View Full Version : Intelli. help

06-15-2003, 07:28 PM
What's up? I just got my Intelli. on and working but now it seems like my rate of fire has dropped way down, my gun is an RT classic w/LX, warpfeed w/12v mod. I used to have a minimag grip on it w/a 12v revy w/x board to the warp feed and it was so fast. Now with the Intelli. I keep shortstroking when I try to shoot fast. It kind of looks like the trigger rod might be to close to the trigger, but I have not messed with it at all, my gun is used though and who knows what was done before I got it.
Please help. Thanks

chronic john
06-15-2003, 08:40 PM
when i got my intelly i was havin somewhat of a shortstroke problem till i figured out how to bring my finger forward and let it actually touch the trigger guard then pull back again to fire then again releasing till my finger strikes the front of the guard . as for teigger rod adjustment its not recomended but if its close real close to the trigger its wrong for sure maybe someone out here knows the amount of play it should have ie:gap like what .035 to .045 thousands and do you have the bushing installed in the rail if not that could cause the trigger assembly to move back probly not but maybe if its not in there . good luck

06-15-2003, 10:12 PM
the gap between the trigger rod and trigger should be the size of a credit card or of the like. but almost touching the trigger, that is not adjusted properly. the minimag frame is different fromt he intelli thus the need for the trigger rod adjustment

06-16-2003, 12:35 PM
Originally posted by IcantBelieveit
the gap between the trigger rod and trigger should be the size of a credit card or of the like. but almost touching the trigger, that is not adjusted properly. the minimag frame is different fromt he intelli thus the need for the trigger rod adjustment

That last part doesn't sound right. I believe the intelli is a drop in upgrade and that trigger rod adjustments should never be done. Its not a mini, but, I put it on a classic and its all good.

I'm curious now and await some of the guru's to chime in.

06-19-2003, 09:05 PM
Yea, I was just looking at the gap again and it pretty much touches the trigger, I want to measure the trigger rod length and then play with it a little, and if I can't get it adjusted right then I can put it back. anymore help would be greatly appriciated. Thanks