View Full Version : Some simple pics of my mag.

06-25-2003, 08:39 PM
Finally got myself to make my own mag. I've always kind of liked them, found them unique. But since the LVL10 and I got to shoot the ULE trigger, broke down, spent 550 bucks, and got myself a mag.

Well it's nothing special, still rather simple.


Just overall black. I'm not a big fan of flashy chrome everywhere. I've always prefered a standard black. Goes with every situation. Be it in the woods or a concept field, and it always matches my clothes! Yeah!


Black ULE body.
Black X-valve (with of course LVL10, glad it comes with the valve)
Black blade I-frame
Standard mag rail
Powerlyte Scepter barrel system
Halo B and Crossfire 68/4500 (not shown).

Almost didn't even happen. Got the rail, and the son of a gun barrel-lock fitting wouldn't come out! And with the cocker threadings of the ULE body, there was no hole for this no more and it was causing major difficulties. Body wouldn't rest properly.

After many attempts of a hammer, and then a torch with hammer, and then vice. I tried to find some drill bits but couldn't. So I just dremeled it smooth! A good 20 minutes of dremel work and it was better than not even being there.

[edit]And I gotta say. This sucker is LIGHT! I have to get a digi-scale reading. See the official weight.

06-25-2003, 09:24 PM
You could even lose more weight if you bought an aftermarket rail!

IMO it looks really nice, kinda like my gun looks.

06-25-2003, 10:15 PM
very nice. Someday my gun will look like that.... i hope :rolleyes: where in Ny are you?

06-25-2003, 10:37 PM
Yeah, saw those Omega rails. Wasn't sure what they were made of so I didn't bother to try and order one of them.

But they look sick! Hopefully they are aluminium.

And Torbo, I'm close to Syracuse actually, I'll be at the NY Cup at the Fairgrounds doing an article.

I'm about 50 minutes south of you. Just past Auburn.

06-25-2003, 10:45 PM
i wish i could be at the NY cup :( darn fractured neck...
anyway, i live in fayetteville. And the omega rails, i believe are very hard to find. You could get your rail milled, or get a ULE rail.

06-25-2003, 11:58 PM
Meph, yup- - the omega rails are aluminum. They are pretty hard to find. Last I heard, Tunaman was about the only place you could get one, and i also heard he may be out.

mags looking good, glad you are enjoying it.

They are pretty dang light w/ all the new goodies, aren't they?


06-26-2003, 07:55 AM
- Hope your neck heals up.

- I wasn't sure about the ULE rail. Thought they had those made for just E-mags. I'll have to look at the store, see if there are some made for regular mags.

06-26-2003, 08:03 AM
im not sure on the ULE rail. I know there is someone in the dealer's forum who mills out stock rails so they are very light.
And thank you

06-26-2003, 07:40 PM
Great, finally got it all put together with the fittings and ASA. Gas it up and nothing. No pressure is getting in for some reason, not sure why. I'll have to make a post in tech-talk.

This is bugging me, something I don't know the answer to.

06-26-2003, 07:58 PM
There is gas in the tank right?:D ON off in the ON position?:D Those could be some obveous culprist.

I think tunaman might be keeping the omega's for his tunamags. You might be able to fing one in the classifieds tho.

How is that nothing special. That's a sweet tricked mag! All I would add would be a foregrip and an omega rail. Looks so good. I'm a big fan of black. I don't know what it is but a nice shiney all blak gun looks so sexy. :D

06-26-2003, 08:05 PM
your intelliframe, is that the flat black or the brite black?

06-26-2003, 08:07 PM
Info (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=89509)

I explained it all there. I like to keep these forums pretty clean and do things how they're designed. Talk in one section, tech in another. Though I could be like some people and just post it all in the AO meet n greet! :P

Foregrip. I've thought of it, but then said no. I have no need for it. I don't use my left hand much for holding onto it, I kind of hold onto the trigger guard but not much. Besides, that's another probably 5 ounces I don't need.

But I don't call it anything special. Nothing's custom, it's all very basic and black and neutral. Just how I prefer it.

I'm not going to be like some people who get pissed at you because you shot me in the special gilled milling making me take Q-tips and 5 hours to clean it all out. Just a quick swipe of a rag is what I prefer.

06-26-2003, 08:17 PM
Originally posted by Meph
Great, finally got it all put together with the fittings and ASA. Gas it up and nothing. No pressure is getting in for some reason, not sure why. I'll have to make a post in tech-talk.

This is bugging me, something I don't know the answer to.
When you gas up, does it sound like it's trying to cock? Check the trigger rod, does it seem stiffer than normal? If so, and you're not getting the gun to cycle when you pull the trigger, you might have to crank up the velocity on the valve. The level 10 requires higher velocity settings in order for it to cycle.

I remember the first time I installed level 10 in my retro valve, it wouldn't cycle and I thought something was wrong. If you increase the velocity and it still doesn't fire, then yeah...could definitely be something else.

Also, RogueFactor is the one you'll want to contact if you want to mill out your rail. Enjoy your mag, it looks pretty clean!

06-26-2003, 08:22 PM
Ya roguefactor turns a stock rail from 4-5 oz to around 3.5 oz. I have a rail at his place as we speak. By the way that is not just a simple mag. That has all the upgrades. Looks like a beauty though. Oh and Rogue also has ULE foregrips on the way as well. Which also weighs in around 3 oz. They are non gas thru though. Anyways. Good luck with your mag. It looks sweet.

06-26-2003, 08:29 PM
Stiff? No, when I say not pressurized I literally mean nothing. Not even the trigger rod. I can move the marker back and forth, and the rod moves with it. It jingles around. So the on/off pin must not have been pushed down I would have to believe.

If it had, then it would push on the back of the sear and that would push the trigger rod forward to the back of the trigger.

But it doesn't.

06-26-2003, 09:15 PM
could be the spring size on the LX. Not sure though.

06-26-2003, 09:52 PM
Hmmmmm, seems odd.

Just took out the valve, but in the process it was stiff. Had to wiggle it out. And once it got about an inch out, it vented.

So that showed me that there was indeed air going into the regulator and then into the valve chamber. Or at least TRYING to get into the valve chamber.

But the on/off pin was pretty stiff. I'm not sure, I might have gotten an improperly lazer-cut on/off assembly. Be it the pin or the housing. But which ever moving the pin up and down in the assembly was a bit stiff.

This sucks because I can't exactly use my trusted dremel to fix this type of problem. This actually requires precision and accurate skill. Not a hack job with a grinding wheel!

06-26-2003, 10:18 PM
I like it a lot, black always looks good.

06-26-2003, 10:21 PM
damn you......look at my sig

06-26-2003, 10:40 PM
Don't worry, I built a marker.

You can still build your gun!


06-26-2003, 11:32 PM
Well I know that when I have a to long of spring with my LX the gun won't cycle but their is obvious pressure there. The trigger rod moves back but no cycle. What I did was went one spring smaller and it works great now. The on/off sounds like it might be a problem. I'm not a pro tech though so don't take my word on it.

06-27-2003, 08:31 AM
Nah, fixed it. It'll cycle. Just that now I have to fine tune the LVL10.

06-27-2003, 10:41 AM
So what was wrong. Did you not have the velocity up enough or something?

06-27-2003, 10:45 AM
Yeah, just one more turn. But now another problem popped up. I'll tinker with it later. Have other things to do now, have to get ready to leave for Quest.

Hoped to at least be able to break it in, but ah well.

06-30-2003, 03:31 PM
Gave it to the guys at Gunslingers while I played at Quest. Fun event, glad to have met some of you guys (like webmaster). But while I played they turned the velocity adjuster back one turn and it worked fine again.

So second day came, finally got to play with it. I have to work with it some more, my trigger finger. Chuffing = bad. Some times I'd be lucky and it'd just shoot them both, other times they'd just break in barrel completely.

Though so far I'm really liking it. Slapped on a Halo and 68/45 and in the first game I played got 6 people out playing back. They all bounced using 2 month old Severe, but in my book I considered them out! Wish I had used fresh paint, we would've won that match if I had.
Not to shabby for being my first game using it and having to get used to its balance, trigger, and accuracy/distance.

Just need to play with it some more, get that puppy broken in. Though even with 2-month old Severe (still had a proper fit barrel sleeve with the Scepter) and it not broken in, still got +/- 4fps at the chronograph. 260, 264, 260. After I remembered to hold the trigger after firing quickly. Otherwise it was 236! Yeah, funny how those little things slip your mind.