View Full Version : Won't pressurize, odd problem.

06-26-2003, 07:55 PM
I'm not exactly sure how to fix this. Looked over, but I'm only certified with AIR valves. Not RT style (x-valve). So this is starting to bug me. First time in a while I haven't had an answer to something. Just wish it wasn't happening so close to the weekend when I'm supposed to be playing. Ah well.

And even tried to search for the solution, just that I kept finding threads on bolt stick. And this isn't bolt stick.

The problem is with my mag (as shown HERE (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&postid=876457#post876457). It just will not pressurize.

Tried a PMI pure energy, Hyperflow, and Crossfire tank. All tanks with at least 1500psi or more inside. All preset to 800+ output psi. Even tried it with a Smart Parts on/off adapter to give it that fast "jolt" of air they like in case I didn't screw the tank in hard enough. Still nothing.

I took off the macroline and held it, then turned on the adapter as well. Air flowed through, so air is indeed going from ASA into the line and into the reg.

Now I know it's not pressurizing for one big reason. The trigger pin. It doesn't go forward. I put on the air to the valve and can hear the air flow through the ASA. However the trigger pin is still limp and jingles back and forth like it's not gassed up. So from that I can already see that there's no air going to the top of the on/off pin.

Marker setup. X-valve, ULE body, and Intelliframe (as shown in pictures with link above). It is all brand new, just assembled.

06-26-2003, 09:53 PM
Hmmmmm, seems odd.

Just took out the valve, but in the process it was stiff. Had to wiggle it out. And once it got about an inch out, it vented.

So that showed me that there was indeed air going into the regulator and then into the valve chamber. Or at least TRYING to get into the valve chamber.

But the on/off pin was pretty stiff. I'm not sure, I might have gotten an improperly lazer-cut on/off assembly. Be it the pin or the housing. But which ever moving the pin up and down in the assembly was a bit stiff.

This sucks because I can't exactly use my trusted dremel to fix this type of problem. This actually requires precision and accurate skill. Not a hack job with a grinding wheel!

06-26-2003, 11:51 PM
A couple of quick questions. Do you have a rail bushing? Its a "sleeve" that goes in the hole that the field strip screw passes thru. If you don't have one, under pressure the valve may back out enough that the pin does not contact the sear.

Did you lube the X-valve before you installed it? Mine was shipped pretty dry.

One last question, did you try adjusting the velocity? Looking at the pics you posted, the velocity adjuster seems pretty open. On my Retro, Emag, and X-valve they all look further in than they do in the pics of yours.

06-27-2003, 02:09 AM
I was about to say the same thing - in the pic it looks like your velocity adjuster is dialled wayyyyy out. If it's still in that position it needs a good 4 or 5 turns in before it'll even think about shooting (more if you're using the longest spring). Keep dialling it in a turn at a time and see if it shoots.

...and slap loads of oil on everything.

06-27-2003, 08:08 AM
That's the good thing, I do still know some things about mags. Which is why at the shop I have 2 whole bottles of Autolube. I made sure every Oring in this thing was oiled more than the coast of South Carolina.

But I tried increasing velocity, must not've been enough of an increase.

Now that sucks. I turned it just one more turn than what I previously did and it works. Now that just urks me.

I was just more afraid of that damn venting in the back, should've turned it in more.

Of course now it's just time for me to put in a medium spring and the LVL10 should be set. Worked for 20 shots then it started venting half-way through the cycle (bolt wouldn't go all the way forward).

Gotta go back to the shop and do that fine-tuning.

06-27-2003, 08:33 AM
X-valves can be a PITA when you first get them. I thought I was pretty hot on mag valves, but I had a nightmare getting mine up and running.

Most important thing I learned from setting mine up was that it is likely to run like a dog for the first couple of thousand shots - they seem to loosen up (or bed in, dunno which) after a bit of use and then work much, much better.

06-27-2003, 09:32 AM
Seems like it. I knew from the start it would take a good 1-2 thousand shots to break in at least the O-rings (like LVL10 powertube and such).

But it just seemed odd, I never had this happen before. Where at one point there's absolutely nothing, and then just one full turn (well slightly more) it's up and running. Usually there's an in-between! To where there's pressure, but it just won't fire.

I didn't have that.

Ah well, no use badgering about it. Just need to get the LVL10 set. Since now it's to the point I pull the trigger and nothing. So first it fired 20 shots, then only half way up and vented. Screwed tank back on again and nothing. Now it's probably lvl10 shimming.

If not no worries, I'm going to EMR any ways. The Gunslingers will be there. I know they can help any trouble.

06-27-2003, 11:08 AM
Go with a looser carrier. You got some bolt stick. (Honestly, if it works w/o shims, don't use them.)