View Full Version : my mag/a thank you

06-25-2003, 09:28 PM

I'm just showing off my now sorta complete mag. Im up for suggestions on what to put into her. I know for sure im picking up a level 10 bolt tommorow.

what it is
classic mag valve
crappy black powdercoat
blue revvy
kapp drop forward

Ok now for the good stuff. I've noticed alot of people lately kind of bashing AGD/Tom. I've never expieranced any problems with this mag that weren't my own fault. And We all need to understand Tom is running a buisness and he, in spite of his obvious want and efforts to the contrary, has to run AGD like a buisness. Tom goes a long way out of his way to please us. Hell we at least get to talk to him not many people can say that about the guy that makes there gun.

My mag is the first gun ive ever owned that works. I love it and there is two people in paticualr id like to thank. A former pro named Greg who plays here in Kentucky now, hes a CPPl guy. Hes responsible for getting me interested in these guns. And I'd like to thank Tom/agd/and everyone on this site for designing these things and for helping me figure out how to set mine up

thanks guys

06-25-2003, 09:34 PM
Originally posted by Kellen_p8nt
...I've noticed alot of people lately kind of bashing AGD/Tom. I've never expieranced any problems with this mag that weren't my own fault. And We all need to understand Tom is running a buisness and he, in spite of his obvious want and efforts to the contrary, has to run AGD like a buisness. Tom goes a long way out of his way to please us. Hell we at least get to talk to him not many people can say that about the guy that makes there gun...

Hell, Yes! Well said, bro!

Anyways, nice mag! I especially like that rail... Did you get it from Litestab?

06-25-2003, 09:53 PM
nice mag man, I really like the rail and the z-grip

06-25-2003, 09:58 PM
yea this used to be litestabs. I had to change the hopper shells and get some more macro...im working on picking up some blue .45 panels try to go a black and blue color scheme...i just realized those pictures are blury as hell...
oh well

06-25-2003, 10:12 PM
i would get a warp and x-valve instead of the level 10, and the x comes with level 10.

i got both and they work great.

just a suggestion.

good luck in your making

06-25-2003, 10:13 PM
Get a blue ULE, too. that will be tight.
Blue ule, blue grips, blue macro

06-25-2003, 10:26 PM
I have blue macro just to lazy to put it on.

Originally I was going to get an Rt cus i stripped out my field strip hole and pin...but i found a guy that rethreaded it for me.

so this is my current shoping/idea list
level 10
blue grip panels
blue foregrip(the one in the pictures is actually green dunno why)
and maybe a blue warp
oh yea and a fill nipple cover i REALLY need to get one of those before my tank f's up

is a Lapco autospirit considered a good barrel??? cus its what i have.

06-25-2003, 10:28 PM
Well what's your budget?
Where do you play on the field (back cover fire, or front aggressive)
What field you play more, speedball type or woodsball?
And what are you looking to change about it, what do you think you'd prefer different?

I can suggest 50 different things. But unless I know those types of answers I really can't give good info.

06-25-2003, 10:38 PM
well i used to play front but ive started getting to the back so im what you call a back/stupid player. stupid meaning ive been known to run out through the open part of the feild just shooting trying to draw attention.

i dont play woods. mosty speed ball or urban stuff.
I need to strop chopping and short stroking I figure level 10 should fix that.
And Id/ like it to look nice(blue black) so maybe a new body or a new powder coat.

06-25-2003, 10:40 PM

06-25-2003, 10:43 PM
oh hmm about 230-300 depends on whats left when i get back from daytona

06-25-2003, 10:46 PM
ive got some blue z grip panels...
from load sm5

$10 shipped?


06-26-2003, 10:36 AM
alf if u can post a picture of them so i can see the shade of blue then id prolly buy em from ya. But id have to wait till about july 15 which is when i get back. But otherwise let me see them and ill let you know

06-26-2003, 05:25 PM
damn you! stealing my black and blue color scheme! nice gun!

06-26-2003, 07:49 PM
get a smaller job otherwise nice mag