View Full Version : Question on 9v to 18v hopper mod.

08-28-2001, 01:58 PM
I recently acquired a 9v revolution hopper and was wondering if this mod i found on a page would burn out the board on the revo or not.
Heres the page : http://cookie.2y.net/spyder/Mods/revmod.html

Any ideas?

http://www.galaxy-pc.com/mag <---my automag

http://www.galaxy-pc.com/mag/wiringdiagram.jpg <--- Warpfeed Intellifeed diagram

08-28-2001, 07:22 PM
i know a better way i did it to mine

first you take the board out of the little black sleeve then you will see there is a little piece of wire soldered together on those little metal plates clip that and sand off all of the solder and wire then get your hands on some metal that you can bend to look exactly like the other clips then put them on just like the other ones and put it back into the sleeve and put two batteries in and it will work if you want a new paddle so you can have a bigger paddle you can get one for 2.50 from www.dropzonepaintball.com (http://www.dropzonepaintball.com)
and look unde brass eagle parts then revies or something to that nature any questions email me at [email protected] and no it wont fry nothing out mine didnt and i have had it for over a year like this now
that other guys mod blows miine is better seriously

joey banks

chrome powerfeed left
retro valve
max attack
9 converted 18 v. hopper
benchmark rail and double
getting a warp

08-28-2001, 07:24 PM
thanks a lot
ill try that

http://www.galaxy-pc.com/mag <---my automag

http://www.galaxy-pc.com/mag/wiringdiagram.jpg <--- Warpfeed Intellifeed diagram

08-28-2001, 07:27 PM
any questions e-mail me

joey banks

chrome powerfeed left
retro valve
max attack
9 converted 18 v. hopper
benchmark rail and double
getting a warp