View Full Version : any experience with a AKA Viking?

06-27-2003, 11:32 PM
I was thinking that its about time for me to get a new gun. I'm really looking into the vikings and I'm wondering if anyone has any experience with them. The paticular viking that im looking at is called a "dark viking".... I think the only thing that makes it speacial is the blade trigger and dye 03 grips(corect me if I'm wrong). Anyways it seams like a good deal and I've heard alot of good things about vikings. Heres a link to the site selling the gun I want:


06-28-2003, 12:12 AM
Vikings are GREAT guns, they run fast as hell and are VERY efficient. I'm gonna be getting a dark viking soon.

lack of grace
06-28-2003, 12:22 AM
I love them..great in everyway...I cant thing of one complaint.

06-28-2003, 02:02 AM
IMO they are the best guns on the planet right now without a doubt. i sold my angel speed for one after shooting one and doing some research on them. every single feature on them cannot be beat. it has everything you could ask for in a paintball gun. here we go:
1. reliability, these things require NO maintenance and are extremely reliable. there are no aftermarket performance upgrades available and they are already perfect. they even come with sidewinders which are probably the best aftermarket regs out there.

2. they now have WAS boards and 2 sided break beam eyes. WAS boards are incredibly fast and will give it timmy like speed which is without a doubt the fastest gun out there.(im not talking about cycling capabilities and how the retro valve is the best, im talking taking a gun and shooting it, WAS boarded guns are the fastest). so not only do u get the same software as a timmy, vikings actually cycle faster than timmys according to jim drew. then theres the eyes. i dont care what you say about any other anti chop system including level 10. nothing is as effective as a 2 sided break beam eye system when it comes to preventing chops while being reliable. the color of the shell doesnt affect anything.

3. they are insanely air efficient. vikings and excaliburs are defintiely the most air efficient guns out there(with the exception of a trix with a FF bolt which is supposed to get near the same number of shots as a viking) im talking 2000 shots off a 68/4500. yes a whole case of paint for 1 fill.

4. smoothness and quality. these things are insanely smooth and quiet and have minimal kick. you can tell aka put everything they had into this gun just by the way it shoots. im talking as smooth and kickless if not better than a trix. before i got to shoot one i was expecting it to shoot like a timmy or impy or any other gun with similar operation. but i was surprised to find that they shoot soo much better than even timmys, and we all know timmys shoot nice and smooth. you hear almost nothing and feel almost nothing and you just see streams of paint ripping out. i cant seem to find the video i thought was a good one, but heres another by the same guy. i havent seen it yet but i have confidence that it will show how good they are. http://www.paintballarizona.com/videos/matt.wmv from darkviking.com

5. price. 745 for an unmilled viking and 820 for a half milled. considering you dont need a single upgrade for performance and you get all of what i mentioned for this small price, that is one hell of a deal.

over all, i think they are the best guns on the planet and its only a matter of time before it becomes the next big thing. it only took me 1 pull of the trigger to fall in love. i know for a fact i will never use anything besides aka products. i took the time to write all that out not just to help cannedheat but. to inform people of how good these guns really are. because lots of people dont have a clue what the heck they even look like.

06-28-2003, 06:20 AM
I own a dark viking, got it 3 weeks ago. Its sweet.

at a minimum test one before u buy anything else, i think u'll go with the viking in the end.

06-28-2003, 09:07 AM
yes they are incredably fast

one of my teamates can out shoot a halo B :confused: now if you say that is not fast you need to be slapped

06-28-2003, 12:54 PM
Are Vikings cocker threads? Why is it called a "Dark Viking"? Just adding a blade trigger and Sticky 3's make it dark? I thought only Warped Sportz made "Dark" guns:confused:

06-28-2003, 12:57 PM
Originally posted by rehme
yes they are incredably fast

one of my teamates can out shoot a halo B :confused: now if you say that is not fast you need to be slapped

Ya, I would have to see a video, or have a .wav file, and have it analyzed before I would even come close to believing that. If the HALO B is working properly it should be feeding around 22-23 bps. If he is pulling the trigger more than 20 times in one second. He is apparently "GOD on the trigger". :rolleyes:

06-28-2003, 03:16 PM
pito- yes they are cocker threaded. it is called a "dark" viking because www.darkviking.com(an owners group) is sponsored by a shop called yeppers-llc. www.yeppers-llc.com yeppers just threw on a razorblade trigger and dye sticky 3s, lowered the price a bit lower than the other places sell them stock, and called it a dark viking to associate it with darkviking.com.

about out shooting a halo b, yes vikings are fast enough to do it with ease and ive seen it. but that is only with the debounce set pretty low.... if the debounce was on, theres no way a human can get it to outshoot a halo b. they are insanely fast guns nonetheless now that they are equipped with WAS boards.

06-28-2003, 03:49 PM
I'm not doubting that it can shoot that fast. I'm doubting that a person can pull the trigger fast enough to do it.

Thanks for the Dark clarification.