View Full Version : How's Big Ball paint ? Opinions ?

06-13-2003, 11:20 PM
My local PB shop switched paint brands and now they sell Evil ($60), Big Ball ($40) and 32 Degrees Competition. I've never shot any of these although I picked up a case of Evil today to try out tomorrow. I hate to spend $60 for paint for walk on games or when I play on private property so I was wondering what everybody thought about the Big Ball ? I've never shot it or even known anybody who's shot it.
I would assume it's not a brittle shell paint but does it break on target or do you get a lot of bouncers ? What's the fill like ? How's it in terms of size consistency ? Or should I just pay the extra $20 and stick with the Evil ?Any feedback would be appreciated.

06-13-2003, 11:33 PM
bigball is ugly!

its like a dark blackish purpleish bluesish fugly color, but the paint is okay... i've had a few batches that were a little larger bore size thoguht, but it probly was from the humidity..

but its good for the price


06-13-2003, 11:51 PM
Big Ball, like all cheap paint, can and is very inconsistent. Size, roundness, color, shell thickness...

That's what make makes cheap paint cheap, but that also doesn't mean that it can't be good paint. YMMV, and will!

06-13-2003, 11:56 PM
I have played with big ball a lot in an indor field. It is definately cheap paint. Bounces all the time. For just reg rec play I would but big ball but for more serious rec play and more use evil. You will get ehat u pay for with this one.

06-13-2003, 11:59 PM
Big Ball isnt bad. It's shell is a bit harder, and will bounce a bit. 32 Degrees sucks for making paint. Unless you have a level 10, dont bother with that junk. Just get the Evil.

06-14-2003, 12:23 AM
i tink big ball is great, especially cuz i get it for 30 a case;)

06-14-2003, 12:56 AM
it's is a very good paint for the cheap price it has. I like it!

Mighty Mike
06-14-2003, 01:19 AM
Stay away from 32 degree paint. I bought 4 cases of 32 Degree Team Colors paint and that was probably the worst decision of my paintball life. These balls are smaller than the average paintball and very very inconsistent in size. Sometimes I think I bought a case of football shaped paint. You need a Freak system to use this paint because they will roll out of the average barrel.

Big Ball is a good deal for $40. It's a good paint for the money and very consistent in size. The shoot well with a boomstick.

06-14-2003, 02:21 AM
Well...I got a case of big ball lastweekend..due to rain...I didnt play with it...but did test it in the back yard a bit...

for spyder stock barrels/teardrop it was too small and rolled out....still shot "decent" only used about half a hopper to test...but it seems like it will do....

shell is maroon....fill is lite pinkesh and looked kinda oily....

32's comp paint isnt too bad...alot shoot it at the feild in there tippys.... and I havent seen any major chops and such.... only thing I dont like about it is its all thick and stains sometimes... and I dont like going around looking like a smurf for a few days LOL

06-14-2003, 07:30 AM
I've had big ball work great for me on occasion,and one of the worst cases I've ever shot was big ball. Varies in quality. The funny thing was that the case that worked best for me I shot while playing with a foot of snow on the ground, through a spyder, in the freezing cold. OK for practice/rec paint, just be aware that you might get a really bad case now and then.

06-14-2003, 08:16 AM
The last time I had a case of Big Ball, the doctor told me to get plenty of rest and gave me Zithromax.

Sorry, couldn't resist. :D

Actually, the last case of big ball i shot was absolutely terrible. The balls were really inconsistent, some were footballs, some got stuck in my powerfeed (chop chop chop). However, I shot some a year or so ago that was perfect. It's hard to say.

Wc Keep
06-14-2003, 08:22 AM
ive shot countless number of cases of big ball and its been great. ive ony had one bad experience with a case of it. but other than that its worked wonders. no bounces, bright breaks. good paint.

06-14-2003, 12:42 PM
big ball is alright for rec like everyone else is saying, you'll get a couple bounces but thats alright since its $40 a case

06-14-2003, 01:13 PM
it is'nt no evil or allstar but hell i'll shoot it.
yeah don't get 32 it breaks alot.

06-14-2003, 01:28 PM
Eh, i dont like it. I guess i got a bad batch, the balls were assorted sizes, and we were playing 3 on 3 practice and is hot 10-15 rounds and 6 or 7 hit one guy, not one popped.

06-15-2003, 07:46 AM
Well I shot the Evil yesterday for the first time and I was impressed with how straight it shot. Very consistent in that regard but everyone had told me how nice and thick the fill was and I was a little disappointed there. It didn't seem to have much more of a fill than the Big Balls that my buddy was using. I think for rec ball I'll be a cheapskate and go with the $40 Big Ball instead.

Load SM5
06-15-2003, 10:03 AM
All the big ball I've shot has been great. The shell was'nt too thick and it was pretty consistant. The only gripe is that thefill is thin and pretty watery, not a big deal for recball or practice.

06-15-2003, 11:11 AM
evil shoots great but the fill can be a bit thin. Big ball had a brittle shell last time i used it. evil is the best of the 3

06-15-2003, 11:18 AM
I found that out that the Evil fill is pretty thin. I read some reviews at pbreview.com and they all said the fill was thick and hard to wipe. They were wrong or I got a bad case...
I would like a paint that is thicker but I really don't want to spend $60+/cs to use for recball. I guess I'm stuck with the cheaper stuff. Oh well.

06-15-2003, 12:26 PM
Like others have said, Big Ball is not very consistent. Sometimes you may get a perfect case, sometimes a crappy one.I think Forrest Gump put it best when he said "you never know what your gonna get".;)

06-15-2003, 05:11 PM
When I lived in San Fransico, the only thing I shot was Big Ball. Maybe I just got lucky, but every case I got was great. The fill wasn't the best, but I didn't mind to much. But now I moved to SB, and am mainly using PMI Premium. Big Ball should be fine for rec or practice. If your going into a tournament, though, I'd go with something higher quality.

06-15-2003, 05:25 PM
Originally posted by LittlePaintballBoy
i tink big ball is great, especially cuz i get it for 30 a case;)
Where? I buy strait from PMI for my shop and it costs more than that.

06-15-2003, 05:46 PM
I use bigball all the time, i have no complaints except when using in cold weather.

06-15-2003, 07:28 PM
I've also used BigBalls a bit, my only complaint is that in rec ball it can be hard to see the balls in the air... and that may not even bother most people!! For $40, I'd definitely go for it for rec play, if ya don't wanna splurge for the evil.

06-15-2003, 07:32 PM
it's not that bad when bought fresh... i used it all the time with marbalizers.. until i got diablo paint for $40 a case...

06-15-2003, 08:10 PM
Ok played some rec ball with it....shot nice.....broke when it needed....and not on trees....guess I got a good case...I might stick with it for awhile....see how that goes...43 a case was nice....oppsed to walmarts 27 for half case of dusk(no comments...it works for rec play....)

S.S Bandit1
06-15-2003, 08:40 PM
I have nothing really bad to say about big balls. I think its a very good practice or rec ball paint. Yeah it dosent have fancy colors but how does that improve your game. My team has shot numerous cases of big balls and they are all very consistent in size. (I always match my paint to my freak, big balls are .687). There were some that did have minor flat spots but come on...there only $40. (I get mine for $31 from my sponsor). I still recommend them.