View Full Version : Emag valve Problem

Lakeview Bulldog
06-26-2003, 07:13 PM
I dont know how many people would consider this a problem but here we go. I recently purchased an emag valve to use in my automag classic. I have a lvl 10 bolt installed. The first time I gassed the gun up after I installed the emag valve it worked fine. It had just the right amount of bounce. I went and had my tank filled and when I went and gassed the gun up again every time I touched the trigger it fired twice. And many times I could get the gun to go full auto by sweetspotting the trigger. Now I know most people would love to have their valve work this well. My problem is that it is using too much paint and I am getting horrible efficiency (about 400-500 shots from a 88/3k tank) So my question is... Is the Emag valve performing as it was designed or is there something wrong? It has the classic on/off pin installed. I can't seem to get just single shots off without a concentrated effort. I would also like to get better efficiency. Any help would be appreciated. Thank You.

06-27-2003, 07:13 AM
The on/off pin (.712") in the emag valve is too short for use in a regular mag setup. That is why you are experiencing the double shot and the extreme reactivity. You need to get a longer (.750") pin.

Lakeview Bulldog
06-27-2003, 10:15 AM
Would I be doing any damage to the gun if I used the short pin until I recieved the longer pin?

06-28-2003, 10:26 AM
You shouldn't do any damage as long as you don't sweetspot it on a continuous bases. When sweetspotting because of a short pin, you run the risk of wearing down the tip of the sear or the edge of the bolt.