View Full Version : Went to a car show yesterday.....

06-15-2003, 04:12 PM
Me and my daughter went to look at some cars at a show sat and was looking around when the people that was putting it on came up to us and started asking if we were going to enter, I said "no just looking " they said "ok" well a couple min later they were back asking if we wanted to enter, again I said "no we just came to drool on some cars".
Well they kept on bugging me so I agreed to enter and shelled out the $10 entry fee.
Me and my daughter took off to go look at other stuff and came back two hours later to find out we took 3rd place!!

06-15-2003, 04:15 PM
Yes the truck is not finished but I did not expect any thing but a free hat but after this I might try this "car show" thing again :D :D

06-15-2003, 04:17 PM
whoops forgot the pic

06-15-2003, 04:18 PM
Sweet :)

Got any more pics? From the side?

06-15-2003, 04:28 PM
From the side.
I never thought of this as a show truck. It is just neat and something cool to bomb around in.

06-15-2003, 04:32 PM
That's sweet...

What are ya planning on doing to it in the future?

06-15-2003, 04:37 PM
Build a motor this winter and go mud racing in the spring.
Heck I don't know, I do need to strip all the paint off of it and do all the body work and then paint it right.
Sure it is a money pit but it is still cheaper then marrage:D

06-15-2003, 04:40 PM
Congratz! That is what happened to me last year at the NH Mustang show... we got 2nd in our class. Feels great doesn't it? :D

06-15-2003, 06:11 PM
ah, chrome smoke stacks and that thing would be killer

06-15-2003, 06:17 PM
Dude that things hot, very unique.

06-16-2003, 07:33 PM
It sure does shartly:D :D
Now I wan't to goto more shows :D :rolleyes:

06-16-2003, 07:39 PM
Originally posted by magking1971
It sure does shartly:D :D
Now I wan't to goto more shows :D :rolleyes:
No kidding! :D My wife and I were planning on entering our car into at least 2 shows this summer.... until I was hit by a kid. And my car is still not right yet.... but I am working on it.

So……. be careful when out driving! ;)

06-16-2003, 09:45 PM
Jeez shartley your stang still isn't right yet? How long has it been since you were hit on the interstate?

06-16-2003, 11:28 PM
You need a bright paint job Shartley, It might keep those pesky kids away from your 'stang:D :D :rolleyes: lol!!

06-17-2003, 05:55 AM
Originally posted by Snewk
Jeez shartley your stang still isn't right yet? How long has it been since you were hit on the interstate?
It has been almost 2 months now if I remember right. The paint didn’t match even after being sent back TWICE. And these are the “excuses” that I was given….

“The car is painted the wrong color.” Reason for saying so… Because the color code on the door was factory, but the ENTIRE car was custom painted. The paint shop that painted it just failed to put the color code sticker on the door. That does not mean the CAR was painted the wrong color.

“If it was originally painted yellow, it would have been easier to match the paint.” Reason for saying this, according to them…. Because they could have seen the color was wrong when they mixed it before painting the parts. MY response is that once you KNOW the color is not the same it is THEN the same process to mach the new color. And after they painted the parts the first time (WITHOUT doing a test paint first like they are suppose to!) they knew it was not the same color. But they wanted to pass it off as MY fault or the car’s fault because the new parts were not the same color as the ENTIRE car.

They even told me the first time I had them redo it that their “guy” would be brining down a computerized paint matcher and they would perfectly match the color. NOT! They were missing blue pearl and some black in the mix. And why? Because their “guy” DIDN’T use the manchine any more and they tried to do it all by hand.

I then went to an Auto Parts Store and had them test the paint with a computerized paint matcher, and after about an hour of testing we got the new color down to its code. And how much did that cost me? ZERO! ZIP! NOTHING!

And when I brought the color code to the auto body shop and told them that THAT is what THEY should have done, this is what they told me…. “Those are not right most of the time. We have 3 cars in the bay right now that were given a computer code for paint, and they are not correct.”

You see, on the stickers that come with the computer codes, it CLEARLY states to do a test paint (they do it on little squares of metal) first to see if it matches up, because many times they will have to change the tints slightly to match the current paint on the vehicle. This is NORMAL.

Then I pointed out that they were missing blues and blacks in the paint, but showing them the bumper vs body of my car. And this is what he said… “They ARE the same color. It is just that one is on rubber and the other is on metal. You will never get paint to look the same on two different materials.”

WHAT?!?!?! Does this guy think I am a moron? I guess so.

He said that they would not paint it for a third time for free. I told him that it is NOT being painted a third time for free because it was already paid for TWICE and THEY didn’t do the job correctly. He told me he would contact the owner of the company and for me to come back the next week to see what he said.

So…. as scheduled, I went back the next week. I asked him what the owner said, and he told me he had not talked to him yet. He then told me… “Why don’t you call me tomorrow.” To which I told him I was through playing games with them. I told them that I think I will be forced to pay for a new paintjob at another body shop MYSELF and report them to the BBB, Chamber of Commerce, St. Attorney General’s office, the FTC and any place else I thought might want to know about this.

He then told me that I could do what I wanted to do. What I WANTED to do? I told him it has NOTHING to do with what I WANTED to do. I WANTED my car to be painted right, and THEY didn’t do it, yet were PAID to do so. He then told me that what HE wanted was for me to get out of his office because he was not going to argue about it.

I promptly left and said “Yeah, go ahead and play the victim here. I was the one who was hit. It was my car that is not the way it was before the accident. And it was YOU that was paid to match the paint…. and didn’t. Have a nice day.”

I called the insurance company…. And guess what THEY said? NOTHING! All I got was their call box and left a message… to which they STILL have not gotten back to me.

NOW….. During all this, I had to have my windshield, and both door windows replaced because they were all scratched up. And when doing so, the glass repair shop cracked both door pillar strips (which I understand is quite common when doing this). They ordered me new pillar strips (which are not cheap) and I don’t have to pay for those. But they come already painted….. you got it, they will not match my paint either. But they assured me that they will pay whatever it costs to have them matched to the car. At least THEY are trying to do the right thing.

Is that it? NOPE! LOL My driver’s side window keeps coming out of track and not working. It has been sent back TWICE so far. And because of the last time it went out, it bent one of the control arms. They bent it back and it worked for about 3 days before it messed up again. The glass shop is ordering all new window mechanisms now and will replace them. When they get in, I will be called and I can bring the car back for install.

So…. I have a car that won 2nd in its class last year, driven off the street that still has scratches that they did not fill or buff out correctly, paint that does not match correctly (at a glance it isn’t bad though), door pillars that have cracks in them, scuffed up rims, red paint on one rim, and a window that does not work. And like I stated, we had planned on showing the car again this year at 2 shows at least. No chance of that now………. maybe next year.

Originally posted by magking1971
You need a bright paint job Shartley, It might keep those pesky kids away from your 'stang:D :D :rolleyes: lol!!
LOL Not my style. But I can have my wife take the van out whenever I drive the car so she can run interference. ;)

06-17-2003, 06:16 AM
Oh, come on shartley!! Tell me a Tequillia Fade wouldn't look good on a 'Stang?

Just kidding :D


06-17-2003, 06:47 AM
Originally posted by breg
Oh, come on shartley!! Tell me a Tequillia Fade wouldn't look good on a 'Stang?

Just kidding :D

Actually I am sure it WOULD look good. LOL It just isn’t my style. ;)

06-17-2003, 06:52 AM
LOL!!! :)

06-17-2003, 07:26 AM
OMG Sam that sucks to have to deal with all that.
You went from NICE car to looking like a used car lot beater(sorta).
I hope you and the insurance company can talk and stop any payment to that paint shop and get this fixed RIGHT.
I do like the idea with the van LOL!!

06-17-2003, 08:13 AM
Originally posted by magking1971
OMG Sam that sucks to have to deal with all that.
You went from NICE car to looking like a used car lot beater(sorta).
I hope you and the insurance company can talk and stop any payment to that paint shop and get this fixed RIGHT.
I do like the idea with the van LOL!!
I am working on it... grrrr

But good news, the glass company just called and the window regulator is in! So I drop off the car tonight and pick it up tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed.