View Full Version : Pressure to high/low?

Pony Boy314
06-26-2003, 07:44 PM
I screwed in my air tank yesterday on my new bko, and it started leaking. Since i hadnt tuned it i figured i needed to adjust my reg. However, the leaking happened in a 3000 psi tank and not in a 4500 psi tank. I'm getting a 3000psi tank shipped so i need to know how to adjust it to a lower pressure. Thanks for your help

06-26-2003, 07:54 PM
If the tank is screw in there is usually about 800 to 850 psi going into the gun from the tank. The 3000 and 4500 psi rating is the air capacity.

06-26-2003, 08:00 PM
Could you be more specific on exactly where the leak is coming from? Is it coming from where you screw in the tank? From your regulator? From abover the trigger frame? Where?

I, and many other people, run my BKO on an 800psi preset tank and it works fine. The leak most likely doesnt have anything to do with the pressure from the tank. .

Pony Boy314
06-28-2003, 06:51 AM
Thanks for your replies. Well it turns out that the 4500 leaks on it to now so thats done with. Abermose to be as specific as i can the leak sounds to be above the trigger frame but under the bolt. Most likly around the solinode and valve. It wood also help if u think it sounds like a problem in the solinoid. btw im using a centerflag
3000 w/ 800 psi output.
Thanks for your help

06-28-2003, 08:58 AM
sounds like your 'noid is leaking

just turn down your lpr

do you adjust your velocity threw the lpr or the hpr?

06-28-2003, 09:06 AM
a similiar thing happened to my cousin, try to turn down the pressure, if that doesnt stop it and still allow the gun to function, then you need to send it in to ICD to get fixed. while its gettiing fixed, you really need to either buy a new vertical reg for your gun, or buy something like a thor reg for teh tank. what i found out from a tech is that no more than i believe 450 psi or so is supposed to be put into a BKO, and if you do put more than that into it, you can mess the gun up. the new reg will hopefully insure that you dont get your pressure too high, also becausae the stock regs arent too good, but when you do get yoru bko back, just remember to NEVER adjust the hp reg to more than 400psi or so

06-28-2003, 12:19 PM
BKOs can run just fine on an high output (800 or 850psi) tank. I own a BKO and run a Crossfire 68/4500 800psi output tank on it just fine, and so do a lot of other people. The job of the High Pressure Regulator (HPR) is to regulate the air down to operating pressure (~200psi). Any decent regulator will have no problem going from 800psi down to 200psi. The only problems BKOs had with high output tanks was with the very first BKOs (pre serial number). The stock HPR on those couldnt handle 800 psi. If your BKO is a pre serial model and has the old HPR, I think you can send it in the ICD and they will fix/replace it so you can use a high output tank. Or you could get an aftermarket regulator, such as a sidewinder or gladiator and also enjoy greater concistancy. All new BKOs made, after the pre serial batches, came with a stock HPR that could handle high outputs.

As for the leak abover the trigger frame, that is your solinoid. You need to turn down your Low Pressure Regulator (LPR). It is the smaller black tube, right in front of the trigger guard. The LPR controls the pressure going to the solinoid. The solinoid is built to leak if it is overpressurized.

Do this to tune your regulators:
Before you gas up the gun, turn the both the HPR and LPR screw out about 3 turns.

Now screw in your tank. Air will not be going to the HPR nor LPR now (dont worry this is fine).

Now begin to screw in the HPR until it reads around 200psi on the guage.

Now begin to screw in the LPR until you hear the leak from the solinoid (right above the grip frame). As soon as you hear the leak, back off the LPR adjustment screw 1/2 turns. The leak should have stopped. This puts your LPR at about 90 psi (where it should be)

This should have your gun shooting around 280-300fps. You can then tweak the HPR and LPR a little to get your desired fps.

If you need any more info on the BKO or setting it up here are a couple FAQ threads:

I hope this helps
I will now give my fingers a rest

06-28-2003, 08:34 PM
well, my cousins gun pressure was pretty high, and leaking from teh noid, AND it would not shoot for shiz

Pony Boy314
07-01-2003, 01:41 PM
Thanks to everyone for your help. I'm going to try to turn down my regulaters soon and I'll post the results as soon as i can. Thanks Again

btw Thanks alot for the step by step instuctions Ambermose very helpful for the technically chalenged...myself

Pony Boy314
07-01-2003, 02:41 PM
well i tried to adjust the regulators as you said, but it still leaks. To be specific, i did the first 2 steps but as i was screwing in my HPR as soon as it hit the equivilent of 1 on the gun's gauge it began leaking again. The closer i get to 200 the more it leaks. If the LPR is pulled out to far it begins to leak in the back of the solenoide(sp). I tried to attach the schematics on this reply but i dont think it'll work.

07-01-2003, 03:21 PM
does the gun shoot at all?

07-01-2003, 04:10 PM
If it begins to leak as you turn up the HPR try turning out your LPR even more. Turning the LPR out shouldnt make the solinoid leak more, it should make it leak less because you are decreasing the pressure going to the solinoid. Make sure, looking at the bottom of the LPR, you are turning the allen wrench counter-clockwise (just making sure ;) ) If you try all this and it still leaks from the solinoid when you start turning up the HPR, try shooting a couple clearing shots. I have had to do this once. I had a mystery leak and I shot the gun and it went away..

Pony Boy314
07-02-2003, 11:01 AM
to answer JT, when i tried it the first time pulling the trigger did not fire the gun. But then again i didnt have much pressure to the gun.

Ambermose I had the LPR almost all the way out and it still leaked. And im pretty sure i was unscrewing counter clockwise:D .But i ran outa air and i have to get an air tank from my friends house.

Either way ill have to send it in if i cant fix it cause im going to try and return it for all the trouble its been.

07-02-2003, 01:52 PM
dont return it, its a great gun, you should stop troubling yourself with trying to fix it and send it in to the techs who build these guns for a living. send it to icd, and im sure that all of your problems will be solved

Pony Boy314
07-03-2003, 10:19 AM
I think i am going to return it. I know its a great gun and all, thats why i decided to buy it in the first place. Just i was thinking of buying something more reliable such as a mag. Well i e-mailed them asking how to return it but they havent replied yet.

Anyway thanks everyone for the help

07-03-2003, 10:21 AM
who? i know the company most definitely wont let you just return it. where did u buy the gun from?

Pony Boy314
07-03-2003, 10:59 AM
When i said i e-mailed them i ment ICD because i bought my bko directly from them. Hope it makes returning it easier

07-03-2003, 11:25 AM
honestly i dont think they will let you return it. i mean think about it, ex. you go to a car dealer, and buy the newest saturn v12 600hp 400ft torque super speed car (lol, saturn , yeah right! lol. neways) and you spend 100,000 on it. then 3 weeks later u realize taht 78% of the car is made of plastic (lol) and want to return it. do you think that car dealer will let you return that used car for a full refund? i think not! so, point being that your prob not going to be able to return it, but if they allow it, then kudos for you!

07-03-2003, 12:55 PM
JT2002 - your analogy made no sense.:p

Pony - You could send your gun into ICD and they would fix whatever is wrong with it. I had to send in my board because it had really bad bounce. All I had to pay was to ship it to them and they fixed it for me and sent it back. I still think the only thing wrong with your gun is your regs arnt set correctly (I may be wrong since I havent actually seen it). If you can find somone who knows anything about bushys (a shop or someone at a field or something), they might be able to set the regs and get the gun working for you. I would only send it to ICD to be fixed as a last resort because it might take awhile to get it back.

07-03-2003, 12:59 PM
ok lol. well im jsut tellin u guys, one day my cousin was playing with his bko, he took a shot, and suddenly the bolt got stuck, and hit tank drained out. seemed the bolt got stuck from a chop, but after that, teh gun now refuses to fire, there is a slight leak from teh noid, and nothing works. so tahts why i think its noid or somethin

Pony Boy314
07-03-2003, 03:56 PM
JT- analogy didnt make sense to me either but ur right

I just got a reply from ICD and they do accept returns but the bad news is that there is a 20% restocking fee. That means i'll loose $60 if i return it. So i guess i'll send it in to get fixed there. I have had people look at that said they knew how to fix it, but they couldnt. I know it'll take a long time to get it fixed because the thechnition said close to 4 weeks. Ambermose how did you send your bko in? did you have to have it with the macroline set up? i dont know cause i only have one asa so if i sent it in i'd have to buy a new one until it gets back.

Thanks for all the help guys but as long as were on the subject what kind of upgrades shud i get for it. well thx again

07-04-2003, 10:20 AM
I only sent in my board (took it out of the grip frame), not my entire gun. So, Im not sure how they want you to send in your gun, sorry :(