View Full Version : Warp Opinions

Mobius V
06-14-2003, 10:04 PM
Hey guys I want to get a warp but I was just wondering what it is like with one on the gun. Are they heavy?, Do they make the gun side heavy or what just tell me what you think of them. Thanks Spencer.

06-15-2003, 07:07 AM
15 ounces, managable I think. Have to shoot it for a while to see. Mine was side heavy and the hopper blocked the hose. So I turned the front inward and its better.

I think its alot better with the front turned inward. There adjustable.

06-15-2003, 10:34 AM
add another option to that poll. I like the theory of a warp and I think they are cool. But I personaly don't realy like playing with them.

06-15-2003, 01:30 PM
I have a warp, i used it a few times, i am not sure whether or not i like it though. I guess i've been playing too long with the blimp on top. when my Xmag gets here, i guess i have to try them both again.

06-15-2003, 01:36 PM
i think im gunna like playing speedball or w-e you want to call it with a warp. But in the woods and messing around i dont really know.

(i just got one and havent played with it yet)

06-15-2003, 08:11 PM
They are amazing in my veiw. I have found myself in many positions were i used my warp. but the only problem with them is.....well....its a tank. If you dont mind the extra wieght than they are great.

06-15-2003, 09:21 PM
I bought a WARP this spring and I have to say it has changed my game in a positive way. I've been playing PB since 1986....yes 86' and the reason I believe in the warp is this. Whether you play speedball and its close cousins, hyper and air, or you play woods rec ball; the warp allows you to get low and tight, yes even looking out of the left side of a bunker, I'm right handed. Think of this, if you have a warp the warp and hopper is now low, in front of your chest. If you are going to get hit in the chest you're getting hit. The warp helps protect you, no you won't get as many bounces as you could but your hopper won't get hit trying to go over top a bunker. The opposition will only see barrel and the edge of goggles. Now this also helps when scanning the field. The marker can be up in the ready position and you have complete vision with nothing in your way to block out that one last opponent who is useing cover/your inability to see to their advantage. I now will see 98% of all opponents as opposed to about 80%. I also have the ability to get low and crawl to a good low ambush position without a blimp on top of the marker. A friend of mine tried my Minimag with Warp and Halo and now will not play with anything else. One day and he swears by it. Remember to try one for a day if possible, I believe you'll be glad you did. Just my 2 cents.:D

06-16-2003, 06:54 PM
Personally I like the warp, Its not really that bad once you get use to it,If your looking out from trees you can keep your warp and hopper unexposed so their is less to hit,you can intelli feed it also, In my opinion its the fastest feeding system out their,Also if you get an Evo 2 it works great you don't have to modify hose or hopper, the Evo has no frontend only back end here's a pic of mine.

06-16-2003, 06:59 PM
micro-Emag, Evo 2,warp

06-16-2003, 07:28 PM
I took mine out for it's second day yesterday. I honestly can't imagine playing without it. There were a few guys who had never seen one before. After holding and playing around in a few bunkers with it they all agreed that it's a great idea. Looking at it you would think that the weight would off-balance you, but that really isn't the case. The weight is all in a tight central location making it easier to manage (think low center of gravity).

Ask around and see if anyone around you has one you can try out.

Mobius V
06-16-2003, 11:00 PM
Thanks guys for all the input on the warp I appreaciate it, I am most likely getting one.
