View Full Version : Paintball and Jihad, yippee.....

06-27-2003, 04:49 PM
Guys I was just watching CNN and they just had a thing on a recent raid on an american citzen, a muslim convert, by the FBI because he was suspected of being recruited for "violent jihad" against us. CNN said he participated in the "combat simulator game paintball" to train. He said investigators were using the fact that he played paintball as one of many reasons to make him suspect. CNN said he and his friends also train with real weapons. CNN showed what was actually a cool shot of a guy shooting on the run and then sliding into a bunker on a speedball field. I wouldnt be surprised if the guy was dirty but using the fact that he plays paintball as one more reason to be watch him is *Poof* up!
"combat simulator game", jeezuz, I swear whenever paintball gets any media attention they make it seem like its some sort of navy seal training program or some sure fire way to produce violent crimminals. I dont no about you guys but I've seen some serious overweight puds at my field, not exactly 007 material. Paintball in the same news report as "violent jihad" is the last thing we need.

06-27-2003, 04:55 PM
Thats stupid. Next they are going to be running background checks before they go let you play paintball. Just like they did w/ the flight schools.:eek:

06-27-2003, 04:57 PM
I'm pretty sure there was already a thread about the jihad thing and paintball that was aired on the Clinton News Network, oh, sorry, CNN.

adam shannon
06-28-2003, 01:08 AM
i wonder how frustrated that news crew was going to field after field loking for woodsball guys in camo just to go with the story. they probably were cursing all the people in red, blue, and yellow jerseys playing on concept fields cuz it didnt go along with their story.

if anybody recognizes the field they shot that at it would be interesting to hear what cover story they told the owner they were shooting for in order to get them to go along with helping them film the incriminating scenes of innocent PBers!

06-28-2003, 02:00 AM
I think there was a thread about this eariler. Face it, paintball does look a lot like combat. You have two side shooting at each other.
The thing is that there are so many differences between paint ball and actual combat, that they don't really have much in common once you get beyond the surface.
So, they think that terrorists are using paint ball to train each other? I'd have to laugh. I'm sorry, but playing paintball is in no way equal to the training that we give our troops.
I don't think that this will hurt our sport anymore than someone with martail arts training kicking the crap out of a whole bunch of people.

06-28-2003, 07:03 AM
There is already a thread about this…. http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=89365

And those that think it really affects the sport of paintball should go read it. ;) (And then calm down :))