View Full Version : I got questions on mag upgrades

06-24-2003, 10:57 AM
What is a nice automag body kit to buy that comes in blue or chrome and uses automag threads? Also is a Retro Valve and level 10 worth buying and how much are they? I heard a lot about the retro valve and how its good but what exactly does it do to the gun? Is the intelliframe the best trigger frame to buy? Thats the frame im looking into right now.:D

06-24-2003, 11:50 AM
there aren't any blue automag kits anymore. you can try ebay, but that is hit or miss. You can get any polished stainless body you want in the AGD store.

unless you are looking at ebay, the retro valve is not made anymore. the replacement for it is the x-valve, which has the lvl10 in it. what the RT valve does it push your finger back after every shot. makes shortstroking alot harder to do, and it increases your ROF alot. it is about $225 if you trade in your old valve, $325 if you dont. well worth it.

yup, it is the only frame worth replacing with IMHO.

06-25-2003, 05:45 AM
definitely get the Level10.
i broke 1 ball in the barrel in 2 days of continuous
play. i was using 32degrees recball paint. ($55/box)
LX might require some tinkering, but if you read
the installation instructions carefully, youll
fix any problems.

im lookin into the Iframe and the X-valve too.
some people are having problems with the x-valve.
so, ill observe some more.
im gettin the iframe sometime in the near future.
as soon as my funding recovers.


06-25-2003, 08:09 PM
Originally posted by junglechink
im lookin into the Iframe and the X-valve too.
some people are having problems with the x-valve.
so, ill observe some more.
im gettin the iframe sometime in the near future.
as soon as my funding recovers.


If you read thru the X-Valve problem threads, most of the issues are with Level 10 setups, not the valves.

I have two X-Valves (one in my E-Mag and one in my X-Mag). I've yet to have a problem with it aside from some minor LX tuning.

I hate to be like this, but most X-Valve issues have to do with the users' lack of knowledge concerning LX. Not to be mean or rude, but that's a fact.

Later ~ Dave

06-26-2003, 02:40 AM
I've heard great things about the lvl 10, but my AIR valve works fine for me...for now. The intelliframe increased my rate of fire by alot. I'd probably get that first (i did) and then after playing some more with the intelli, decide if you really need an X-valve or not. if you have the csh, get it. If not, you should be fine for a little while with your AIR valve.