View Full Version : AO member meets Secretary of State

06-15-2003, 09:18 PM
I was attending the ADC convention (http://www.adc.org) and the president of ADC invited my father and I to the Chairman's reception before the final dinner, Saturday night. (we donate money and labor consistantly) Anyways, surprise guests at the reception were Colin Powell and Ralph Nader. There were about 15 people at the reception in a small room on the 18th floor of the hotel. (not including the 6 secret service agents, that I counted at least).

Unfortunately, my camera ran out of batteries right after someone snapped a picture of my father greeting Colin Powell, so I don't have any of me shaking his hand or talking to him (though I did for about 5 minutes about the right of return). I might be able to get more pictures from the one other camera in the room later once other people get home from the convention.

This will have to suffice for now . Oh ya, thats my dad greeting Colin Powell, and thats me standing behind him.

Edit: I know someone is going to ask... No, I am not Arab, but yes, my entire family works with the ADC.

06-15-2003, 11:07 PM
Outstanding! This will be a highlight for the rest of your life. Way cool bud!

06-15-2003, 11:10 PM
Very cool:)

06-15-2003, 11:13 PM
Thats pretty tight. I always see that dude on TV and he seems way mellow.

06-15-2003, 11:52 PM

06-16-2003, 12:34 AM
Awesome! I met Mr. Powell when he was leaving Ft. Lewis to become Joint Chief of Staff...it was a disbanding the 9th ID/going away party for him. My unit was selected as the honor guard. He spoke to each of us individually...very nice person, HIGHLY intelligent. Great guy all around. Thats really cool you got to me him...I was in awe then (I was only 19, and my first time meeting ANY general), but, with his track record now...wow. All I have to say is, wow. That is definitely a highlight in your life.

06-16-2003, 08:11 AM
Shouldnt it be Gen. Powell, since he is a general, and not Mr. Powell?

Or does taking the SecState position make one lose his rank? ;)

06-16-2003, 08:57 AM
Originally posted by oldsoldier
Awesome! I met Mr. Powell when he was leaving Ft. Lewis to become Joint Chief of Staff...it was a disbanding the 9th ID/going away party for him. My unit was selected as the honor guard. He spoke to each of us individually...very nice person, HIGHLY intelligent. Great guy all around. Thats really cool you got to me him...I was in awe then (I was only 19, and my first time meeting ANY general), but, with his track record now...wow. All I have to say is, wow. That is definitely a highlight in your life.

Cool. I've always thought he seemed like an intelligent and warm individual. It is good that it appears to be true! I hope, however, that it is not the highlight of NJPaint's life! Who knows he might be someone we all strive to meet in the future!

06-16-2003, 11:26 AM
That's cool you got to meet them.

Now some internet paparazzi are going to take your picture and run with it. :p Next thing you know you'll be on the cover of the National Enquirer. :eek: