View Full Version : I like someone alot

06-27-2003, 10:27 PM
Have you ever liked someone so much, that, in a way, it hurts to think about her?

My first time ever, right now

06-27-2003, 10:34 PM
Thinking about An X-mag(Orange Fade) makes me hurt. *Sigh*
Anyone know that song "Love Hurts".

06-27-2003, 10:44 PM
Is little falconguy in love?

Yes, to answer your question, I have, I still do.

06-27-2003, 10:47 PM
Well, i think you will find that many of the pple u feel this way about probably like you too and if you get the balls to go tell her(or him...i dunno?), you might be suprised

06-27-2003, 10:51 PM
...or get shutdown to the max, either way, its a good experience.

06-27-2003, 10:51 PM
Yeah go ask them out on a date or something. Are you good friends with him/her? Just casually say something like whatcha doin this weekend? And ask him/her to a movie or somethin casual like that.

I think we've all had that feeling. But the only thing that hurts when I think about anything is my brain.:confused:

06-27-2003, 11:01 PM
Well yea see when you think about a girl so much that it actually hurts, its because little man down there is stuck behind that zipper. ;) Let him out, take two asprin, and dear God don't call me in the morning.

06-27-2003, 11:08 PM
Originally posted by FalconGuy016
Have you ever liked someone so much, that, in a way, it hurts to think about her?

My first time ever, right now

word of advice... drop it... because it's just alot of hurt if she drops you. Either make it platonic or make it stop

06-27-2003, 11:13 PM
Originally posted by Heat

word of advice... drop it... because it's just alot of hurt if she drops you. Either make it platonic or make it stop

^ Words of wusses.

Don't be an emo kid, just do it. Take a chance, sure it may hurt the first time, but it's about experience. Gotta learn sometime.

06-27-2003, 11:26 PM
What's worse? Falling in love with your best friend.

06-27-2003, 11:33 PM
Go for it. Talk to her.
How does that go? Darned if you do, darned if you don't?
If that was the case I'd rather be darned for doing.
(I'm trying to avoid the curse filter)
There are no questions like what could have been.

06-27-2003, 11:39 PM
lol I know you guys, for once in my life im actually going to try to do something about it

06-27-2003, 11:57 PM
GO FOR IT BRO, Lets get a FalconGuy chant going!


06-27-2003, 11:58 PM
Originally posted by MagMan5446

^ Words of wusses.

Don't be an emo kid, just do it. Take a chance, sure it may hurt the first time, but it's about experience. Gotta learn sometime.

I'm 25 and not emo.... I've just learned... either your on top or you're cruisin for a bruisin.....

06-28-2003, 12:15 AM
I get all tingly when I think of her!!!!!!!!! TINGLY!! WTF

not down there lol

06-28-2003, 12:17 AM
Originally posted by FalconGuy016
Have you ever liked someone so much, that, in a way, it hurts to think about her?

My first time ever, right now
I know the feeling, unfortunately I was going to ask her out and then I found out she had a boyfriend. That sucked so bad.

06-28-2003, 12:24 AM
hey maybe I could get some girl help here also. Ive met this hot girl. Im not shy or anything, I just dont know what to say. Any hints/tips on what to talk about. I hate awkard moments of silence. I think she likes me to, we were exchanging stares all day the other day. so not trying to sound pathetic or anything, but help me out.:D

06-28-2003, 12:39 AM

06-28-2003, 12:41 AM
What do you guys think about high school love?

Is it possible to love in high school?

I have a girlfriend now... Its been 8 months. Met her at work and we go to different schools, same district. We live about 10min away from each other.

We tell each other we love each other because we think we do. I've never told that to another girl before and I really feel something special with this girl. What do you guys think about high school love? Is it love... Will the feeling when you fall in love with your wife be way different?

06-28-2003, 12:47 AM
and we see the soft side of AO coming out.:)

06-28-2003, 12:47 AM
Although im not saying this from experiance, just from what makes sense. You can love once you reach a certain maturity, not if you are in high school or not. Probably most people just havent reached that level in high school

AGAIN I have no experiance with this :) as you can see anyways from this thread

RT pRo AuToMaG
06-28-2003, 02:19 AM
Originally posted by FalconGuy016
Although im not saying this from experiance, just from what makes sense. You can love once you reach a certain maturity, not if you are in high school or not. Probably most people just havent reached that level in high school

AGAIN I have no experiance with this :) as you can see anyways from this thread

The only reason you love girls in highschool is for the fresh T&A. :eek: ;)

06-28-2003, 02:24 AM
Man this is the second thread like this i've posted in tonight, im on a role!

dcmaner: I think the majority of people in high school have girlfriends just so they can tell their buddy's he's a big man and he GOT IT ON! Now for the remaining minority...they are the ones that wait for just the right person to come along and only after knowing this person for quit a while do they attempt to date this person. I should know, im a Senior in high school this year and only now am i pursuing a girl i spent 3 years getting to know.

FalconGuy: You just gotta do what you feel is right. If you know you'd like to get to know her better i suggest spending time talking to her before you decide to date her. Then, when you do start dating you will thank yourself for all your hard work because you truly know this person.

06-28-2003, 09:15 AM
Originally posted by Vash02

FalconGuy: You just gotta do what you feel is right. If you know you'd like to get to know her better i suggest spending time talking to her before you decide to date her. Then, when you do start dating you will thank yourself for all your hard work because you truly know this person.

Yes! What I wanted to do all along! Thank you! :)
Its kind of weird to me, its not just that I like her, but I want to do everything with her! I want to spends lots of time with her, even if she doesnt like me... she would be an awesome friend also

Archangel Kid
06-28-2003, 09:53 AM
But don't get super close and become like best friends... cause then she'll say that we're to good of friends and i don't wanna ruin our friendship:confused: :mad: :o

06-28-2003, 10:05 AM
Originally posted by FalconGuy016
Have you ever liked someone so much, that, in a way, it hurts to think about her?

My first time ever, right now

Indeed. :D

Its a good feeling and a bad feeling. I'm in the most FUBAR'ed relationship right now [she has a b/f] and even though I know how wrong it is and I'm trying to get away from it, its so great on the other hand.

06-28-2003, 10:28 AM
Dude, if you ever want to date her don't become friends with her. I get that all the time, you think well "I should get to know her first." So you get to know her and your likeing of her becomes stronger. Then when you finally ask her on a date or what ever she turns you down, because she doesn't want to ruin the friendship. Basically its the nice way of letting you down:(

06-28-2003, 11:04 AM
ya stay out of the cirle of friendship. Its a bottomless pit with no way out.

06-28-2003, 01:45 PM
That is not true. :) I disagree.

I met my girlfriend at work and we knew each other about 7 months before we stated dating. We started as just coworkers.. went to friends. Went to friends that wrote emails. Went to friends that talked on the phone and hung out after work sometimes. Went to BEST friends that talked all the time and hung out a lot. (She has a boyfriend during all this. He got very jealous and probably still hates me to this day. :) Nah... But he was mad at me for tha time :D ) We then started dating and on our first date I kissed her. And from then on we just dated. We went on a few dates every now and then and we weren't real serious about each other. I guess we just wanted to see if it would work out. Then we both started to like each other a lot and she became my girlfriend. :) We have been together 8 months since then and we both work together still at the same job. :)

In my opinion, thats how it should be. I wasn't crazy about my girlfriend when I first met her. I thought she was real hot and had a fine *** :) The best. But then I got to know her and we became friends and it went from there. That is how it should be. You should meet a person and become friends with them and just move on to best friends and go frmo there. Thats what a realationship really is.. An incredible friendship. Your girlfriend/wife should be your best friend. Period.


06-28-2003, 03:16 PM
Without friendship, relationships are pretty boring.

06-28-2003, 03:32 PM
I want do do everyhting with her. I want to spends lots of time with her, even if she doesnt like me... she would be an awesome friend also

Uhhh. Falconguy am I questioning your sexuality? YES!:D hehe:D

06-28-2003, 05:47 PM
I think I need a pic to see what all of this hype is about FalconGuy!

i like tictacs
06-28-2003, 06:29 PM
Go for it ;)

06-28-2003, 06:45 PM
Originally posted by gamarada717
I think I need a pic to see what all of this hype is about FalconGuy!

what he said

06-28-2003, 06:57 PM
Originally posted by dcmander

In my opinion, thats how it should be. I wasn't crazy about my girlfriend when I first met her. I thought she was real hot and had a fine *** :) The best. But then I got to know her and we became friends and it went from there. That is how it should be. You should meet a person and become friends with them and just move on to best friends and go frmo there. Thats what a realationship really is.. An incredible friendship. Your girlfriend/wife should be your best friend. Period.


That would be the best.
Thats like my dream, although lol I dont think I can go through the same path as you cause I like her so much already

Btw, gamarada717, what... pic? pic of what?

06-28-2003, 07:10 PM
The friendly corner has turned into a big after-school special. How many of you are therapists? Theres too much advice about stuff in these threads. Its crazy that you can get advice on life at an automags forum place.

06-28-2003, 08:27 PM
I am completely with DCmander on this. My girlfriend is my best friend. Get to know her very well, and just let things progress naturally.

06-29-2003, 04:32 PM
Originally posted by nt2004
The friendly corner has turned into a big after-school special. How many of you are therapists? Theres too much advice about stuff in these threads. Its crazy that you can get advice on life at an automags forum place.

Hey i may not be a therapist or anything but i sure aint gonna leave him hangin either. He wanted suggestions on what to do and i dont see any reason for not helping him. This is kinda the Friendly forums and anything goes within reason so i guess if ya dont like these threads then just dont look at them.

06-29-2003, 05:40 PM
some of you guys are so ghey, lol.

Man just ask her if she wants to go out and do something, date or whatever. If she turns you down, on the next.....


06-29-2003, 09:43 PM
ok my 2¢ on this topic can be summed up by one of the stickers on my helmet....

no matter how good looking she is,
somewhere, some guy is sick of her poo =)

06-29-2003, 09:45 PM
Yes im feeling it right now.

Thanks for reminfing me:(