I believe.

06-12-2003, 02:04 PM
Last sunday i played with both on my no rise. I loved the halo, it worked great the whole time i was able to use it. I hated the eggo. I constantly outshot it, i'm just glad i have LX.

As far as useing them on a powerfeed mag, i couldn't say. I'm sure the profile of each would be huge though.

06-12-2003, 02:07 PM
You want an egg. The halo weighs more, and the weight of the hopper being far off to one side would tip the gun to the hopperside, and make your arms do more work to keep it steady. If you can outshoot 19BPS, and not 22 BPS it would be odd... Not that anyone can shoot that fast. I old my Halo and got the egg2 yboard.

06-12-2003, 02:32 PM
Originally posted by -Carnifex-
First of all, try searching..

he did.

06-12-2003, 02:42 PM
personaly the only gun ide put an egg on is a timmy(do to haveing the feed tube fo far foward). From what i have seen of them i would take a halo anyday, and well thats what i did.

and and for the people crappin about the weight, i have no clue what they are talking about. yes on the scale there is a diffrence but when your playing theres none.

Frank (the spank)
06-12-2003, 02:53 PM
Halo is heavy, but with the tank it is very balanced. The egg sits really far back so all the weight is to the back of the gun. At least on my ULE E-Mag..

Performance, the Halo rocks. I am kinda disapointed because I really wanna use my lvl X bolt but with the Halo I rip streams of shots and I never hear that "psshh" of the lvl X, the Halo is FAST. Force feeding Halo along with the lvl X that doesn't bobble the stack of balls upward and you have a very reliable feeding system. I always like to impress my friends when I hold my E-Mag upside down and rip 5 or so shots, hehe

06-12-2003, 04:30 PM
i have an egg and i think its amazing. Personally i dont think the halo is that heavy though but if you think it is, the egg is lighter. But i think non y-board eggs are like 70$ as apposed to the halos 100 something dollars but anyways an regualr egg shoots 17 bps.but if you can outshoot that then get the halo. Your preference

06-12-2003, 05:19 PM
Am I the only one who doesnt find the halo heavy? I mean, its heaviER, but its like a nickel is heavier than a penny, it doesnt really matter. At least to me, but I have 7-9 pound mag (but that doesnt bother me at all either! I dont see all the hoot about light guns anyways, besides being a nice feature I dont see why people obsess. Do you REALLY get tired after a day of holding a 9 pound gun? )

No sKiLLz
06-12-2003, 05:28 PM
Got both, sold the egg

I have an NYX Trix and the Egg would choke once in a while. God bless the ACE in my marker, cuz my friend with a speed angel and other friend with a classic mag blends paint with the egg once in a while. It's not a bad hopper, but halo has no bobble, feeds at any angle, and as far as weight goes, the only thing that makes it heavy is that damn 6 AA battery pack. NP. Just use the energizer lithium batteries (which Ed from Odyssey recommends anyways) and it will be light as two 9 volts and supposedly last for 40,000 rounds (20 cases).

Or do what I did. Run the power cable out the bottom of the halo and strap a pager pouch to the bottom (or top) of your airtank for the batteries to sit in and the balance is significantly inpmroved. I'll see if I can post a pic of my rigging soon.

06-12-2003, 06:55 PM
Speed isn't much of a problem because they are both realy fast, but if you want to make sure you will never outshoot it get a halo, but on a power feed the weight will be a problem, as previously stated. Realy is just your choise.

06-12-2003, 07:08 PM
He didn't try hard enough, there have been a few of these threads, anyway, it doesn't matter.

06-12-2003, 09:17 PM
Originally posted by -Carnifex-
He didn't try hard enough, there have been a few of these threads, anyway, it doesn't matter.
sooo... stop makin a stink about it... :confused:

I have a HALO, and love it to death... I don't think anybody would ever be able to outshoot it, and the weight really isn't an issue at all for me. Plus I personally can't stand how an eggo looks.

06-12-2003, 11:07 PM
go with the egg. i had a halo........and well i didnt like it much. i had problems with mine and my friends have had problems with theirs. the egg is cheaper and you probably wont be able to outshoot it

06-12-2003, 11:12 PM
Thanks for all of the responces, execpt for a couple about the search:p .

I just ordered and should be recieving my xvalve and intelli frame. Those things considered which would work better with the power feed? How many people really out shoot the egg? Weight really isn't much of a consern for me.

Also I've saw someone sell a rechargeable battery pack for the halo, is there anything like this for the egg?

Thanks again for everyones' responces.

06-12-2003, 11:40 PM
rechargable 9volts can be easily purchased at your local Radio Shack....you know how we do......wait that isnt radio shack's slogan..............hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

06-13-2003, 12:29 AM
I personally dont have any experience with a Halo, but i've owned my Evo 2 for a while now. I'v never outshot my egg with my cocker (i own a mag too) even when i'm shooting my cocker wicked fast..one day I tried to outshoot it...and I couldn't. I have the push-button type (i dont know if it's a y-board) I guess I have the older type..anyways..the Halo is a little bit heavier then an egg..the Egg looks a LOT nicer then a Halo (in my opinion). The egg does sit pretty damn high on my p/f mag though, and kinda has a weird look too. So in the end..I think you should go with an egg..It's much cheaper, (bought mine for $80..as opposed to $130 or so), lighter and looks better and i doubt you will ever outshoot it with your mag as long it's not a no-rise. (If you turn it no-rise, get a halo):D I hope I helped you out a bit.
-Ryan F.

(jeez im tired..had to edit this twice now.....)

06-13-2003, 06:44 AM
Have the egg II and love it never used the halo so I can't say anything about it. The only thing I will say about the egg is if you get it don't be that guy that complains about out shooting the egg because he has the speed adjustment set to 4 bps instead 19 bps.

06-13-2003, 10:35 AM
I have an egg on my x-valved micromag and I love it. I cut the feed tube down on the eggy so it sits lower on the gun, ball bobble isn't a problem because I've got a powerfeed on my mag. Feeds fast enough, I'm not shooting an electro so usually I can't break 15bps. If you're shooting a powerfeed marker then you don't need the Halo's force feeding, and I got my egg on ebay for $58 as opposed to paying $105-125 for a used halo on auction.

06-13-2003, 11:43 AM
I run on egg2 with Y-board on my right feed cocker and Love it. Its so cute and round.:) The lid is a bit of a pain, I miss loading my old revy vs the egg but that is the only problem. But in the eggs defence, since the lid is spring loaded you never have to worry if its colsed enough like you did with revies.

I have no experience with a halo on my gun, but I have two friends that use them. One works great the other doesn't. Both are Halo Bs.

I like my egg so much I just bought a second (well.. ok I just bought an egg 1) for my nanococker.

No sKiLLz
06-13-2003, 02:14 PM
Give me a break. I see one, and only one, advantage to getting an egg. Saving a couple of bucks. If you're poor, your marker probably doesn't shoot fast and a nice revvy will probably be just as good as the egg for ya, but cheaper. If you play a lot, have a nice marker, and can't afford to skip a shot because your marker was tilted a bit while there were just a few balls left in you hopper, PAY THE EXTRA MONEY!!!:D

(and if you have never skipped a shot running an egg with only a few balls in it, you're probably not bunkering anyone)

06-13-2003, 02:19 PM
If you read what he's written, you'll notice he's shooting a mechanical mag. Doubtful he can hit over 15 bps on an RT trigger (what, a 3lb pull?), and if he can I bet his girlfriend is really happy :eek:

Also, while the egg doesn't force-feed the paint it's actually quite difficult to get back in to the hopper once it's in the neck, at least on mine.

If he were shooting a GZ Timmy, Angel, E-Mag, etc. I'd reccomend a Halo, but it's just not worth the extra 50 bucks for HIM, imo.

06-13-2003, 03:22 PM
Again thanks so much for everyones input!!

I think I'm going to go with the Egg. Where can I get the best price on one? Does anyone have a picture of an egg on a power-feed?

P.S. thejesus my girlfriend is VERY happy;)

06-13-2003, 03:27 PM
You guys realize a Halo B Black new costs $110 shipped

No sKiLLz
06-13-2003, 04:29 PM
I think at Costco you can pick up 3 dozen eggs for 8 bucks.

06-13-2003, 04:45 PM
I love Costco:D .....if you go onto the *Official Mag pic* thread..you can find a pic of one...and only buy an egg if it is around $80..i just say this because iv seen them go for $100...

06-13-2003, 09:55 PM
(and if you have never skipped a shot running an egg with only a few balls in it, you're probably not bunkering anyone)

wow.. I wonder what I did lastr week with my egged cocker.... or what do I do when I come over the top of a bunker with with my PGP.. theres no halo... so I can't be bunkering

No sKiLLz
06-16-2003, 01:32 PM
wow.. I wonder what I did lastr week with my egged cocker.... or what do I do when I come over the top of a bunker with with my PGP.. theres no halo... so I can't be bunkering

(sigh) Let me rephrase. If you have never experienced an empty breech with any type of loader that isn't force feeding (i.e. Halo or Warp Drive) because the marker was tilted sideways, than you most likely haven't put yourself often enough in a situation where your hopper is low on paint, and tilted sideways while you were firing (a good example of this type of situation would be bunkering).

But you know what? Get the Egg. In fact, everybody, get an egg. If you have a Halo, throw it in the trash, because no one will buy it, and then go get an egg. :rolleyes: