View Full Version : Just went to a CKY show last night

06-21-2003, 06:51 PM
I went to last year's show, but i just stood up in the back, this time i went up to the stage. It was great, during the show, i got kicked in the face by some croud surfer and i got knocked out unconcience, but i didnt fall because it was so packed. Before the show, i was talking to Vern(Bass player) and he told me i could have his beanie after the show, he just said he wanted it good and sweaty for me :D. But he ended up losing it during the show, so he gave me his pick! It was really cool, i talked to each member for like 15 minutes each! It was really aesome, then i got a 7" signed by the whole band and my ticket stub signed by the whole band. The show ended at 1:00AM, and we left at about 2:00 because we were keepin it real with the band(AWESOME!!!), then we left and my bastard friend woke me up at 8:30, and i couldnt go back to sleep. Overall it was a GREAT concert, i got knocked out, i got Vern's pick, hung out with the band, man it was great! I suggest to anyone that doesnt know who CKY is, to go download/borrow/buy some CKY records RIGHT NOW! The Alliance Lives ON!

06-21-2003, 11:24 PM
Sounds like a pretty good show.

They came to my local club late last year, and I missed it. I heard it was just about the best show ever put on there. Bam was even there, and filmed some stuff in the street outside.

I am still kicking myself for that...

06-22-2003, 12:25 AM
It was an amazing show! My head still really hurts from getting knocked out! Man, i wish they are comin back next year, but they are taking a break, or at least that is what Deron Miller(Singer) told me, he even said, that time might be used to make a new album! But you didnt hear from me.

land hurricane
06-22-2003, 02:42 PM
Thats awesome, CKY is up there on my favorite band list. Heh, I even have CKY spraypainted on my skateboard's griptape.

06-22-2003, 05:51 PM
Man, I knew that musta been you that I saw at that show. Tried to get your attention but with the crowd and the pit it didn't work. That show was so much crazier than their last one here. That's awsome that you got to hang out with everyone. BTW, we need to get together and play some ball soon.

06-22-2003, 07:25 PM
Yes indeedy, i was actually lookin for you. But i couldnt. My damn head still hurts. Man, i got vern's pick that is soo damn cool. But Chad offered me some Jim Bean, but i refused, because i dont drink, but it would have been cool to say "I drank with Chad Ginsburg!". But i cant really remember the first half of the concert before i got knocked out. Where were you Brandon? And yes, we do have to get together and play, i havent played for like 3 months! I need a goddamned feild strip screw! You gots one laying around?!?!

And that little bastard Joe owes me a bag o' paint! :), actually he prolly doesnt because it was my fault. Ohh well, we'll see.

06-23-2003, 07:33 PM
This guy I know wen't to one last year and he said that they were around abck and they saw one of hte tour busses, so they went up to it and the door opened.. and he said it was like a movie... door openes real slow.. smoke billows out just all over hte place.. and one of hte guys falls down the stairs and is like 'hey man... wanna join us?' so they hung out & got high with the band and everything he said it was awesome...\

I have never been to one nor heard their music before....

06-24-2003, 01:04 AM
Yeah, jess(drummer) offered me some Jim Bean, i turned it down, on account of my friends mom being right behind me, and i dont really drink. Twas an amazing show though.