View Full Version : I'm disappointed

06-26-2003, 05:33 PM
Shoot, AGD sucks... I thought they were going along fine with the customer department and were handling things very well... Then Tom goes on vacation and everyone starts the bashing and hating... come back!!!

You need to:

AGD 5u><0R!!!

Yeah, that was extremely stupid.... but it's what I see in some posts now. I see the people whining about the psp event and being almost pulled from the event due to RT and the lvl10 malfunctioning due to low input pressure. I also see posts about shipping being slow and parts not coming in and more. All people do now on AO is ::female dog:: about the flaws and demand a better product sooner than asap. I mean, it's good to point out the flaws, critisize how inefficicnet a mag is, make suggestions to improve, request new products and things, and talk about the flaws... but you don't have to say "AGD sucks because this breaks, this is ugly, and this needs to be changed". Almost all companies need to fix or change something eventually. You don't need to get so mad about a problem. Just talk about it and go away, you can come back later when you deem the company worthy of your money. Anyway, I doubt you could run the business any better. AGD needs to recieve negative input, but stuff like "AGD sucks" doesn't help. At least give some reasonable input.

But yeah... AGD still has a lot of stuff to fix and work on. Stuff like the rt problem is starting to get big... and I think AGD really need to find a better production solution.

06-26-2003, 05:41 PM
Here, Here Foo. I play with my E/X 'Mag every weekend and I never have a problem that I can't fix.

06-26-2003, 05:48 PM
I i am getting tired of the contant crying myself. i really don't see why the R/T issue is so big. WHY is is soo hard to fix?

06-26-2003, 06:48 PM
Originally posted by IcantBelieveit
I i am getting tired of the contant crying myself. i really don't see why the R/T issue is so big. WHY is is soo hard to fix?

It's hard to fix because people look for it really carefully. I agree that AGD needs to tone it down for tournament play but that's only if you run mech... and no one runs mech in tournaments. I think AGD should just put an electronic only lock on the emag.

I wouldn't really call it crying either... Just unwarrented frustration. lol

06-26-2003, 06:55 PM
Originally posted by FooTemps

... and no one runs mech in tournaments.

Kind of an ignorant statement dont you think?


06-26-2003, 07:04 PM
You realize when people spend large chunks of cash on gear, they DO expect some basics beyond a gun that shoots well...

It's alot easier for alot of people to just go out and by an Angel and always have tech support at large tournies and not deal with the other problems. That is ofcourse if AGD wants to expand passed their fanboy customer base they already have now. Everyone might agree with you here, but if AGD wants to sell guns they WILL need to answer every single "point" you "made". Granted you were just being sarcastic, but if AGD really wants to get up there with the big dogs those will HAVE to be addressed.

06-26-2003, 07:54 PM
AGD is on it... solutions to everything are soon to come...

06-26-2003, 08:05 PM
Originally posted by irbodden
and not deal with the other problems.

I am still so confused on whom is actually having tons of problems out there in the mag world? If you cant work on a mag you probally shouldnt be allowed to do alot of things in life.


06-26-2003, 08:05 PM
Originally posted by irbodden
You realize when people spend large chunks of cash on gear, they DO expect some basics beyond a gun that shoots well...

It's alot easier for alot of people to just go out and by an Angel and always have tech support at large tournies and not deal with the other problems. That is ofcourse if AGD wants to expand passed their fanboy customer base they already have now. Everyone might agree with you here, but if AGD wants to sell guns they WILL need to answer every single "point" you "made". Granted you were just being sarcastic, but if AGD really wants to get up there with the big dogs those will HAVE to be addressed.

I know it's true that they need to fix those problems. AGD is still run like a smaller business. That's where all the problems lie. It'll be a matter of time until everyone's expectations are met. I know gear isn't always important, it also has to do with the service. If AGD remains small, they're going to have tons of problems with making events due to their smaller staff.

06-26-2003, 08:07 PM
Originally posted by gtrsi

Kind of an ignorant statement dont you think?


I guess, but it's mostly true. In a lot of tournaments they run timmies. Heck, even local teams around here run timmies and angels. Yeah, there are cocker users but a lot of them are going eblade now, making the cocker electronic.

06-26-2003, 08:10 PM
Originally posted by FooTemps

I know it's true that they need to fix those problems. AGD is still run like a smaller business. That's where all the problems lie. It'll be a matter of time until everyone's expectations are met. I know gear isn't always important, it also has to do with the service. If AGD remains small, they're going to have tons of problems with making events due to their smaller staff.

Then you obviously realize why people aren't satisified with what they are getting.

06-26-2003, 08:35 PM
Originally posted by irbodden

Then you obviously realize why people aren't satisified with what they are getting.

Yes, I was just getting annoyed at how people are letting others know. It's not very constructive when you say "AGD sucks"... Maybe "AGD needs to have this, this, and this happen before I go back to buying their products" would be more helpful... not to mention they could actually post potential ways to fix it too. Seriously, if you aren't satisfied, don't be a jerk about it. It won't get you anywhere.

Mobius V
06-26-2003, 08:42 PM

06-26-2003, 08:43 PM
Originally posted by FooTemps
Seriously, if you aren't satisfied, don't be a jerk about it. It won't get you anywhere.

...i agree with that. Perhaps AGD could use a little re-working. But like FOO said don't be a prick about it

06-26-2003, 08:45 PM
Originally posted by irbodden

Then you obviously realize why people aren't satisified with what they are getting.

WTF are you talking about. People know what they are getting. You see the product it shows up at your door and you are given probally the best tech support in the industry over the phone or here on AO.

I think you need to qualify that statement. saying that AGD is backordered on a product is not a lack of satisfaction on a product that you can't purchase.

06-26-2003, 08:46 PM
Originally posted by IcantBelieveit

...i agree with that. Perhaps AGD could use a little re-working. But like FOO said don't be a prick about it

lol, not perhaps... AGD needs to rework.

06-26-2003, 10:11 PM
Originally posted by gtrsi

WTF are you talking about. People know what they are getting. You see the product it shows up at your door and you are given probally the best tech support in the industry over the phone or here on AO.

I think you need to qualify that statement. saying that AGD is backordered on a product is not a lack of satisfaction on a product that you can't purchase.

Fanboy, keep in mind I DO NOT fully support this rational that I am about to defend :rolleyes:

Many people, when they buy a tourney level gun, EXPECT there to be techs at any national tournies they attend. Sure, AGD might have great tech support 9-5 Monday thru Friday, but they weren't at PSP when every other company was. There are some other problems as well, but I am too lazy to go into that- and it won't make any difference to you if I waste my time or not

06-26-2003, 10:12 PM
I was pretty bit#@y today, but I was just frustrated with the problems I've had over the week with the x-valve, but I love my mag, and now that its working I think the gun kicks. I know stuff happens, but with what’s going on in the forums that’s just how consumers are, the average satisfied customer tells about 3 people about there experience vs. the dissatisfied customer who will tell about 10 people. It’s just how people are, and that’s what businesses have to deal with.

06-26-2003, 10:22 PM
Originally posted by exedotbat
I was pretty bit#@y today, but I was just frustrated with the problems I've had over the week with the x-valve, but I love my mag, and now that its working I think the gun kicks. I know stuff happens, but with what’s going on in the forums that’s just how consumers are, the average satisfied customer tells about 3 people about there experience vs. the dissatisfied customer who will tell about 10 people. It’s just how people are, and that’s what businesses have to deal with.

Good point, but AGD is in line for some change for the good anyway. lol

06-26-2003, 10:29 PM
Originally posted by irbodden
Fanboy, keep in mind I DO NOT fully support this rational that I am about to defend :rolleyes:

Many people, when they buy a tourney level gun, EXPECT there to be techs at any national tournies they attend. Sure, AGD might have great tech support 9-5 Monday thru Friday, but they weren't at PSP when every other company was. There are some other problems as well, but I am too lazy to go into that- and it won't make any difference to you if I waste my time or not

DOnt call me a mindless drone fanboy. You want to call me names fine but to say that i am unable to make a choice because of blind faith is a very low blow. second if your cant explain it due to your lack of time dont post.

I know you said that ou dont subscribe to this however if someone doesnt want to buy an AGD marker becuase they arnt at every tourney then buy another gun.

From the posts I have read on this issue and AGD's general policy is to make mags as idiot proof as possible. from what i read of that entire psp post was that the player nor the ref really knew what to do with the mag as far as reactiveness is concerned. I am not going to asign blame however if you are nieve enough to belive that ANY product will work 100% of the time w/o your input.....:rolleyes:

Since when did buying a marker elicit a service contract with the producer to offer onsite assistance 24/7? This is paintball not gateway/dell/hp.

Come on how many msg boards alone have the eyes and ears of the manufactures pres everyday?

I have said this before, mags are not guns that offer an incredible deal for what you pay for, as far as mech guns goes. You want a tourney gun w/ 100% at every tourney support than feel free to purchase from the big houses.

Maybe I just a) know to much about my mag, b) play to few tourneys to care, and c) own more than one marker incase something outside my relm of control happens. ;)

Why tourny guys own only one gun is beyond me, hell even with the whole WDP crew teching your gun there is only so much tehy can do.


06-26-2003, 11:09 PM
if you have a problem, post here or the tech forum...people will help.

06-26-2003, 11:26 PM
and to think people could get so mad about paintball...
something that, even at the pro level is basically a recreational sport...
it's not like a downed emag is going to take away someone's livelyhood(other than Tom anyway)
and it's definitely not solving the problems in the middle east, saving lives, or fighting fires...
why do people get so upset about something that, in the big scheme of things, is so absolutely unimportant?!?

(jer shakes his head and gently comes back to reality)
so where the heck are those darn ule triggers anyway!!!


06-26-2003, 11:40 PM
come on it'll be great
everyone that has a beef...their gun leaks...their parts didn't come in...agd sucks...mags are gas hogs(Duh)...god is angry at us...i own a mag but it broke down once when i axehandled it into the ground right after i made a stupid move and argued with the refs and got a 4 for 1, so im buying a timmmy cause they never ever break or cause me to make stupid plays or make me argue with refs...

they can post all they want...completely separate forum just for them...then they can argue amongst themselves and leave the "paintball talk" forum open for people who just want to talk paintball...
you know
keep up on the latest goodies coming out...
who won that tourney...
what Tom Kaye would look like if he were a hot chick in a bakini...
the usual :D

06-27-2003, 12:57 AM
ahhhh quit yer yappin and go play paintball.:D