View Full Version : My First Tourny

06-15-2003, 12:25 PM
Saturday my team plaed our first tourny at Paintball Quest in birmingham(alabama). We placed 4th only by 20 points though. It rained almost all day long. There were 9 rookie teams(we were one of them) and i think 5 amateur teams. This was our first tourny and first time to all playt together, so all in all i think we did good.

Load SM5
06-15-2003, 12:33 PM
Way to go. Sounds like you guys did great for your first tourney.

The weather actually kept me from driving down to that tourney. But it stayed pretty clear up here at my field. If your team ever feels like a small drive for a great practice, drive up to North Alabama Paintball. He just got some 7 and 5 man airball fields and they are sweet. I'm there all the time.

06-15-2003, 07:28 PM
Is that up in huntsville?? cuz if it is one of our team members if movin up there and we were gunna come up every once-and-a-while and play up there.

Load SM5
06-15-2003, 07:46 PM
Tuscumbia, near Muscle Shoals. Not too far from Huntsville.www.northalabamapaintball.com The website is still being worked on but I think the directions will get you there. This Saturday we had about 25 solid tourney players there.