View Full Version : IntelliFeed help with Warp and Hoppers - Rob?

08-15-2001, 01:02 AM
I've been searching around for the last 2 hours, i need some help. First off, I need the names of the parts I need to do many things, I'm going on a shopping spree to Radioshack. I also need the information on how to do these. I wanna set up my gun to the max for a local touriment coming up in a month or so.

I want to run my Warp at 12v or 9v parralell, I have pictures but could use an explination.

I want to intellifeed my hopper with my warp feed, mainly need explination on how if possible

I want to intellifeed my warp with my trigger frame based on the new sear movement (mainly I need to know the parts an an explination with the phone jack for when I get my new AGD Intelliframe).

I also want to run an on/off switch in my warp, a link to that post (I couldn't find one with pics and/or a detailed explination on how to set it up).

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thats my current project for my gun, PLEASE HELP. Thanks guys, oh and links are good enough for me, but i've been searching for the last 2hours on a hasty 56k and havent found much of anything... =o(

[email protected]
MAG CENTRAL (http://www.magcentral.org)

Ever felt like picking up a knife and stabbing yourself, just to see what it'd feel like? Welcome to my world.

08-15-2001, 01:34 PM
up up up and away

[email protected]
MAG CENTRAL (http://www.magcentral.org)

Ever felt like picking up a knife and stabbing yourself, just to see what it'd feel like? Welcome to my world.

08-15-2001, 02:22 PM
Lets not forget about those kits too! http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif

08-15-2001, 02:25 PM
I would also like to know how to do this with an emag. I know that there is connector cable to go fromthe board to the warp. Is that free? Next I would like plans for the intelli wiring to make my revvy spin when my warp does. thanks.

08-15-2001, 03:09 PM
Sorry Chaos, you of all people know this belongs in Tech Forum! http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif

08-15-2001, 04:26 PM

call AGD and they'll hook you up. A Tech by the name of Jon was very helpful to me. Give it a shot.


08-16-2001, 02:03 AM
UP! (sorry about the multiple threads, when Army locked it I checked and didn't see it here so i thought he forgot to move it, I dunno why he didn't delete the one in the main forum, but thats why I posted it again)

[email protected]
MAG CENTRAL (http://www.magcentral.org)

Ever felt like picking up a knife and stabbing yourself, just to see what it'd feel like? Welcome to my world.

08-16-2001, 10:53 AM
Ok first off get a pack of 9v snaps ( not the HD version as they are too thick )

Get some 60/40 solder

Get some Fluxing Resin

Get a switch ( I dont recal teh one I used but its a stock RS one )

get some 24 or 28 gauge wire

get a good temp controled soldring iron and the book Soldering for the Idiot http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif

Get a good set of wire cutters / strippers

Get some Heat Shrink tubing

Cut up some wire strip a bit off the end and pratice making joins.

Ok I threw this together tonight. Sorry for the crappy html but y web del box is ill.

Revy Emag Hack (http://www.RobAGD.com/revy-hack/)

Wapred Revy (http://www.RobAGD.com/warped-revy/)

Try that out sorry it's so *** ugly :/ My web content box is dead atm.


08-16-2001, 06:54 PM
Thanks Rob! So let me get this right, from your setup you're running the warp internals inside the Rev and that controls the warp and the rev. Then your battery power is from the Emag power.

So I think I have what I want in mind:

2 9v's inside the warp running parrallel with an on/off switch, with intellifeed to the rev from the warp, all connected to the rollerswitch thingy inside my intelliframe. Is this possible and will it be efficient?

[email protected]
MAG CENTRAL (http://www.magcentral.org)

Ever felt like picking up a knife and stabbing yourself, just to see what it'd feel like? Welcome to my world.

08-16-2001, 10:31 PM
No idea on the inteliframe if that will work. Since I havent had to mess with one yet havent played with the grounding or - leg of the Warp.

Do some test for your self I think it work out that you will need to run one ( the Warp ) in the - then the revys warp @ + like if it has an external power source switch like a noid or something.

Try it out with a multi meter first and test dude...


08-19-2001, 08:20 PM
After hooking it up and trying to run the warp on 12v, has anyone had a problem with the warp just spinning and spinning. I've just finished it and can't seem to figure out what's wrong. I've played around with the jumpers and sensitivity but no dice. Could someone who has done this give me some help?


08-23-2001, 05:59 PM
Just finished the mod to have the revvy use the E-Mag battery and it works great! Thanks Rob!

08-23-2001, 06:16 PM
rob- that poor revvy.... you really chopped that thing up

08-23-2001, 09:08 PM
I did it too, works like a charm. Pretty simple to do. Has anyone heard of this mod frying either the Rev or Emag board? It doesn't seem like it should as long as it is grounded well.

09-08-2001, 04:51 AM
this thread is going historic in a couple weeks.


09-15-2001, 10:48 AM
Check it out
This is the post My team Mate set up on the work he done and he has done wot you are asking about maybe if U mail him he will tell U how to do the Job.

09-23-2001, 05:27 PM
I just got my warp today and took the 9v Connector I was running my Revvy with and hooked it up to the warp. I had a replica of donggie's experience, my warp would just spin and spin. What are the correct jumper settings for it to work correctly? Also, has anyone ran their warp and revvy off the E-Mag battery at the same time? Thanks.

09-28-2001, 06:14 PM
It's not the jumpers that have the problem. You'll have to use the interlink cable and be damn careful where you plug it into the emag. My board FRIED. Good thing AGD is as he is and they helped me out... ALOT! So I ended up staying with the two 9 volts in parallel but I don't think I'm gonna try to get her up to 12 volts again. Too much can go wrong and the board doesn't like the extra voltage. I used a 12 v dc regulator. If someone does find a way to do it SAFELY, I'd really love to hear about it.

[email protected]

09-29-2001, 12:25 AM
donggie - Ask Bad Dave on my chat http://www.btinternet.com/~ben.reed2
he has done all the things that you are trying and they work very well.
MadTommy - Enigma UK

Bad Dave
09-29-2001, 03:41 AM
If u want to rig up more than a 9v battery i would recommend getting a rechargeable pack off of john sosta, agd europe. Alternatively u could build your own, u need a nickel metal hydride pack.(rechargeable) the one i have puts out 10.8 volts.
try [email protected]
John might have some helpful suggestions for u.

09-29-2001, 09:20 AM
You guys are the best! I've emailed him and am hoping for a response. If anyone could detail here or in an email to me how you did your mod, I'd greatly appreciate it. Where do you put the battery if you use a rechargeable one? Anyway, my email is [email protected].

Thanks again,


Maxd Out
09-29-2001, 09:26 PM
Warp circuit boards are available directly from AGD for $35. Just incase you want to turn your revvy into a warp revvy like RobAGD describes. E mail the office for more information.

Bad Dave
09-30-2001, 11:19 AM
There is a picture of them on the airgun uk website, under the online shop.

To me it looks like three layers of cells have been wrapped together and then a 9v adapter is stuck on the top of it all.

Here is the really cool thing, it fits in the warps battery compartment perfectly, like two 9v batteries sandwiched togehter do.

I know john visits these boards he should be able to detail how to do it in detail or possibly sort u out with one?

09-30-2001, 11:32 AM
Can't seem to find the page within the site where the picture your reference is. Thanks,


Bad Dave
09-30-2001, 11:44 AM

underneath the warp feeds

09-30-2001, 02:01 PM
Hi guys because we like to try and help MAG GUYS out as much as we can drop us a line on our message board. We use it for our team BUT I have put a Auto MAG Q & A in there so use it guys because we might not see things on here to help out plus it helps us on our gun skills in sorting things out, the url is
MadTommy - Enigma UK

Butch Borsic
11-06-2001, 01:59 AM
I've just finished the connections to my emag. everything is working good, except that my warp runs about 2-3 times as fast as it did before is this a potential problem or is it normal. all my connections to the warp and rev have the 9v connecters that plug in to the loaders circuits.

11-06-2001, 02:11 AM
I've modified 5 of my warps and revvys to run off of the emag battery. I've noticed that although some work fine with just that mod, others definitely need the use of the Emag interlink cable just to work properly. Are you using the interlink cable?


Butch Borsic
11-06-2001, 02:30 AM
if you mean the cable connecting the emag trigger to the warp. Causing the warp to turn on when the trigger is pulled .... Yes i do have that connection.

11-06-2001, 02:35 AM
Check the dwell jumpers that limit the spin. You may have to put more of them in. Worse case scenario, and it's happened to me twice, the regulator you are using may be shot and not properly regulating down to 9 volts. Did you make sure that the output voltage after the regulator going into the warp is 9 volts? Just another thing to look at. It could be as simple as adding more jumpers to decrease spin time. Tell us how it goes.


11-08-2001, 09:21 PM
give agd a ring, they are extremely helpful

11-09-2001, 10:15 AM
The switch gets activated when the sear hit it right? Is the sear in the intelliframe different then that of the stock frame?

If not can I have a picture of the inteliframe sear.. I'm trying something with my mag that involves the same idea..

11-09-2001, 05:04 PM
Originally posted by MagNumPI
The switch gets activated when the sear hit it right? Is the sear in the intelliframe different then that of the stock frame?

If not can I have a picture of the inteliframe sear.. I'm trying something with my mag that involves the same idea..

the intelliframe doesn't have a diff sear, just a little bracket for mounting a roller switch right at the pivot of the sear. so when the sear moves back, it hits the roller switch. plus the intelli has a little plug already milled into the body.

11-10-2001, 08:18 AM
ok , so basicly anyone thats technicaly inclined can make this style of hopper.. i'm gonna buy the parts and make it tonight on my stock frame. TIME TO TAKE OUT THE TRUSTY DREMEL (Ever notice that dremel andpaintball go hand in hand... wonder if the ever approached dremel to make a specific model for paintball?)

11-10-2001, 08:23 AM
Originally posted by MagNumPI
ok , so basicly anyone thats technicaly inclined can make this style of hopper.. i'm gonna buy the parts and make it tonight on my stock frame. TIME TO TAKE OUT THE TRUSTY DREMEL (Ever notice that dremel andpaintball go hand in hand... wonder if the ever approached dremel to make a specific model for paintball?)

that's the atituide bro.....i should see if i can mount one on my benchy....it's alredy got a trigger stop adjustment hole in the back....wait....damn can't use that :D i'll have to make another hole.

11-10-2001, 08:28 AM
Make a hole in your grips not the frame..i'm probably gonna have to do both since they are complete cover grips.

Has anyone ever considered a air powered hopper.. the kind you put a 12g co2 caplete in? I might look into it.. Damn I feal creative..

11-12-2001, 06:27 PM
Originally posted by Butch Borsic
I've just finished the connections to my emag. everything is working good, except that my warp runs about 2-3 times as fast as it did before is this a potential problem or is it normal. all my connections to the warp and rev have the 9v connecters that plug in to the loaders circuits.

the voltage of the emag battery is like 16.8 volts, which is almost twice of the normal voltage of a 9 volt battery, if you switch between the 4 AA and the 9 volts you can notice the difference there too. So the more volts the faster it will feed, I believe the warp can handle up to 12volts, So you will have to regulate it down. You might have to adjust the dewel time so it don't over spin so much.

later Hills

11-13-2001, 04:29 PM
has anyone ever tried to do intelli with a boo-yahh frame and if so, does the switch inside the frame give enough voltage to flip the warp on or should i run this to a solenoid and let this engage the warp.

11-15-2001, 04:27 AM
Originally posted by ah137

...I believe the warp can handle up to 18volts

The warp can SAFELY handle 12 volts. You will need to regulate the voltage down to at least 12. Check out Robs other post on how to do this. Good luck.

12-03-2001, 01:59 PM
I didn't see in Rob's write up how he got the 16.8 volts from the emag battery down to under 12 volts for the warp feed? Where does he explain this? I will check again though. Anyone else know?

12-03-2001, 09:44 PM
Rob mentions using a resistor to bring the voltage down, only problem is he couldn't remember what size resister. I posed this question at the Tinker's guild and got the following replies:


that link will bring you to my original messge, just keep following the follow ups, and all your questions should be answered.


12-05-2001, 06:57 PM
i would like a spring loaded magazine 10 rnd tube modified, and have a modified JT speed collar mounted under and parallel to the barrel so the "hopper" was a 100 rnd tube that could be exchanged when it ran out.
Just have to figure out how to make a quick switch so that a full tube could be put under while the empty(s) could reload. maybe 3 10rnds hanging down with springs and some sort of air assist reload to change tubes and pack the springs for gravity feeding.
pointless with warpfeed out there. but itd make a great afternoon in the machine shop. and would stick out on the field. put it on a stingray.

12-29-2001, 03:56 PM
Is the intellifeed really worth buying? it seems like a lot of work......

01-12-2002, 06:40 PM
great pic...

Hunter Predd
02-02-2002, 01:33 PM
ok besides hooking up to the revolution and teh warp feed what else does the intellifeed do? (this is probably a stupid question to u guys, and i know it)

02-02-2002, 01:58 PM
I have a hyperframe, and theres a microswitch for the trigger just like the one I used in my intelliframe... if i use the same jumper setting for thr warp and connect a wire to the hyperframe micro switch it should work just like the intelliframe right?

02-17-2002, 04:43 PM
Is there a way to intellink the warp and HALO from the intelliframe?it'd make it much easier then having to adjust the sensor everytime.:confused:

02-19-2002, 01:58 PM
Ah you dont really want to link the halo, it run on every shot of the gun as it is.

And you shouldnt have to adjust your pot setting everytime as long as you use good batteries.


02-20-2002, 10:02 AM
Try this site. He has pictures and instructions for the dual battery mod, and on/off switch. I have both of these on my warp, done by Petty himself. BTW, Warps can't handle 18v, read the instructions that came with it, it says that 18v will hurt the board / motor.http://www.pettypb.com/main.html

03-27-2002, 01:47 AM
Guys, I have an 68Automag and I want to change the main body from the standard body to either the powerfeed or warp feed bodies....I'd prefer to buy the warp feed body , but I don't own a warp feed yet and I'm not sure when and if I will. So I don't want to have buy another body down the road.

So here's my point. Can the Warp feed Main body work with out the warp feed,....i.e. just a regular loader.

Or...will the Warpfeed loader work with the powerfeed main bodies.

04-09-2002, 07:32 PM
i have my old school 9v running intellefeed off of my warp without paying any extra money

first i cut the circuit out of my revv, so its just the motor.

i soldered some wires from the warp motor, not the board, to the revv motor. so know whenever the warp spins, which is running intellifeed on my emag, the revv spins too. they both get 12v to them because the two motors are in parralell.

of course, that would drain 9v in an instant, so i have them powered off of my emag battery (thanks rob)

here is a quick explenation, and some pics. i didnt just run a straight wire, i made nice phono plug outlets and stuff, thats the nice white cord that you see running, it came out really good.


04-10-2002, 07:27 PM