View Full Version : Omen or Impulse

06-27-2003, 10:35 PM
Hey, I am going to take the next step and getting a mid range gun. I am deciding from a Omen or a Impulse without vision. Can you please tell me which one and why. Also if there is a gun in the $200-$450 and you have a good reason for that than post that too. Try to post if you have used both guns, if not its ok.

06-27-2003, 10:47 PM
personally i'm not a big fan of the stock impulses to high and bulky for me, the trigger pull was decent, i havent used an omen so i cant say, and have u ever considered a used mag

06-27-2003, 11:29 PM
LOL ask a bunch of mag owners and you're gonna be told to buy a mag. Yeah that would be ideal.

But between impulse and omen I couldn't say. Never even seen an omen.

Seriously look into getting a used mag fromsomebody here for agood price. People also sell impulses pretty cheap.

I think the people at PBnation can give you some info on the omen though.

06-27-2003, 11:55 PM
Go with the Impulse, I bet the first few runs of the Omens will be a little bugy. Impulse is already proven and is a great electro for the price.

adam shannon
06-28-2003, 12:13 AM
get the impulse....but make sure its a vision ready one. if it has impulse laser written on the side stay away. if it has the gel impulse logo sticker get it. if you get the right one it can be upgraded from now till next leapyear.

the omen looks ok, shoots fast, but imo its still just a flashy pirhana. plus its durability hasnt been proven. it has a midrange price, and mid-low high performance, but it doesnt feel midrange in my hands.

but before you jump at either of those shoot both...then look a little for a good used e-mag or rt.

06-28-2003, 09:14 AM
For a cheaper price you can get a MUCH better electro, at pbgear you can get a new shocker for less than you can get an impulse, and out of the box it shoots soooooo much better than an impulse out of the box.

adam shannon
06-28-2003, 09:20 AM
theres some kid on the warpig clasifieds selling a used emag. 12 inch dye barrel, aci hpa tank, and ricochet 2k for 4600 right now. i dont know the specifics...but that sounds like a beginner high end package to me.

06-28-2003, 10:28 AM
Ok, but I am looking into a gun at the $300-$500 range. You can get a new RT mag for about $550 at pbgear. How is the RT mag?? Also, someone said the omen had glitches. Well they let out like 400 (i dont really know, something small though) and stoped production for awhile. I think they fixed all the glitches in the new batch. Any more opinions would be great.

06-28-2003, 10:47 AM
RT Pros are excellent markers out of the box coming stock with Intelliframe and Xvalve. The only downside is they can only use compressed air, not co2. So if you don't already have hpa/nitro, you'll need to figure that into your budget as well.

Out of Omen/Impulse, I'd get the impulse. They have been out longer so any problems you may have, most likely have a known fix. If you add a Tapeworm and a Blade Trigger (probably $50tops for the both of them) you will probably have very few problems with you impulse.

Good Luck.


06-28-2003, 11:13 AM
I would go with the omen. In fact I did go witht he omen and haven't been sorry. It shoots very fast and has a great adjustable trigger pull. Witht he cam feed system chops are not a problem but I would reccomend a barrel system since I have had a few breaks from balls rlling down the barrel. It also wll not take the feed prssure of the halo. As long as I keep it clean it has operated very well. When it gets dirty you have a situation similar to boltstick but it is not the bolt I believe it is the camfeed system sticking. I am talking 24hr scenario kind of dirty and a 5 min cleaning job. I have always been a big pirhanna fan though and also have an E-force that has rated very well. I cannot speak to the impy as I have only shot one on a range a few years ago.

06-28-2003, 05:07 PM
Ok, couple more question. Which one is truly faster. And do you know what they are capped at? (ex.15 bps etc.) Also which one operates at the lowest pressure. And can you adjust the trigger on the omen??

06-28-2003, 06:22 PM
Originally posted by hitmanng
It shoots very fast and has a great adjustable trigger pull.

06-29-2003, 01:21 PM
my bad lol

ReTro Boy
07-01-2003, 01:37 PM
Originally posted by TDB100
Ok, couple more question. Which one is truly faster. And do you know what they are capped at? (ex.15 bps etc.) Also which one operates at the lowest pressure. And can you adjust the trigger on the omen??

The Impulse is faster...

The Omen is limited by it's own pneumatic recock, the Impulse is limited to the feed rate of your hopper (w/ WAS board)...

The Impulse is lower at ~150 psi, while the Omen is in the 350 psi range...

You can adjust the trigger on both guns...

The Impulse is proven, the Omen is new. I really like the Omen and I really like the Impulse. Tough choice.

You can get an Omen for cheaper than a vision Impulse and the Omen has the cam feed system that makes it near impossible to chop paint. You have to adjust the paddles, but when it is adjusted, you won't chop. It will either fire a paintball or dry-fire, but not chop.

Evil/PMI has AWESOME customer support...and for me, that's the deciding factor. I'd go with the Omen!

07-01-2003, 01:39 PM
Omen: so hot right now.

07-01-2003, 03:03 PM
crazy that sig is so wrong and so funny at the same time.

07-01-2003, 04:28 PM
The Omen is limited by it's own pneumatic recock, the Impulse is limited to the feed rate of your hopper (w/ WAS board)...

The Omen is actually a blowback. Its not electropneumatic.
Its a E-Pirahna with a extra spring for the bolt, and a nifty cam.
The Omen is not supposed to use any force-feed loader, so if it can only use gravity feeds, then its max BPS would be 12-13bps. Not very impressive, but the anti-chop nature of the CAM is nice.


07-01-2003, 05:12 PM
i would take the imp. Like people said it has proven its self, also there are many up grades for it.

But with that 500$ i would get a shocker hands down..

07-01-2003, 05:23 PM
Well u can save up a litle bit more and buy a E-mag or the new shocker 2003.

07-01-2003, 05:42 PM
i personaly have shot the omen the gun get mad trigger bounce i like it alot lighter than the impy and its not as fast but it more consistant and easier to maintain

07-01-2003, 08:12 PM
The Omen is a piece of ****. It kicks quite a bit and the paddle thing is not that great. The inline reg sucks. Also, the offset feed throws off the balance.
Go with the Impy. You can upgrade it to almost no end.

07-01-2003, 09:47 PM
it kicked becasue you didn't have paint. With paint it kicks just as little, if not less than a impy. the inline reg sucks? pmi regs are great, so i don't see any reason why this one shouldn't be anything but better. And if an inch difference for a hopper is going to throw off the balance enough for you to not control it, lift some weights pussy.

07-01-2003, 11:30 PM
What features are important to you? What do you play? These are the things you need to ask yourself.

I'm on the wait list for an omen so I obviously think it will be a pretty good marker. I really want to try out the cam feed system.

It WILL NOT, however, replace my mag. Do you like the idea of playing all day and not chopping any paint? The only think I ever have to worry about during a day of play is a barrel break which rarely happens as long as I have a good paint to barrel match. I'm telling you to go with a mag and get Level 10. Then upgrade to such things like the ULE body as you can afford it. It is simply an amazing marker!