View Full Version : Paint Balls Sams Scenairo Game

06-17-2003, 02:04 PM
2003 Sam's Scenario Game

'Hey all! Sorry for the delays and the secrecy surrounding this scenario game. To be very honest with you all Jim of our little group retired from the scenario game biz and Tim and I are major procrastinators. That being said, here is the low down on this years Scenario Game.

The game will be next weekend, Saturday, June 21st. The gates will open at 7:30 am with sign in beginning at 8:00 am. Everyone will need a picture id and anyone under the age of 18 will need one of our parental consent forms, signed and notarized, or signed by a legal parent or guardian AT THE FIELD! No exceptions! There is no one under the age of 14 allowed on the field.
From 8:00 am to 9:00 am will be doing sign in and chronoing. Everyone must be able to chrono under 285 feet per second. At 9:00 am will be begin orientation along with the special rules for the game. From there the teams will be split up and the planning will begin. At 10:15 (hopefully) we will begin the game! At 12:30 we will break for lunch, regrouping, and door prizes! At 1:15 we hit the field again and battle it out until 3:30. Once the game is at an end we will tally up the scores and find out which team is the big winner.
Now here are some specifics about the format and game. There will be two generals, who will have a command staff. We are working off a victory point format like we have in the past. Points will be awarded for kills of main characters, taking and holding objectives, and finishing missions. We will be using reserves like we have in the past. The reserves work simply like this. If you are taken out of the game you head off the field to your teams dead box. Once there you wait for 10 minutes or until there are 10 players ready to go back in, and then you are taken back in by a ref as a reserve force.
Some of the characters in the game will be the generals of course, captains, medics, combat engineers, snipers, and new this year, SPECIAL FORCES! That's right, both teams will have a special forces squad which will have their own special rules. The game will feature maps, objectives, and more missions then last year.
Now for the main questions I'm sure your going to ask. First off the paint prices are $88 for a case of 2000 rounds, $48 for a half case, and $29 for 500 round bags. FIELD PAINT ONLY! NO CARRY ON PAINT! The price of the game is a 15 dollar field fee, this includes members. Sorry members but like Big Game 1 and 2 this is a special event and therefore that 15 field fee. Air refills are 1.00 per 1000 psi of compressed air and CO2 fills start at $2 for a seven ounce and go up from there.
There will soda, Gatorade, chips, and snacks for sale but there will be NO HOT FOOD! So plan on bringing your lunch or you can run up the road to several fast food places. You are welcome to grill out in the parking lot but let me remind you all one more time that there is no alcohol allowed on the premises.
Well, I hope this answers some of your questions but I'm sure there is something I didn't cover, in which case you can email me with all your questions. Just send them to mailto:redmatt@wi.rr.com and I will get back to you ASAP!
I hope you all can make it out to the third offering of Paint Balls Sam's Scenario Game. We will keep trying to bring you the best games possible. Feel free to write us with comments and suggestions.
One last word of advice, bring radios if you have them! You will be even more important to your team if you actual have a radio!



06-17-2003, 02:05 PM
I just posted this since there I was starting to get a lot of emails asking about this saturdays game. Pride will doing a lot of the refing but sadly Tom coudln't make this one. We will hopefully be getting him back for next years. I hope you all can make it and if you have any questions just let me know, I'll be happy to help.
