View Full Version : Not so Identical Twin Emags

09-03-2001, 08:11 PM
Just wanted to know what anyone thought about this situation. I guess it is pretty commonplace for two supposedly identical guns to operate differently. I have my first Emag that shoots awesome. After hooking up the interlink cable to the warp set up, it shot so well and broke so little that I decided to get rid of all my other markers and get another Emag. So I did. This is a much newer one and already has the 1.37 version of firmware or whatever the electronic stuff is in there. It's the damndest things since it is clearly in much much much newer condition than my other Emag. It however, chops balls and skips shots and well... quite frankly, I'm just glad I still have my old Emag. I'm not quite sure what to do. The older more reliable mag has proven it's worth to me over and over. It has perfomed beautifully regardless of the situation. It has earned it's position on my top shelf. The newer, and prettier Emag, just coz it's shinier is still on the middle rach below my Micromag with Retro valve just because of the reliability issue. I'm stumped. Whatever worked for the older Emag, just doesn't seem to work for the new one. Not sure what to do or who to ask. I'm just not very satisfied with it's performance. I'd hate to think how others who have purchased an Emag and have experienced what I have without ever having a good experience with an Emag prior to their purchase. It would seem to me that it would very easily cause people to think that the Emag was an overpriced chunk of metal. There is nothing wrong with the valve as far as I can tell. Nor is there anything wrong with the electronics as far as I know. Maybe the trigger is not properly adjusted? I've played around with it for awhile and it seems to work well before being gassed up. Maybe I'm just not feeding fast enough. I only shot a quick string of about 6 balls and chopped. It is rather disheartening. I am not impressed with this new Emag. Can anyone help?



09-03-2001, 11:00 PM
Well, how are you feeding this E-Mag and are you using the same paint and barrel as with your other E-Mag that is working great. Also, if the gun is actually missing shots in E mode, you'll need to screw in the magnet in the center of the trigger just a bit. The gun should fire and then have just a bit of overtravel. Adjust that and see if you can get it working properly and then try setting up a Warp and interlink cable on your newer E-Mag if you haven't already. Also, try different paint and barrel combinations.

09-04-2001, 01:59 AM
Also look at your software setting for shots per second. If you have the old software it will be defaulting to 12 BPS where the new version starts off at 16 BPS. If your feeding with a gravity fed hopper you can chop much more easily than with the warp. Try speed limiting the new gun to 11 BPS and see if the problem goes away.