View Full Version : Short Stroking tips

06-23-2003, 09:08 PM
Today I played a game with my Mag for the first time and I chopped (my fault, short stroking) and had many double feeds. I was wondering if anyone could give me some tips on how to learn the trigger and not short stroke. If it helps, I was using 32* Team Colors. Thanks.

06-23-2003, 09:17 PM
team colors is decent, buy a level ten and never chop again. But just practice letting the trigger come all the way forward before proceeding with the next shot. Thats about the only thing i know to tell you

06-23-2003, 09:31 PM
I have constantly shortstroked my own minimag - my solution to this was to adjust the sear back a long ways - where the manual says something about a piece of paper between trigger and sear I have more air than sear pin showing. This seems to have helped me and I dont seem to have any side effects from it.

06-23-2003, 09:34 PM
Thanks, I ordered a Level 10 when I ordered my Mag, but it is not here yet. I ordered my Lvl 10 5 weeks ago but it's not in yet, and I have no idea why.

06-23-2003, 10:47 PM
replace your pt oring

06-23-2003, 11:41 PM
Originally posted by m-98
Thanks, I ordered a Level 10 when I ordered my Mag, but it is not here yet. I ordered my Lvl 10 5 weeks ago but it's not in yet, and I have no idea why.

i'd call the company and ask them whats up with that. theres not a shortage of them as far as i believe

06-23-2003, 11:58 PM
I short stroke when i pull the trigger all the way back to the frame. Try pulling your trigger about half-way, it work for me.

06-24-2003, 09:59 AM
Originally posted by Ityl
replace your pt oring

The gun is brand new.

06-24-2003, 10:20 AM
Concentrate more on laying balls on target and less on cranking on the trigger (3-4 days of play). After a while you will learn the feel of the trigger when its completely let out the on/off valve. Then work more on your ability to crank out balls, it will be second nature at that point.

Check your ball detent make sure its ok. Possible reason for double feeds.

06-24-2003, 10:27 AM
Originally posted by Crighton
Concentrate more on laying balls on target and less on cranking on the trigger (3-4 days of play). After a while you will learn the feel of the trigger when its completely let out the on/off valve. Then work more on your ability to crank out balls, it will be second nature at that point.

As Crighton says, taking a little time to learn the Mag's trigger will stop most short-stroking. After you get a feel for it you can ramp up the speed.

Of course when your L10 comes in you wont have to worry about short-stroking anyway.

P.S. Team Colors is fine paint. Not the best out there but perfectly fine. It sounds like your trigger finger was the cause of your chops and double feeds, not your paint.

06-24-2003, 10:33 AM
I don't like Team Colors because it didn't shoot well in my Flatline, and this stuff is a couple weeks old, I forgot to metion that.

06-24-2003, 11:43 AM
Originally posted by Lohman446
I have constantly shortstroked my own minimag - my solution to this was to adjust the sear back a long ways - where the manual says something about a piece of paper between trigger and sear I have more air than sear pin showing. This seems to have helped me and I dont seem to have any side effects from it.

dont do this! you should never touch the trigger rod. shortening it can lead to the sear not fully disengaging and the on/off not fully being turned off. that can lead to non-firing and bad chrono results. lengthening it leads to bolt and sear wear. it is set perfectly from the factory, dont touch it.

06-24-2003, 12:02 PM
Originally posted by xen_100

dont do this! you should never touch the trigger rod. shortening it can lead to the sear not fully disengaging and the on/off not fully being turned off. that can lead to non-firing and bad chrono results. lengthening it leads to bolt and sear wear. it is set perfectly from the factory, dont touch it.

On my micromag with a single trigger frame, the sear was great. I changed to an intelliframe. The trigger would not even set the pin off. I lengthened it. Seems to work fine now, whats wrong with that? It is about a creditcard width away from the trigger now.

06-24-2003, 12:08 PM
Originally posted by dcmander

On my micromag with a single trigger frame, the sear was great. I changed to an intelliframe. The trigger would not even set the pin off. I lengthened it. Seems to work fine now, whats wrong with that? It is about a creditcard width away from the trigger now.

Thats usually caused by a tollerance issue between the body/rail/trigger frame. Had the same problem with my mag when I got the intelli. Field strip bushing was not sitting all the way into the intelli/omega rail and was holding the valve and body up about 1mm. Took a screw driver and banged the bushing down into the intelli and rail. Works fine now with out messing with the trigger rod length.

06-24-2003, 12:11 PM
Originally posted by dcmander

On my micromag with a single trigger frame, the sear was great. I changed to an intelliframe. The trigger would not even set the pin off. I lengthened it. Seems to work fine now, whats wrong with that? It is about a creditcard width away from the trigger now.

that is not an AGD product and the tolerances are different. as long as the trigger rod is set to the correct length, there is nothing wrong with it. when you try to do a "trigger job" by shortening or lengthing it, thats when you will run into problems.

06-25-2003, 07:54 AM
I was wrong, I thought I was short stroking, but the bolt is sticking, I know it is in the video, but could someone tell me how to fix it.

06-25-2003, 09:14 AM
you need to get a PT spacer kit. put in a longer spacer.

06-25-2003, 10:39 AM
Ok, I haven't been able to fix anything yet cause I don't have the parts, but I dry fired the gun to see if I could get a better idea what is wrong. It leaks after I fire a few time, but when I hold the trigger down, it stops leaking, but when I release the trigger again, it leaks and the bolt moves forward on its own and stops about halfway in the breach.

06-25-2003, 10:54 AM
i have had the worst luck with this paint. agreed that level 10 will elimnate your paint breaking problem most likely. for the time being dont shoot team colors i can almost assure you that will eliminate alot of your problem.

as far as the leaking. gotta got with trying a diff power tube spacer. drop a few drops of oil in asa afterwards.

06-25-2003, 10:56 AM
sounds like you have a couple problems.........

make sure you have a good sear, not rounded off at all.

make sure the bolt isn't rounded off or chipped.

sounds like you also have a bolt stick problem if the bolt wont reset after it fires. re-placing the PT o-ring and getting a spacer kit will solve that.

06-25-2003, 11:05 AM
you dont have any problems, but i bet your using CO2 aren't you? Get an expantion chamber so there isn't any liquid getting into your gun. Unlike your M-98, Mags don't like CO2. You can get either that, or get a HPA tank and use air/nitrogen from now on. It should solve your bolt stick problem. As far as breaking paint goes, just make sure your not short stroking and it really shouldn't break any paint. Team Colors isn't very brittle paint so if your break TC, perhaps your firing too fast. BTW, is your gun a powerfeed or a stnd feed? If your breaking paint and not short stroking with TC and your gun is a powerfeed, your nubbin is probably out too far, lower it. As long as it's not double feeding, you want it as low as possible. Other than that, you should be set to go.

06-25-2003, 11:59 AM
I did the research, I'm using nitro. right now I don't care about double feeding, I just want to fix the problem(s). It is a PF left.

06-25-2003, 07:25 PM
I have examined(sp?) the problem again and have found that when I pull the trigger and hold it for a few seconds and then release the trigger slowly, the sear pin does not return to its original position, it only goes halfway. Then when I pull the trigger the bolt does nothing, but on the next pull the bolt stops halfway in the breach and air starts leaking out the barrel. Then I pull the trigger normally and everything is normal. I am thinking that it is something in the PT like many of you have said, but I still wanted to run it by you. Should I try a new spacer?

06-26-2003, 09:47 AM
Any ideas?

06-26-2003, 09:56 AM
i have that problem once in a while. My friend recently bought the intelliframe. If you are thinking about upgrading, get the intelli, it cured my friends short stroking problems

06-26-2003, 10:40 AM
to me it sounds like you have bolt stick.

pulling the trigger really slow does weird things with my mag too. they seem to like a quick pull and quick release. but that should not effect the bolt stick issue, I would get a PT spacer kit.

06-26-2003, 11:01 AM
Thanks for all your help, everyone. I'm going to get a PT spacer kit. Right now I don't have the money for a new frame, but I will later this summer.