View Full Version : Weather Curse

06-19-2003, 12:25 PM
Sigh... every single scenario game I have ever been to has had bad weather. The first one, it poured and we got stuck in the mud. The next one, it rained. The third one, it was 115°. The fourth one, it poured and poured and poured so much (flooded the campsite). The last one rained too. Now, here I am, goin from Virginia to Pennsylvania for a scenario game, and the weather report is callin for rain. It's a curse I tell ya, a curse!

06-19-2003, 02:40 PM
Virginia weather just plain blows right now...I cant remember what its like to be able to slide into a DRY bunker...as in not sliding into 5 inch deep water with about another 3 inches of mud that will suck your shoe off. BLAH

Major Ho
06-19-2003, 04:16 PM
I hear that, everytime I went to richmond to play with the guys down there the two tourneys were both drenching baths. Im going to PA for some camping and paintballing this weekend too? Where are you going to and what scenario ma bob?
First the weather people said oh yeah its gonna be nice for a change, yesterday they said oh no its gonna suck this weekend. Today they are back to, hey its gonna be nice again. I would like to kick them and the computer that supposedly forecasts this in the crotch.

06-19-2003, 04:19 PM
Originally posted by .bolink
Virginia weather just plain blows right now...I cant remember what its like to be able to slide into a DRY bunker...as in not sliding into 5 inch deep water with about another 3 inches of mud that will suck your shoe off. BLAH

It has been raining for like 1.5 straight monthes... :(

06-19-2003, 05:54 PM
Ok, just got back from doing 4 and a half hours of yardwork... IN THE RAIN!

Virginia weather just plain blows right now...I cant remember what its like to be able to slide into a DRY bunker...as in not sliding into 5 inch deep water with about another 3 inches of mud that will suck your shoe off. BLAH

The last scenario game I played, we got pinned down in a ditch! my whole ankle went into the mud, and I would have lost my brand new boots if I hadn't tied them on tight!

I hear that, everytime I went to richmond to play with the guys down there the two tourneys were both drenching baths. Im going to PA for some camping and paintballing this weekend too? Where are you going to and what scenario ma bob?
First the weather people said oh yeah its gonna be nice for a change, yesterday they said oh no its gonna suck this weekend. Today they are back to, hey its gonna be nice again. I would like to kick them and the computer that supposedly forecasts this in the crotch.

Only 3 of the 5 scenario games I have attended in the past year were in Virginia. Two were in Maryland or North Carolina. I've had a blast at every one, but I wish there'd be one game where the weather was perfect! Mid 70s to low 80s, sunny, with a nice breeze... ahh... oops! drooling on myself.

I am going to the Black Cat Productions scenario game "Caddyshack 2: The Gopher's Revenge" with some of my team, the Virginia Irregulars.

On Monday the weather report said it would rain until Thursday evening, then it would become nice and sunny, with mid 70s to low 80s... oops! drooling on myself again. Well, my friend who's comin along gave me a weather report today... Thunderstorms on Saturday and rain on Sunday. Ack!!!

It has been raining for like 1.5 straight monthes... :(

It has been raining more than that. It has been raining at least once a week since November! My tourny team has not been able to get to our field in the woods since November because of the rain. :(

06-19-2003, 06:03 PM
It has been rainging so much this year around here

last year we had a drought

this year it doesent stop raining

go figure:p

06-19-2003, 07:12 PM
Wow, we have been having great weather out here in California for weeks. Uh-oh, this will probably curse me too. Damn. Well, I'm off to find some wood to knock on.

06-19-2003, 08:23 PM
well, hey cali peeps.....at least we don't have rolling black outs:o :p

06-20-2003, 12:37 AM
Uh...we haven't yet actually had to experience a rolling blackout here in Southern CA... I can't speak for Northern CA as I think they had to go through ONE and that was like 2 years ago.

Even if they were a reality, rolling blackouts wouldn't affect us Californians during the day when we're out on the fields playing in perfectly sunny, rain-free weather! If there's a blackout when we get home, no big deal, we're headed straight to sleep anyway. :D

06-20-2003, 01:13 AM
Don't feel bad, here in Wisconsin we have the most messed up weather there is. I mean come on, it has snowed in July before. ;)

06-20-2003, 01:39 AM
Originally posted by pacbell
Uh...we haven't yet actually had to experience a rolling blackout here in Southern CA... I can't speak for Northern CA as I think they had to go through ONE and that was like 2 years ago.

Even if they were a reality, rolling blackouts wouldn't affect us Californians during the day when we're out on the fields playing in perfectly sunny, rain-free weather! If there's a blackout when we get home, no big deal, we're headed straight to sleep anyway. :D

Hell yes! Go California! Welcome to AO by the way.

06-20-2003, 12:56 PM
Don't worry you are not the only person that has this curse.

It happens to me also.