View Full Version : Does a good gun improve your game?

The Yellow Dart
06-14-2003, 09:03 PM
Ok, i want your opinion on how the type of gun helps your game. Does a $1000 marker really make you that much better than it did before? I wouldn't know because i've never had a $1000 marker, but i'm sure some of you have had e/x mags, angels, etc. My friends and I have only been playing for a little bit more than a year, and we have been play fine with our mags, but now some of them are talking about getting impulses and e- mags and other really nice guns. This isn't a issue of jealousy but more of, do they really need it and will it improve thier game all that much?

06-14-2003, 09:06 PM
Yes I believe it will, think of it as a tool that puts your skill to better use than a less-efficient tool would

06-14-2003, 09:09 PM
It will help you improve your game only if you now what your doing before hand.

06-14-2003, 09:14 PM
Id say the players is 60% and the gun 40.

The Yellow Dart
06-14-2003, 09:16 PM
Ya i guess it could but do you think it is necessary considering we have only been playing for a year and we have only entered 1or2 tournaments?

06-14-2003, 09:20 PM
Originally posted by The Yellow Dart
Ya i guess it could but do you think it is necessary considering we have only been playing for a year and we have only entered 1or2 tournaments?
Wow, that sounds EXACTLY like me... with a summer job this summer, I am saving basically all the money and buying a used E-mag, and (hopefully) keeping my "pimped" 98 too. In case that helps.

06-14-2003, 09:23 PM
I am the yellow darts (andy) friend that wants either an impulse or an e-mag and thank you for supporting my half of the argument.

06-14-2003, 09:27 PM
It depends. Make sure you know what your doing with it. I've seen kids with angels that I could bunker with a Talon if I wanted. Likewise, I've seen guys with Brass Eagle Samurai's that could play as good as the next guy.

It's probably about 80% player, 20% gun. A good gun that's reliable and able to lay down paint will help your game. But by how much depends on you.

06-14-2003, 09:28 PM
You can't really use percentages to aptly describe how a marker effects your game.

You and your marker should function as one. This team is only as good as its weakest link. If you're a complete newb, but you have an Ironman timmi or X-mag, you're still a newb. You wont do anything with that 1300-1500 dollar marker that you couldn't do with a $75 spyder clone. As your game progresses, so should your equipment. If you have mad skillz and you're running a Tippmann, then your equipment cant keep up with you, so it becomes a hinderance.

So we can safely come to the following conclusions:

Does a good gun improve your game?

Can your equipment have an effect on your game?

There is no problem with someone buying a higher level marker for any reason. In fact I encourage it. Although, as I mentioned above, you may not be able to use it to it's full potential yet. (I don't know how skilled you are, I'm just reitterating) But yes, bet your E-mag and have fun with it.

06-14-2003, 09:32 PM
well, like everyone says, its not the gun that makes the player. but, i would have to dissagree a little to that, i noticed quite a large difference when i got my ir3, mostly because i could lay down more paint, cover more people, and, (upgrading from a cocker) was MUCH more reliable than my previous gun. also, i have that confidence that when i make that game winning move :rolleyes: that my gun wont just roll over and dye on me (happened to my friend who was bunkering someone to win the game). also, of course it makes you look like a big guy to the newbies, which, of course, gets a little annoying after a while.i dont know, i would have to say getting my gun did my game a whole lotta good, but it also helped me gain confidence that i could play better, and thats 90% of it.

06-14-2003, 09:34 PM
Naw not realy...

A good marker is defined by one that works well and can be depended on. You can spend $1000 and not get that. And a expensive gun that does not work well is WORSE than a cheap one that does.

An nice marker can be expensive and that can help your confidence. But that can all be blown if it let's you down.

I know some people that can out play most high end markers with a pump gun in thier hands.

A Expensive pretty marker in the hands of a person with no game or skilz definately makes you look better in the dead box though... :D

06-14-2003, 09:34 PM
no relation to this thread, but i just wished to point out that i spelled die wrong, i guess my mom is right, i have been around paintball too much :D

06-14-2003, 09:42 PM
I am andys friend that want the guns and here is my reasoning. I was playing the other day and I lost my thumb field stripping screw to my mag and so i used my friends olld black dragun(bad but fast) and I dominated because I could shoot fast and no one could get out of their bunker. And I did nbot get hit the Whole day so it worked out. Now I have a $700 doller budjet so I was just going to get a new gun. That is why I want a fast accurate gun,

06-14-2003, 09:45 PM
Its more of the player but the gun does make you better, better 20 bps with an e-mag than 3 with a sting ray

06-14-2003, 09:49 PM
Originally posted by Benfica4ever
Its more of the player but the gun does make you better, better 20 bps with an e-mag than 3 with a sting ray

Just seen your name, and Im wondering, are u portugese? Cause thats my family's favorite futbol team :D I'm not to into it but I always hear them talking about Benfica.

The Yellow Dart
06-14-2003, 09:53 PM
Pete you only played two or three games because your hopper and gun were screwed up, so saying that you never got out isn't saying much. But if you $700 electro i'll be happy for you.

06-14-2003, 09:54 PM
Originally posted by InfinatyBPS

Just seen your name, and Im wondering, are u portugese? Cause thats my family's favorite futbol team :D I'm not to into it but I always hear them talking about Benfica.
Yes i am:D Favorite team, i play soccer and paintball:D

06-14-2003, 09:56 PM
I'm going to agree in principle with Cryer, that gear CAN help your game, but it can't be a relacement for skills.

I play SC all the time, and I did today too (I got to play! YAY!) I learn playing SC. I learn to move, when to shoot, take my shots, snapshooting, all that. So I look at tech as a crutch. Many people learn the single trick of volume shooting, but they never learn how to actually PLAY with it, or when to use it, or even other tricks.

Learn to play, then get the goods. or get the goods, but LEARN TO PLAY. Dang it. :)


06-14-2003, 09:57 PM
I would say that it doesn't make you a better player, but it can help you use the talent you have better.

06-14-2003, 10:14 PM
Originally posted by Lopy-slopy
I would say that it doesn't make you a better player, but it can help you use the talent you have better.
I agree compleatly and I just want to put my skills to their full potential and pluus I am fed up with my gun and I am trading my gun in so it is not like I am going to be spending alot of money.

06-14-2003, 10:17 PM
Originally posted by Tyger
I'm going to agree in principle with Cryer, that gear CAN help your game, but it can't be a relacement for skills.

I play SC all the time, and I did today too (I got to play! YAY!) I learn playing SC. I learn to move, when to shoot, take my shots, snapshooting, all that. So I look at tech as a crutch. Many people learn the single trick of volume shooting, but they never learn how to actually PLAY with it, or when to use it, or even other tricks.

Learn to play, then get the goods. or get the goods, but LEARN TO PLAY. Dang it. :)


That's kinda what I had in mind, but I forgot to get the whole train of thought down.:rolleyes:
Oh, well. That's how it is, guys, just like Me & Tyger said. You can still speculate if you want, but thats how it is.:p

06-14-2003, 10:21 PM
Gear you use does make a difference. To me its about feeling confident with your gear and how it works for you. Oh ya, and you dont need a 1000+ gun to scare people off, today playing I had some people refuse to play with me, and I use an oldschool VM :D Though I also run a warp, dual tanks, ect, hehe.

06-14-2003, 10:34 PM
your gun can only do two things.

Hinder your performance and limited
Let your skill be unlimited

it wont make you better skill wise, but you will play better.

06-14-2003, 10:43 PM
It helped me, to a point. I have a pretty bad trigger finger, so having the amazing trigger of the Emag lets me shoot like I can not do on cheaper and/or mechanical guns. Also, a nice, but expensive barrel kit, rather than one barrel, also helped a lot. Good gear will not make you better. It will just take your game to where it should be.

06-14-2003, 11:27 PM
Yes it will. I played a tourny last Sunday and I won a 3 on 1 by myself because of my ROF mainly. Of course there was skill and field knowledge involved but if I had a M98 I dont think I could have pulled it off.

06-14-2003, 11:31 PM
name one pro team that uses brass eagle talons? how about a trusty spyder special edition? didnt think so.

the gun is 50 percent

06-14-2003, 11:40 PM
Originally posted by mag-hatter
name one pro team that uses brass eagle talons? how about a trusty spyder special edition? didnt think so.

the gun is 50 percent
If all your paint, equipment, entry fees, etc. were paid by BE, would you play a tourney with a Talon? I know I would.

06-14-2003, 11:41 PM
A good gun makes an effective player more effective.

06-14-2003, 11:45 PM
Originally posted by theraidenproject

If all your paint, equipment, entry fees, etc. were paid by BE, would you play a tourney with a Talon? I know I would.

you would play but you would suck...seeing as though your "talent" is smashed to pieces with your gun jams (damn brass eagle) whereas the oponant's xmag will still be ripping at 14 bps

06-14-2003, 11:48 PM
honestly, it helped me, because it gave me confidence that my gun could keep up, and i didnt have to worry about shooting fast enough or anything, so i could concentrate on my game.

06-15-2003, 01:40 AM
Originally posted by mag-hatter
name one pro team that uses brass eagle talons? how about a trusty spyder special edition? didnt think so.

the gun is 50 percent

Bad Company.

Tippman Effect.

Look, if you can't play, and you have a $1500 gun, you're just a guy who can't play with a $1500 gun. Now I play SC with my Phantom a lot. My gun dicates the game I play to an extent, but I'm not a BAD player because of it. And, to be honest, I play BETTER with a pump gun because I have to think more, and be on my "A" game.

The gun is not 50% of your game. If it is, then you've got problems that a $1500 gun can't fix. I've got a T-shirt : "$1500 and a nice jersey can't buy you skill" I feel that way, honestly.

I will conceed that a higher ROF makes it EASIER To play, you can't run the Indy 500 with a VW bug. Paintball is a strange sport, however, in that a VW bug CAN compete with an Indy car, and it can come down to the skill of the operator as to who wins. With my SC Phantom, I can snapshoot the pants off of a lot of guys with Vikings, Cockers, Angels....

You cna say I'm overcoming the shortcomings of a low end gun, I call it being flexable to the needs of equipment, and playing a good game of paintball regardless of technlogy.


RT pRo AuToMaG
06-15-2003, 01:48 AM
Lets put it this way, if it was all skill no gun, I think that teams would use $100 dollar black draguns opposed to $2000+ cockers, angels, etc.

06-15-2003, 02:04 AM
No, there's a "Bling Factor". :D

Seriously, as long as the focus of paintball is ROF, then yes, firepower will be important ("duh"). But, if the tournaments went "Limited paint" format, you'd see a change in the focus of the guns. It's all about what we're playing.

But, Man, I'm tellin' ya, you can compete with lower tech. I'm talking rec, I should say, tourneys, we've done pumps on semis, and held our own. It CAN be done.

Hey, it's all good. If you need firepower, have at. I can play without it, and still play a hard-core game. When I can bingo a guy throgh a 2 inch gap between two airball bunkers at 75 feet... I don't need firepower. It's nice, and it comes in handy to get you out of a jam, but I don't NEED it to play a good game. I've got more tricks in my bag than Sigfried and Roy...


06-15-2003, 02:36 AM
Originally posted by cphilip
Naw not realy...

A good marker is defined by one that works well and can be depended on. You can spend $1000 and not get that. And a expensive gun that does not work well is WORSE than a cheap one that does.

An nice marker can be expensive and that can help your confidence. But that can all be blown if it let's you down.

I know some people that can out play most high end markers with a pump gun in thier hands.

A Expensive pretty marker in the hands of a person with no game or skilz definately makes you look better in the dead box though... :D

Listen to cphilp. I will say that after I got my RT/Pro did build my confidence, but it didn't improve my game at all. Just think of it in terms of shoes. Will those really expensive shoes make you run faster? No, you legs will. Though, they will probably feel better though.
Will a stock Angel out preform a stock 98? Yes. Will you play better just because you have an Angel? No, you will play better because you practice.

06-15-2003, 04:18 AM
well if it doesn't work, then I would have to say no. :D But it really is the man, not the machine.

06-15-2003, 07:21 AM
I like to look at it this way...

A person with a bad marker and tons of skill can be limited by the marker. A person with a great marker and no skill will still suck.

The one time this has been proven wrong to me is when the only thing honding a crappy player back is his lack of confidence and holding a good marker gives the player the confidence he needed.

Hope that made sense. If not oh well I understand it.

06-15-2003, 07:45 AM
Lotta good points in the forum. Only you can decide as to if your current equipment is limiting your game or not. If you feel its is and that a new marker is the ticket, go for it drop the cash and play on. If you really think it was your problem then your game will prob improve with the new gun. A lot of your skill and ability is based on the mental aptitude that you are good enough to pull a move off. If the new equipment gives you confidence to attempt new moves, your game will develop more thus making you a better player. Confidence is big in all forms of competition.

06-15-2003, 07:58 AM
A good marker will not hinder your game. It will not make it any better.

If your ability is being masked by an inferior marker, then a better marker will increase your on-field presence. If your ability is not being hidden by your marker, a better marker will only drain your pocket.

The Yellow Dart
06-15-2003, 08:09 AM
I'm really surprised by all the diverse opinions. But the only problem with this thread is it really about you, your equipment, and your skill level.

06-15-2003, 09:12 AM
I think that it is about unleashing your skill to its full potential. I say this because what if you had a trigger finger that could pull 22 times a sec and you had a spyder sonix, then no one can see you skill, or if you are really accurate but you are using a black dragun. Better guns improve on the way you play not your actual skill level it just lets you play to your full potential.

06-15-2003, 09:21 AM
Originally posted by Miscue
A good gun makes an effective player more effective.

listen to miscue, he put what i was trying to say in words

chronic john
06-15-2003, 09:24 AM
well lets see first thing is a gun that you are used to no matter what type or price or model it is will be the one to use weather its a spider or a x-mag a good player can take his marker and shoulder it without even lookin down the barrel then can put numerous shots right were he wants them to go weather he can shoot 15 a sec or 5 a second if its a dead on shot is all that matters now yea its nice to lay down streams of paint but if your not used to your marker its useless . so i guess yes a high end marker will help your game some but u beeter be use to it . then there is well whats accurate enough to improve your game a comforatable gun for one . then a reliable marker for two . then skill to run slide dodge and blaze . and thats only half of it .

Nick O time
06-15-2003, 11:02 PM
A good gun can improve your game. A good gun will improve you game pobably only after you have advanced past the gun you currently own. That is what I think anyways.