View Full Version : Micromag + LX Issues, Help!

06-18-2003, 09:08 AM

I know this is supposed to go in the LVL-10 problems thread, but I posted it there 2 days ago and haven't gotten a response, so I'm putting it in here.

So I just got my X-Valve from Action Village and worked on installing it Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. After working out a lot of kinks (on/off pin replacement, constantly swapping carriers and shims, what is seemingly the usual deal w/ a lvl 10 install) I managed to get the gun to dry fire perfectly, vent correctly, and reset correctly. So I took it on to the field and got about 10 balls out of it before I ran into a final problem that I've yet to come up with a good solution for.

For those of you not familiar with the PTP Micromag bodies, basically the body of the gun is one piece of anodized aluminum that holds the sear and has the ball detent built in to the side of the body. The ball detent is a piece of plastic that is fixed to the outside of the micromag body in between to small holes by a metal pin. One tip of the ball detent rests inside the firing chamber just in front of where the balls feed, and the other side has a small hole drilled in it (but not all the way through) that sits on top of a spring and a ball bearing (about 3/4 the size of a BB). So, when you fire, the paintball pushes the ball detent out of the firing chamber and then the spring pushes it back, got it? Now that that's out of the way...

Basically my gun dry-fires fine, but when I try to shoot paint it seems as though the following happens:

1) A Paintball feeds in to the chamber.
2) When I pull the trigger, the bolt moves forward to fire, but apparently thinks that it is pinching a ball when really it is pushing the ball against the ball detent.
3) The LX vents and the bolt resets when I completely pull the trigger.
4) Go to step 1, repeat :)

Let it be known I have the one-line carrier in my X-Valve and two shims. I'm also using the smallest spring because I couldn't get my gun to fire with either of the other springs. I need to clip the mid-spring down but I lost my bolt cutters.

So I realize that I have to somehow reduce the amount of force the ball detent puts on the paintball so that the LX doesn't get confused anymore. Possibilities include removing the ball bearing and just using the spring, or clipping the spring. The problem with both is that I believe the spring is fully extended when the detent is in resting position, so I'm wondering if clipping it would do anything to make it softer...

Alright that's it, somebody help!

06-18-2003, 02:03 PM
While you were firing balls, did you check your velocity? It may be as simple as turning your velocity up, and as a result, providing more force on the bolt.

I don't have a ball bearing in my micromag detent, just the spring. It works fine.

06-18-2003, 02:06 PM
Yeah, velocity was at 285. I'll try taking the ball bearing out today, and I found a smaller spring that I may be able to use.

06-18-2003, 03:52 PM
Try holding the detent out manually and firing some shots. That way you'll know for sure if its the detent that is causing the problem.

07-17-2003, 08:23 PM
I had a similar problem and switched out the original ball detent in my X-Mag for a Planet Eclipse Fangz...it worked like a charm. It comes in several thread types to accomodate most guns. The link below will take you to their web page. You can also try adding an o-ring to your ball detent, unscrew it and slide on of the black carrier o-rings that comes with you level 10 over the threads of the detent and screw it back on. This should give you a little more clearance.
