View Full Version : Mag or Piranha

06-15-2003, 01:17 AM
I have a choice between a mag and a paranha e-force...The mag has a level ten bolt w/ stainless steel dye j&j ceramic and both rt and mini mag stock barrels....how do i choose?

06-15-2003, 01:21 AM

06-15-2003, 01:24 AM
Mag, they are really superior to Piranhas hands down. One way to look at is that Piranhas are a little more than a Spyder clone, while Mags are a class unto their own.

06-15-2003, 01:26 AM
personally..... mag, just way more options from where it's at already.... and just in general really

but like i tell everyone who asks me.... try them both out and see how you like them

06-15-2003, 01:58 AM
mag all the way baby

you know my answer, why you asking:D

06-15-2003, 02:00 AM
Ferrari, or Yugo?

06-15-2003, 08:36 AM
You have yo remember were you asking this.


06-15-2003, 08:37 AM
Mag is a more high quality precision machine than a piranha, try them out if you can. Eforces are fun though...

06-15-2003, 12:41 PM

06-15-2003, 01:46 PM
Now, I dont own a mag...but from knowledge that pirhana will be junk. Pihranas are newby guns, just another spyder clone.

06-15-2003, 02:30 PM
isn't this thread kind of a no brainer??

06-15-2003, 03:02 PM
1 word

06-15-2003, 03:08 PM

06-15-2003, 03:32 PM
Mag, Piranha is a POS.

06-15-2003, 03:42 PM
Originally posted by Benfica4ever
You have yo remember were you asking this.


and i remember getting vitualy slapped by a hundred people for it

06-15-2003, 03:49 PM

Peranas are only for newbs, while a mag can be upgraded to be a tourney quality gun, (Well, back up quality).

06-15-2003, 03:55 PM
yes e-forces are fun. i just got mine so light i couls compare it to an emag

but i wont

06-15-2003, 04:03 PM
It really depends on you, and how far you are going to take your paintball experience. If all you are going to do is play open games and/or backyard woods games, then a piranha may be all you need. But if you plan on doing anything more you will not regret getting a mag. You can only upgrade a piranha so far, until you upgrade it to a back up/loaner gun.

Hope this helps.

06-15-2003, 07:15 PM
maybe i'lll get the mag then...its at 225$.I think ill get that and maybe upgrade that for a while then. I might get the paranha to back that up then...thad be nice...I've seen and shot BT's Paranha and it pretty descent. Ill start off with the mag then, n e ideas on first upgrades??? Be my guest...

06-15-2003, 07:43 PM
3 letters


06-15-2003, 08:23 PM
As Benfica4ever said. These people here have seen what mags are capable of doing. MAG!!!

06-15-2003, 11:04 PM
this post is a joke right?

06-16-2003, 08:43 AM
The eforce is a pretty good marker. Very easy to clean and with a regulator it works really well. I'd recommend that marker to anyone who is interested in it.

HOWEVER......the mag you are describing is far superior. You have a semi capable of rapid fire that doesn't chop. I just got finished setting up a friend's eForce and while it is a good marker I can guarantee you that it WILL chop in certain instances (last couple of balls in the hopper while firing burst/full auto and if you outrun your hopper). So it really is a no brainer even though the eForce is a fine marker....mag.

06-16-2003, 10:18 AM
Anyone who says that a Piranha is a POS is an idiot. I used a Piranha STS for about 2 years, and I loved it. It chopped less than ANY mag I've had (until I got a LVL 10). If I didnt have my E-Mag, I'd go back to a Piranha.

First off, PMI is an older company than Kingman, so the Piranha is an older gun than the Spyder, and besides, the Piranha is better made. The craftsmanship on a Sypyder is disgusting, with the solder marks on the powerfeed, and sloppy trigger. I could always outshoot my friends Shutter too.

And to those who called it a newbie gun...your a jackass. You should use a gun you feel comfortable with, not what gun will make you look like a pro. Get a life, and quit living through hype. Stop whining about whats a newbie gun and whats not.

In the time I had my Piranha, I put about 12-13 cases of paint through it. I had probably a total of 6 chops, and 20 or so balls breaks. I found that gun to be extremely reliable in any situation. On days where my friend's 98s (I know, I know, newb guns:rolleyes: )would break down, my Piranha would keep going. It shot some of the worst paint I can imagine, and it kept firing. I'll support PMI until I'm dead thanks to that gun.

ON the question of which gun, If it's a normal stock 68 mag, get the Piranha. The 68 classics take too much money to get set-up the way you want them to be, and if your looking through the basic blow-backs, that means you either dont have the money to spend(like me) or you just want a temp. gun. I found playing with my 68 when I got it to not really be that great of a gun. The trigger is too stiff, and the trigger frame has the cheapest feel.
PMI guns are ready to rock as soon as you get them.

06-16-2003, 10:25 AM
And Lopy-Slopy, You say that mags can be tournamnet quality, but only as a back up to other guns. I'd love to know what gun you primarily shoot.

06-16-2003, 10:53 AM
Originally posted by ~WarpedRT#2~
Anyone who says that a Piranha is a POS is an idiot.I'd go back to a Piranha.

And to those who called it a newbie gun...your a jackass. You should use a gun you feel comfortable with, not what gun will make you look like a pro. Get a life, and quit living through hype. Stop whining about whats a newbie gun and whats not.

so why did you get an emag? Please post alittle more mature this time.

building a mag in the grand scheme really isnt that expensive.


06-16-2003, 11:16 AM
why cant you people give more of a reason other than 'ONE WORD, MAG!'

that wouldn't convince me in the least, neither would a hundred posts of peopel saying 'MAG!'

i'd rather see a list of what the mag has, and what the piranha has.

the mag has its flaws and advantages, and so does the piranha.

personally tho, i like mags. because they feet better than the spyder or any spyder clones, they're also easier to fix(mags)
they're realiable, easy to maintain - couple drops of oil in the asa and most of the parts are oiled and ready to go after a few shots

like someone said, if your not gonna be playing all that much, and want a cheap electro, get the piranha, they're not all that bad of a gun, if your gonna be playing awhile, but going to seriously get into it, get the mag for its ease of maintaence, but then again, try them both, some people like how each other shoot over the other so.
also, like someone said, look where your asking, most of them will be biased, but a lot of the m also will be truthful with you. but in sense, i think we all would agree that the mag is better than the piranha, just up to you.

and depsite the people saying piranhas are 'NEWB' guns, well, spyder clones, wouldn't spyder be newb guns too then? but what about bad company? i see them using spyders in the nppl, psp, or whatever league they're in. and they're sure the hell not newbs.
jsut throwing in my 2cents.

06-16-2003, 01:13 PM
Well, GTRSI, after I sold my Piranha (I'm simply a gun whore I guess) I got a classic mag. Upgraded to an old skool RT, and now the E-Mag. I was given the E-Mag as a gift, so it's not like I sold my Piranha to get the E-Mag. "Please post a little more mature this time" . Wow, that sure hurt. I think you need to tell those who call certain guns newb guns to be more mature. They attack viciously, I defend viciously. Get off my back.

06-16-2003, 01:16 PM
warped, he was talking about the insults. AO isn't PBN, and we simply wont tolerate it. it WAS uncalled for and WASN'T needed. no one attacked you in the first place, so the insults didn't need to show up.

06-16-2003, 04:37 PM
Back on topic....he is describing two specific markers. The mag he is describing above ALREADY has both Level 10 installed plus four barrels. Personally I feel the eForce is a good bang for the buck but look at the package he is getting with the mag and draw your own conclusions....:rolleyes:

06-16-2003, 04:53 PM
Originally posted by gtrsi

so why did you get an emag? Please post alittle more mature this time.

building a mag in the grand scheme really isnt that expensive.


That wasnt the right response to that.

06-17-2003, 01:49 AM
Well, after several hundred screams...I think I'll try an start with the mag.....gee....don't know why.....I'll go for that...then i'll get the eforce and compare...If i don't like i can always sell right? By the way....Thanx for the posts...Got any idea what the major differences are...?

06-17-2003, 09:58 AM
Gotta go with the mag :) I mean I love my spyder & everything but you're going to need a lot of upgrades on the piranha to match the mag. Hell, I put almost $300 in upgrades into my shutter before I got my RT recently, and after all that I like my RT better. Of course my spyder has better gas effeciency, but thats because of all the upgrades. The piranha stock won't, & it'll kick like a mofo unless you swap out the striker/bolt. The mag has very little kick, actually so little my damn reloader doesn't work right with it. Also, the PE regulator that comes with piranha's isn't very good, slow recharge & not very high flowing.

In the long run I think you're better off with the mag :)

06-17-2003, 10:36 PM
First of all do not listen to people that have not shot both. I own an E-Force and an Automag (as well as 3 other guns). I will admit I only bought to E-force because I got it off E-bay for $114.00. It is a very nice gun. In fact is was ratted close to the oracle autococker by full face mag. It have a very short and fast trigger and is fairly accurate and consistant. The automag on the other hand is wort a lot more money and can stand up t alotof abuse for the long haul. I cannot say for sure the E-force will.
There is a long post somewhere on here (do a search) on the E-force.

06-18-2003, 03:35 PM
.....by full face mag.

Uh...you mean facefull?

06-18-2003, 03:53 PM
Originally posted by Johnny_Reb

Uh...you mean facefull?

Duh...ah..yeah that's the one. Sorry it is in the Feb 2003 edition page 42.


dark horizon
06-27-2003, 03:28 PM

06-27-2003, 07:23 PM
Similarities between both markers:

-Excellent customer service
-Both simple and reliable
-Easy strip down (mags easier since the assembly is much more linear)

-E-grip meaning slightly high ROF for less effort.

-LvL 10 = no chops on any paint
-With a variety of barrels availible you can pick and choose what bore sizes to use for what paint.