View Full Version : mag problems

08-26-2001, 01:09 PM
On my 68 mag I am have problems when I rapid fire I have a really bad problem of chopping paint and a few paintballs barely make it out of the barrel. I am not short stroking cause i rapid fired my cousins 68 mag and it did not happen. the on/off valve is working alright.

08-26-2001, 01:23 PM
first off make sure your velocity is turned up to the right speed.the thing with the automag regulator nut(the thing u turn to change the velocity)is that it can be turned down so that the balls don't even leave the barrel.also what paint are u shooting??low quality paint can cause lots of breaks in any gun.are u shooting nitro or c02?? if your shooting a 47 cu 3000 psi nitro tank they don't have a very high flow rate so u will get drop off.do u have a powerfeed on your gun??or a mororized hopper?? feeding problems might be your problem?? if u have any more questions u could e-mail me at [email protected]

08-26-2001, 01:28 PM
i am shooting a 47ci 3000psi nitro system, 9 volt revy,and 32 degrees competition paint.and i am not shooting that fast with my revy on.

08-26-2001, 01:30 PM
my cousin is using the same tank and he dosent have any problems with it.

08-26-2001, 01:31 PM
Well, are you using a moterized hopper? Also do you have a powerfeed or standard feed? If you have a powerfeed do you have the parabolic powerfeed plug? This allows you to ajust the powerfeed plug to fit your gun correctly. If you have one is it set right? It should be a tiny bit over the lip, so that balls roll in freely, without getting cought there.
If you have a standard feed, you should get the new extended nose bolt, which reduces blowback, and increases feed rate.
How is your paint-barrel match? To tight the balls may be getting pinched to much, and breaking. Is your nubbin broken, paint could be getting caught on their, and breaking. Have you messed with your trigger rod at all?

08-26-2001, 01:48 PM
nubbin and paint barrel match is ok the trigger rod is a little longer than it should be.

08-26-2001, 01:55 PM
but my problem was happening before i messed with the trigger rod which when i did mess with it i was not thinking.

08-26-2001, 02:10 PM
Making the trigger rod longer will cause the exact problems you are having. When you gas up the gun, the tip of the trigger rod should NOT touch the back of the trigger. If it is, screw it in until you see a small gap. Also, try replacing your reg. seat and using a parabolic PF plug.

08-26-2001, 03:50 PM
i replaced the reg seat and i have a classic feed with a 9 volt revy

08-26-2001, 03:54 PM
i am having that problem too
someone screwed with my trigger
so i adjusted a gap into it
replaced reg seat twice
and all oring
new powertube spacer
i play with a revvy but it doesn't matter
because i can't shoot that fast anyway
with this problem
the only thing that it
could possibly be
is that trigger rod
isn't adjusted right
or that the spring that holds the
valve piston that sits right on top of the
reg seat is bad
what is this part called main spring
valve spring
got a tournament coming up need help quick

08-26-2001, 08:15 PM
I am calling agd cause everything u guys said wasn't the problem.or I had already tried what u guys said.tjmag I will e-mail u when i get an answer.

08-27-2001, 12:16 AM
What type of grip frames are you guys using? Any aftermarket internals? Are you shooting around 300fps? The spring that holds the reg. valve pin doesn't wear. It's just there to hold the reg. valve pin in place. Air pressure and the piston move it back and forth.

Make sure your piston is clean and oiled. Make sure the on/off pin is oiled and moves easily. Make sure there is no debris caught in the coils of the spring that holds the reg. valve pin. You can check your spring pack for wear by making sure that the stacks of disks are tight together. If you can move the disks apart from each other easily with your finger nail, then the spring pack is worn and needs to be replaced. The large washer at the base of the spring pack should stay in one spot and not be able to slide around.

Check these things and report back. If all else fails, send it in to AGD and the will fix it. There's only so much that can be done to fix a gun over the forums...

08-27-2001, 09:13 AM
i cant get my reg. piston out

08-27-2001, 10:31 AM
Take the piece that the piston is in and unscrew it from the front valve body. Unscrew the velocity adjuster and pull the spring pack out. Take a toothpick or a small allen wrench and press through the center hole in the front half of the regulator on the piston to push it out, If you still can't get it out, oil it some and then try again. If it's sticking really bad, then that's probably your problem.

08-27-2001, 01:39 PM
I had this problem and it got worse and worse. It turned out to be a main spring fatigue problem. I guess as the spring gets older it doesn't cock as hard as it did or slows down just before cocking and paint doesn't drop in right all the time. I carry a couple of springs with me now. I replace the spring every couple of cases of paint and never have a problem. Look down into your power feed and see if any part of the bolt projects into the hole paint drops through. I hope this helps.