View Full Version : Modular Emags tested at FA

07-22-2001, 07:16 PM
John passed along some test footage of night tim etesting of his new toy. I asked if I coud post post it and well here it is.

From John "you can put them on AO no prob remember to say that that was on 20 bps warp and 16bps centre also on the warp vid the hopper was emptied "

So that being covered here are the videos !

You will need Quick Time 3.0 or better to view these or maybe WiMP7+ ( I cant et it to work on my media box with WiMP 6.4 + a but load of codecs.

Mod Emag w/ Warp 20 FA (http://www.automags.org/~RobAGD/movies/20bpsmodular.AVI)

Mod Emag Center Feed 16 Semi (http://www.automags.org/~RobAGD/movies/centrefeed.AVI)

Have fun and yes there is no sound. John will be trying to re tape these tonight or tomorrow for sound and better angles.


07-22-2001, 07:24 PM
My god......in that 2nd vid, is that on electro mode or was he pulling that fast?? I couldnt really appreciate it without sound, with that lighting, it looked he was just shooting tracers, you only saw every 4-5 balls probably.

But WHEW, good lord thats fast.

07-22-2001, 07:29 PM
thats awesome it really needs sound though for the effect
i want one

07-22-2001, 09:16 PM

Please post somthing that will play in Real Player I can't get it to go.


07-22-2001, 09:56 PM
Could you repost them in a different format? For some reason my Media Player did not recognize the file as a valide format - I may have old codecs ...

07-22-2001, 10:01 PM
Never mind. If you view them using the Quicktime player it works, but not with Windows Media Player.

Nice tracer effect! But where are your goggles, pal?

MAGgot Man
07-22-2001, 10:17 PM
Those werent really Modular Mags....Those were Super Soakers with colored water in them right? Cause in that first video that was just a stream of liquid...not painballs? *ROFLMAO*

07-22-2001, 10:53 PM
If you need quicktime - go here


Its a great program - the BEST thing Apple has ever made...

Webmaster - AutoMags.Org
[email protected]
"Good...bad...I'm the guy with the gun." - Ash, Army of Darkness

07-22-2001, 10:55 PM
<font face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">Originally posted by Webmaster:

Its a great program - the BEST thing Apple has ever made...


that and the g4 and mac os http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif

07-23-2001, 07:22 AM
i will agree with you about mac 0s when it FIRST CAME OUT!!! with the exception of os X mac os has never really changed. back in '88 it rocked, around 95 though it was dying fast. oh, and OS X wasnt even really written by Mac, its kernel (guts and core) are based off of FreeBSD...

ah well, the world goes unix again...

also, motorola is the ones who make the G4 chip, not mac...

07-23-2001, 08:18 AM
Windows Media Player worked fine for me.

Real nice stuff. Thanks Rob.

Love those plaid shorts. Cheeky little monkey huh? (my attempt at British humor... http://www.automags.org/ubb/wink.gif)

07-23-2001, 09:38 AM
Jawn - I dunno - thats just crazy talk ;o) Imagine that - a graphics guy like myself not too keen on macs...

And as a final note after seeing these again...

Angel, Schmangel

Webmaster - AutoMags.Org
[email protected]
"Good...bad...I'm the guy with the gun." - Ash, Army of Darkness

07-23-2001, 10:32 AM
If you have Windows Media Player 7 or higher (7.01 is out) it will play. Just do a windows update, if you don't have it it will offer it to you as a download.

07-23-2001, 10:58 AM
rrrrRRRRRRR, macs bad, I'm sorry, but PC has just always been there, mac is the frilly, easy to use, user friendly one, IBM has always been the better, if harder to use one. Does this storey sound familiar to anyone (angel's and mags anyone?) sorry, had to throw that in. but it's just my opinion, totally subjective

07-23-2001, 12:14 PM
PPl's, He cant be shooting that fast because a 12v only feeds up to 12 bps and he didn't chop in vert... surprising he didn't chop in vert vs powerfeed.. why because vert is faster!

Black Powder E-Mag (right Powerfeed)
Dye Boomstick 14"
Kapp Dropforward
NitroDuck 68ci 3000psi
WDP Lok Sok (Grey)
12v Rev
-=Personally I dont care for ROF-=
-=But god gave me a gift, to play hard,well,and shoot fast=

07-23-2001, 12:20 PM
<font face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">Originally posted by Vil3:
PPl's, He cant be shooting that fast because a 12v only feeds up to 12 bps </font>

He's using a Warp Feed. He can achieve that "Rate" for a short period.

07-23-2001, 01:36 PM
<font face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">Originally posted by booyah:
i will agree with you about mac 0s when it FIRST CAME OUT!!! with the exception of os X mac os has never really changed. back in '88 it rocked, around 95 though it was dying fast. oh, and OS X wasnt even really written by Mac, its kernel (guts and core) are based off of FreeBSD...

ah well, the world goes unix again...

also, motorola is the ones who make the G4 chip, not mac... </font>

ya i know that stuff, they use maya for all the graphics and stuff...i'm a Mac guy

and webby, it's a shame....the new G4 is amazingly fast...

07-23-2001, 03:06 PM
nice clips, but you really cant tell how fast he is shooting http://www.automags.org/ubb/frown.gif no sound, and its too dark.

07-23-2001, 04:49 PM
I go away for a weekend, and now there is video, and I still can't see it

Rob_ convert it please so that a lamer like me can actuly see it



07-23-2001, 05:08 PM
It worked on Windows Media Player for me. Those are some sweet videos. Thanks for posting them here.

07-24-2001, 02:19 PM
heh, sound and day light would be very helpfull http://www.automags.org/ubb/wink.gif

JonBon (Bonich) AGDE
07-24-2001, 07:31 PM
I'd better introduce myself first,
My name is John Bonich. I'm the guy shooting the Emag in the clips.
I have been involved with john and Jackie Sosta here in England regarding the Modular bodies. I also play in Johns Team, which is called Storm.
This gives us an ideal situation to test all that we preach 'so's to speak.
So, John and I have been testing these as much as possible and have been getting great results with the setup.
JUST A FEW THINGS TO explain if I may.
MAGgot Man: The stream of liquid is 20 balls a second captured on a 15 frames a second camera that John had just acquired and he wanted to see how the pictures would come out.
We set up the light that way and used yellow balls to try and capture them in the air. I think the clips look impressive.
I had to use short bursts, because as you can appreciate the revo will just not keep up at that rate for long bursts of fire. (By the way this is software that is no longer available and is used only for testing purposes)
To achieve 20 a second the Warp has to spin extremely fast we use rechargeable 10.8v NICKEL METAL HYDRIDE Packs to give maximum power.
You really don't get the full affect without the sound but the next pics we take will have some sound. John says he has got another camera that shoots 30 frames a second so its should give us actual balls as opposed to a stream (hopefully!)
Randomboy: The gun was set to semi mode and the rate of fire 16 a second. The Emags trigger when finely tuned will allow extremely fast rates of fire what you saw in the clip was between 10 to 14ish balls a second. We only had about a hundred yellow balls left and if you count the amount of seconds I am firing its approx. 7- 8 seconds work it out for your self (100 / 7.5 = 13.3333333)
And there is another guy in the Team that can shoot his emag faster than me!! He calls it 'Trembling the trigger'
I know that comments made in the forum about hoppers that can't feed at over 12 BPS, JSosta and I have done lots of testing and in some instances providing conditions are right we have had hoppers feeding in excess of 12 BPS on gun setups.
I am not going to get into a slanging debate on this, on the next video footage we will try to show this as proof ok.
You will just have to be patient whilst we get on with it.
So lets make a list here for the next video.
SOUND= This will enhance the effect of the speed you see.
LIGHTING= We will experiment with daylight and night/lamp and then let you see the best effect.
MEASUREMENT= Some how show you proof that what you see and hear is WHAT IS REAL!

Just before I go, Thanks for the comments on the Shorts. I always try to please.
And whilst it looks unsafe that I was walking around without goggles and a Loaded marker all aspects of safety were in place. The sear lock was on till the last second. This way the gun cannot be fired!! But point taken, thanks.
Do you have a problem with big file downloads,you will get this if we change the format that the video is saved in?

07-24-2001, 07:39 PM
I'm honored to have been adressed http://www.automags.org/ubb/wink.gif

I've dry fired an emag several times with the trigger completely stock, and even my own untrained hand walking the trigger probably made it to 9-10 bps, but this was dry firing, so whos to say how I'd do with balls.

I actually think that with that lamp setup at night and sound with a faster camera, that video would be just what you needed. Or perhaps place the lamp back towards the target, but not directly into the camera so that when firing we were able to see the shadowed side of the balls, giving you an idea of just how many were being fired, just an idea though http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif Or if your feeling brave with that camera, set it up above and behind the target so you could get a feel for what it would look like to be on the recieving end of that stream of paint.

07-24-2001, 07:47 PM
Great response JonBon!

And I still like the shorts! http://www.automags.org/ubb/wink.gif


07-24-2001, 07:54 PM
<font face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">Originally posted by JonBon (Bonich) AGDE:
I'd better introduce myself first,
My name is John Bonich. I'm the guy shooting the Emag in the clips.
I have been involved with john and Jackie Sosta here in England regarding the Modular bodies. I also play in Johns Team, which is called Storm.
This gives us an ideal situation to test all that we preach 'so's to speak.
So, John and I have been testing these as much as possible and have been getting great results with the setup.
JUST A FEW THINGS TO explain if I may.
MAGgot Man: The stream of liquid is 20 balls a second captured on a 15 frames a second camera that John had just acquired and he wanted to see how the pictures would come out.
We set up the light that way and used yellow balls to try and capture them in the air. I think the clips look impressive.
I had to use short bursts, because as you can appreciate the revo will just not keep up at that rate for long bursts of fire. (By the way this is software that is no longer available and is used only for testing purposes)
To achieve 20 a second the Warp has to spin extremely fast we use rechargeable 10.8v NICKEL METAL HYDRIDE Packs to give maximum power.
You really don't get the full affect without the sound but the next pics we take will have some sound. John says he has got another camera that shoots 30 frames a second so its should give us actual balls as opposed to a stream (hopefully!)
Randomboy: The gun was set to semi mode and the rate of fire 16 a second. The Emags trigger when finely tuned will allow extremely fast rates of fire what you saw in the clip was between 10 to 14ish balls a second. We only had about a hundred yellow balls left and if you count the amount of seconds I am firing its approx. 7- 8 seconds work it out for your self (100 / 7.5 = 13.3333333)
And there is another guy in the Team that can shoot his emag faster than me!! He calls it 'Trembling the trigger'
I know that comments made in the forum about hoppers that can't feed at over 12 BPS, JSosta and I have done lots of testing and in some instances providing conditions are right we have had hoppers feeding in excess of 12 BPS on gun setups.
I am not going to get into a slanging debate on this, on the next video footage we will try to show this as proof ok.
You will just have to be patient whilst we get on with it.
So lets make a list here for the next video.
SOUND= This will enhance the effect of the speed you see.
LIGHTING= We will experiment with daylight and night/lamp and then let you see the best effect.
MEASUREMENT= Some how show you proof that what you see and hear is WHAT IS REAL!

Just before I go, Thanks for the comments on the Shorts. I always try to please.
And whilst it looks unsafe that I was walking around without goggles and a Loaded marker all aspects of safety were in place. The sear lock was on till the last second. This way the gun cannot be fired!! But point taken, thanks.
Do you have a problem with big file downloads,you will get this if we change the format that the video is saved in?


you wouldnt happen to be related to "BonBon" the JT girl??? http://www.automags.org/ubb/wink.gif

07-25-2001, 08:15 AM
Guys I didnt do the encode JohnS did.

Personally I dont care for Quick Time but it has work fine of all 3 systems here and at work.

Just get QT and enjoy. I will talk to John about doing his next set of encodes in DiVx to get a good compression and keep high image quality. I will link to the codec site so all can view it in Media Player. But it may be depandat on Johns system.

I am working on doing some of my own encoding also and have run into the FPS ( frames per second ) issue too...


07-27-2001, 07:23 PM
I'll see if i can't recode the video in a friendlier format.

Want me to add fake sound ?