View Full Version : AssassN's new toy

06-16-2003, 11:56 AM
Just got a Sony CyberShot 5.0.

Just trying to figure it out.

I'll post pics of my other new toy later. Some hints, bigger than the camera, black, fast, from out of town, not from Africa. (You won't guess it unless your name is Lance)

06-16-2003, 12:01 PM
That's my desk when its clean :(

06-16-2003, 12:02 PM

06-16-2003, 12:03 PM
Door to my room.

06-16-2003, 07:13 PM
How do you like it?
I have been shopping around looking to replace my crap digi and had my eye on the sony Cybershot.
Could you do me a HUGE favor? could you snap a pic like an automag bolt(or something like it) up close and then an outside shot of just down the street (for distance) ??PWEESE??
It's one thing to look at camaras in the store, but it would be nice to see how well they work:D :D

06-16-2003, 09:50 PM
I don't have a mag bolt but I can find something to shoot up close. I won't be at my moms house tomarrow but when I get there wednesday I'll take a few pictures of close ups and far away.

For a digi cam the zoom is real good. I can get some pretty good far away shots.

It has a real nice night shot feature, the pictures arn't real clear but you could tell what something was. Kinda like Gen IIish night vision.

I am not real crazy about the movie feature. It would work good if everything was close up but if you go from something far to something close it takes awhile to focus.

It uses what I'm assumeing are infrared beams right before it takes a picture. I'm pretty sure that these are to measure the distance. I'll use my other digi cam to try to get a picture of these lines because they go away before the cybershot takes the picture. You can acctually see the red lines on what ever you are trying to take a picture of.

That picture is supposed to be what the lines look like. They get more dense or less depending on how close the subject is. That's why I tihnk they are for distance, I could be wrong.

I like the camera alot. Check back wednesday, I'll take alot of pics for you.

06-16-2003, 11:24 PM
Thanks Assassn:D :D

06-17-2003, 04:05 AM
nice camera, i still need a decent one....but cars come first, eh?

oh, and REAL nice car (didnt want to post in your other thread) but, its not as nice as the dunebuggy ima get for my car :D


06-18-2003, 11:05 PM
Wow sorry magking I had a BIG delay today but I got the pictures and I'll start posting. I also have a short movie I'll host that on a site and send the link. I couldn't get a shot with the lines.

Some wires REALLY clsoe up with the flash on.

Go to www.angelfire.com/film/housetour/1.jpg

To see the other pictures replace 1 with other numbers like 2.jpg or 3.jpg

It goes through 12.

Also for the movie it's www.angelfire.com/film/housetour/MOV01022.MPG

They are pretty self explainatory.

06-19-2003, 07:14 AM
Hey wow that works pretty slick, hmmm now to go shopping for the best price :D
Thanks much for the demo:) :)

06-19-2003, 10:24 AM
No problemo. Sorry it took so long, I had a few hang ups.