View Full Version : *Official Bad day thread*

06-18-2003, 01:52 AM
Don't you hate it when nothing goes your way? today sucked for me and I feel like whining.

1. My 80 gig 7200 RPM Hard Drive takes a trip to the honey bucket. Wooo hoo. There goes everything except my operating system.

2. Work from 2:00 PM to 10:00 PM with the WORST stocker EVER. It takes him half an hour to get anything done and I usually end up doing it myself. When I page to check in on him, he gives me attitude. Yay.

3. Western Digital decides that they want to charge me $15 to trouble shoot: AKA Let a dumb bastard read out of a spiral bound notebook and put me on hold for an hour. Yeah right. Not paying for that.

4. Giant friction burn on my inner left arm from picking up a cardboard box that should have been carried by stocker from #2. hooooray.

5. Not getting into a Sociology Class I want. 'been #7 on the waiting list for the last week. Hoooo ray.

6. My house is hot. 80* + 90 humidity rating.

Oh, and don't reply unless your response is also a "bad day" kinda thing, a "damn, that sucks" kind of post or a way to fix a bad that has been had.

06-18-2003, 02:55 AM
Mine may not be as bad as yours but...

1. My room is also having that stupid temp humidity problem

2. The laptop crashed due to bad video card drivers at least 5 times. I tried reinstalling, redownloading, and finding new drivers... NOTHING WORKED. I just turned the card off and I can't use adobe premier anywhere in my house.

3. I still have to deal with the dumbest teacher at the school for one more period. She made our class draw a web diagram for a final... Very stupid, I'm glad she's getting fired.

4. My parents are giving me a hard time for wanting a new computer after 4 years. Stupid 1999 500mhz computer can't keep up with any intensive usage I need a computer for. I can't see why getting a new computer is so unreasonable.

5. My heater is stuck in low. Yes, my heater is still on. The stupid electrical heating system in the house can never be turned off.

It's all small stuff but the same crap happens every day. It pisses me off.

But about the heat thing... do you live upstairs?

06-18-2003, 07:44 AM
1. I am sitting here with the worst case of food poisoning I have had in years.No one in my family or at work is sick , so this germ just appeared in me from nowhere.

2.My inlaws are coming to spend the weekend at our house, and my wife has forbid me from doing anything other than visit with them.

3.Did I mention my inlaws are spending the weekend with us?

4.My yard is a giant mudhole because of recent repairs to my septic system , and it just won't stop raining, thus washing my real estate away.

5.I cannot find the orings that fit inside my on/off.The only hardware store around that carries a good selection of orings just closed.And the on/off had to be pressed onto my drop forward and is unremovable.