View Full Version : First game in 5 years

06-15-2003, 01:59 AM
Okay, first time playing in 5 years. Used the new/used Emag i just bought. My observations:

-Emag is much better than VM-68
-people would have more impressed had I set the max bps to 16 instead of 9 (DOAH!)
-Tactics which work for standard building entry and such dont translate well for paintball
-people seem to be very good about sharing (i.e. you give me some air, I give you some o-rings etc etc)
-Everyone who saw it liked the emag
-Got the crud shot out of me while moving from barricade to barricade, what does everyone do, bellycrawl? I now see the need for kneww/elbow pads
-level 10 worked perfectly! Only break in my barrel was when an opponenet put one RIGHT DOWN my barrel
-wiping, not registering hopper hits seems common
-Those suckers still hurt!

Lets hope my skill catches up to my gun.

06-15-2003, 02:08 AM
Welcome back to the sport.... unfortunate cheating is still present, but hopefully will fade away in due time

06-15-2003, 02:30 AM
Welcome back to fold. I know that cheating is common, but you have to lead by example. Just remember: you could get hit off the break everytime, and still play better than a wiper.

06-15-2003, 07:19 AM
Welcome back tothe wonderful sport. A emag is a wonderful choice. No other gun that i love the most.

06-15-2003, 09:31 AM
Ack, dont diss the VM! J/k, welcome back to the sport, ya people still do cheat, but if ya find a good group to play with its not a problem.

06-15-2003, 10:57 AM
What you need to do to get from Barricade to Barricade is NOT Bellycrawl under fire, taht is slow and u will get hit easily. First,either, you can pop out of teh Barricaded, staying tight of course, and lay paint on the guy tahts shooting you's Barricade,and run while doin that to keep him/tehm down. The second thing to do is yell to teh guys behind you, to lay paint on the guy(s) shoooting at you's Barricade and jsut run while the guys behind you keep em down. Hope this helped, Peace!:D

06-15-2003, 01:08 PM
Hey Welcome back!!! :) My first marker was a VM68 too.

Where are you from?