View Full Version : 402 is a bad bad number!

06-26-2003, 05:53 PM
I give blood every six months to the American Red Cross. I hate and despise needles, but it is for a good cause so I do it. (Besides, my wife makes me!;) )

Last time I gave, I got a letter from the ARC stating that my liver enzymes were too high accept that donation. So off I go to the doctor. More blood work and I find out that my enzymes are slightly elevated, no big deal. However, my cholesterol is 402!! Ughhh! At my physical seven months ago, my cholesterol was only 191. Huge jump in six months. No Zocor or Lipitor because of the liver enzymes. Diet and excercise are what my doctor wants me to do. More blood work in 2 weeks to see if this is an aberation or problem.

In the meantime, I need diet ideas that can help lower cholesterol! Any ideas or websites would help. No suggestions to become a vegetarian though please, it's not going to happen!

06-26-2003, 06:09 PM
dont know if i can help, but i feel bad for you. My dad is in the same boat

06-26-2003, 06:13 PM
peanut butter!!!

lots of it! It's a natural cholesterol lowering food. My mom lowered her cholesterol 40 pts in 3 months through eating more peanut butter, approx. 4 tablespoons per day. However, watch your total calories and excersize loads. There's an article in the november 2002 issue of 'Prevention' magazine you should check out.

Excersizing, peanut butter and better overall diet should help. Just keep in mind that when it comes to the diet and excersize the more you put in to it the more you get out.

06-26-2003, 06:24 PM
Originally posted by FreshmanBob
peanut butter!!!

lots of it! It's a natural cholesterol lowering food. My mom lowered her cholesterol 40 pts in 3 months through eating more peanut butter, approx. 4 tablespoons per day. However, watch your total calories and excersize loads. There's an article in the november 2002 issue of 'Prevention' magazine you should check out.


I Love PB!!!!!!!

Thanks man that rocks! I really don't want to become a rabbit! I know I need to cut back on Red meat, but that is exactly the kind of tip I was looking for!


06-26-2003, 07:14 PM
cheerios.... WOOHOO!!!!!!!!

06-26-2003, 07:28 PM
Screw A-1 when you can use peanut butter!

06-26-2003, 08:07 PM
402??? I would get retested if you haven't already. If it's really 402, what the hell have you been eating?!? Buckets of lard??? :D

Look for foods low in saturated fat, especially grains, but don't focus on the cholesterol number on the nutritional information of what you eat. It can sometimes be deceptive, especially with many types of fish. Many types of fish are high in cholesterol, but it doesn't really increase your LDL much.

Just as important as watching what you eat is regular exercise. Even if you only walk a couple miles a day, do something that's going to elevate your heart rate.

06-26-2003, 09:07 PM
Play more paintball?
Now you can tell your wife you need to go play more paintball "it will save my life" lol
Oatmeal is just like peanutbutter it lowers the cholesterol.

06-26-2003, 09:21 PM
Fish oil = best natural cholesterol reducer.

Start exercising... do cardio and weight training.

06-26-2003, 10:55 PM
switch a couple numbers around and it could become 420... you know what that means :D

i'm just kidding man

my dad had a cholesterol problem a couple years back, he just had to (and still does) eat low-fat foods w/o alot of saturated fat

he also ate alot of cheerios...and he still does that too :rolleyes:

btw, fish oil is in isle 2 on the 4th shelf, 8 to feet right of the second pole... at sendiks grocery store in whitefish bay, wisconsin

see... i do my job... and i memmorize stuff well...despite...um...drugs... ;)

06-27-2003, 01:37 AM
Haven't you seen the adds???? Honney nut cherio's!!!!!!!
Just skip on the meals of pure lard. (seriously, what the hell else could you be eating to gain more than 200 point in 6 months?). Play lot's of PB, and go for a run every now and then. I think trying to cut beef out of your diet and replacing it with chicken and fish is good. But I'm no doctor so I don't know for sure.

06-27-2003, 03:10 AM
lol yah cherrios..."did you know i lowerd my colesteral?"

06-27-2003, 11:26 AM
Wow...402 is insane. Was that HDL??? Or composite (i think that's what they call it)

Anyway, I recently took out another life insurance policy on myself and had to have a minor physical done. I didn't qualify for preferred premium rates cause of my cholesterol, so I started taking fish oil, eating lots of fruit, and Cheerios and oatmeal and two weeks later, I qualified for preferred.

One thing that I suspect as well was the fact that I hadn't fasted 10 hours before the test. If you haven't fasted at least 10 hours before they run a lipid panel, you're results will be unreliable. And my mom (it's her profession) says that if you really want to mess things up, drink beer shortly before you have your tests done. Cholesterol will go through the roof!

Also, I'm kinda skeptical that Peanut Butter would lower your cholesterol. I'll check with my mom on that.