View Full Version : ebay advice

06-15-2003, 04:18 PM
ok here is the deal, im trying to sell my emag, so i put it on ebay. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=3612218807&category=16048&rd=1
i think i was very clear in the description.
here are the emails that follow from the high bidder

hey im currently the high bidder, do u have any extra bodies or hoppers you could give me? or if not could you give me a warp feed for the warp feed body? e-mail back to [email protected]

would u trade me for my automag rt?

me:it comes with a stock emag barrell, i cant give you a freak front, or inserts, sorry, the best i can do is give you a regular hopper. i sent you an paypal invoice

i dont have a power feed body to give you or i would, and the warp is on my
sfl emag, so you cant have that either. it is possiable to clamp a elbow to
the warp feed body but there isnt alot of meat, so if you do it be careful,
i have done it before. if you are in the market for a body these are
particually nice
or if you dont want to do that go to http://www.automags.org/forums/ and ask
somebody to trade bodies for you, they do it all the time, you can also find
good deals on used stuff there.
then this is the one i got last night, remember the auction is already over

how many shots does it have on its shot counter? and im sorry but if you
cant include the warp feed, another body, or at least the freak front and
one insert then i cant buy it.

what can i do besides threaten to leave bad feedback.
ps if anybody here wants it instead you can have it for 700

06-15-2003, 04:35 PM
Oh the joys of doing business on ebay. If you give him negative feedback, he'll just do the same to you. If you can live with that, it's your choice. I think you can contact ebay now regarding non-paying bidders, so you're not charged. It's been a while since I've had one. You might just want to let it go, and relist it. Only if you don't get charged though. Ebay's take on a 700 dollar sale isn't anything to throw away.

06-15-2003, 04:45 PM
Just had my first non paying bidder since I started on eBay two years ago, nearly wanted to ring his neck....

Sometimes I can't believe people, he wins, and then asks for more or he won't pay for what he bought.

Relist it I guess...

06-15-2003, 04:54 PM
I have had many experience with non paying bidders. Basically you file a non paying bidder complaint with ebay, and you will get your listing and commission fee back from ebay. It takes 17 days total to get it back. 7 before filing complaint, and 10 more before you can file refund of commission. If the bidder gets two of these, he will get kicked off.

I basically have problem with bidders like that, usually they are ebay newbies. I will file a deadbeat newbie complaint as well, and if they are real newbies, they will not return one. It is 50/50 on that.

Always make the listing clear with pics. good luck...

06-15-2003, 08:04 PM
ebays policy is that no one is allowed to force you to do somthing. save that email, send it to ebays complaint dept, send a non paying bidder alert etc. go through the motions.
let him do a negative feedback. you can respond to a negative but don't flame him. respong like an adult. people will see who the loser is when they view it.

don't let him get away with that crap, he'll just do it again to someone else. also, if he has done this before and people have reported him, then the third time is the charm, he will be dropped by ebay after 3 non paying bidder reports.

you can also ask ebay to refund your final value fee. look at the bottom of your selling page under non paying bidder policy. that should answer alot of questions for you and help you through the process. unfortunately, you have lost your insertion fee, but don't let them keep the final value fee since you didn't actually sell it.

have you tried offering it to the next highest bidder? if it was a decent price, you may want to try that.
this guy cannot refuse to buy it just because you won't give him other stuff. he is responsible to purchase what you listed in the auction and only that. anything else is coercion (sp?)

good luck and hope this helped.

06-15-2003, 08:17 PM
well i sent him this and am waiting for a responce,the total shots are 25382, most are just pulling the trigger with no air,
what is included was made clear in the item description, and you bid and you
also have won. so you are obligated to pay, or i will have to report you to
ebay. if you really want it i could include an halo b for 115 more or a warp
for 150. this is in additon to the 715 for the gun, i am offened in you
attempt to blackmail me into giving you more things in attemp to complete
the transaction.
unfourtantly he is the only bidder, i think im gonna have to relist it, but the prob is im trying to get this money some time soon, too bad nobody on ao wants it
ps i know the warp is high but if he wants it that bad, ill just buy a new one

06-15-2003, 08:18 PM
good reply.

06-15-2003, 09:12 PM
way to stick it to him misfit! I'm dealing with a non-paying bidder on this hopper i recently sold to some canadian the auction was almost two weeks ago and he's stopped answering my e-mails, he better pay-up

06-15-2003, 09:56 PM
That guy is such an idiot. Send E-bay a copy of all your emails with him. If he wanted to know somehing about the gun he should have emailed you BEFORE bidding. E-bay should get everyone's credit card number and when somebody try's something like this just charge it to his card anyway. If you can find his adress go give him a little visit. set him stright.

06-15-2003, 10:27 PM
Hey good response guys.

my turn, I'm in the opposite boat. I bought a Freak front from a dude on E-bay, paid him, and now nothing, he wont respond to my e-mail, nothin. What can I do?


06-15-2003, 11:06 PM
grass ninja: i'd send him one more email telling him he has 3 days to respond to you via email or you will report him to ebay and post negative, then, follow through and do just that.

i've had a couple deadbeats and a couple times people paid so late that i just sent thier money back to them. it's part of the risk i guess. fortunately i've never been ripped when i bought something. i only buy from people that have multiple positive feedbacks as sellers and i don't allow people that have multiple negatives to buy from me. i have cancelled bids from people that didn't follow the directions on my auctions. some people will do whatever they want, like send a check when you specify no personal checks etc. it may sound hardass on my part, but i send it back and ask for a money order.

i follow other peoples instructions when buyimng so i expect the same. common courtesy.

good luck with your problem, i hope it works out for you, but notify ebay and get him busted if he doesn't send you your stuff.