View Full Version : Cool Paintball Stories

06-28-2003, 05:26 PM
Ok, this is a thread to post your cool paintball stories, I know this has been done before but I did a search and the one I saw was from last year. So post away! (this thrad is basically an excuse to post my own story:D) So here my story.

Alright, Ive been to this field in Mass before, some of you Mass Ballers may know it, its called Showtime Paintball. So anyway, theres this kids there, and there real annoying, not to bad, but annoying. OK, so, it began by me not bringing my elbow for my mag, so one of the kids goes "thats what u get for buying a mag" so I go, its better htan your autococker (a stock 2k3 cocker with freak, drop, hinge, etc.) and he goes ok. So him and his teamate wanna play me and this other kid, now, I know there better than me, but, eventually I play with this cool kid there. One of the other kids is all "we'll beat these two in like tow seconds" or somethin like that. So we play, at the break, I run up to like the 30 then to the 40 then 50 and I run up to a bunker and see the kid with the cocker, I shhot him, well Bunker him, they stinkn bounce!!! He was wearin the padded DYE Jereseys (which I to wear, a sweatshirt, AND a T shirt. But my teamate got him inthe pack. So I got into a firefight with the other kid, no cover, am hit, and trip and hurt my knee. So later, the kids cocker which is so good (O BTW, we beat them) broke, and I offered to let him use my fish he goes " I wouldnt even look ath that hting" meaning it was that bad and he also goes "its almost as bad as yer mag" and I go " O ya, the one I bunkered u with". Man, it was so sweet, I never hit peeps, much less bunker em, LOL and then they tried to say my teamate used me as bait, (I don think he did cause he said he didnt, I dunno). Even though they didnt break on that kid I still count it as a bunker, what do ut hink? Ok, that was my long story. Thanks! Post away!!!

SG Avenger
06-28-2003, 05:50 PM
This one is short and just happened today.

I was playing defence in the Normandy Invasion, and there were 2 small trees, with a fallen log in between them. just enough for 2 people to fight from, MAYBE 3...

I was with 1 other person, and we were getting hammered down, then this kid comes up, and takes a crouch next to us, wearing a full Jersey outfit, a shiny Angel IR3, and asks, "where are they at" then *BLAM* the kid takes one to the neck, but doesnt break. I tell him he's good, just in time for him to catch another one right SPLAT in the mask.

The kid never got off a shot, and I didnt see him the rest of the day, It sounded like he wanted to leave after that.

I just found it amusing to see people crawling in the mud to get a good position, and this guy gets punked with his "leet" gear.

06-28-2003, 06:49 PM
I played some paintball in my friends woods today (first illegal ball ever for me... had some problems with some people but eventually we foudn an accepted spot) ... nothing spectactular, but man paintball is just fun all around :) Now we have a space for a speedball field in the woods (with all these bunker threads that wont be hard to start :)). Oh its going to be so great, I cant wait!

Well, I guess I'll tell one story from today. I was 1 on 1 with my friend for one game. It was a pretty close field, but there were a lot of little trees and vines in the way. Off the break I instnatly ran to basically the only good tree on my side and slide to a stop right in front of it. Of course he knew where I was (you could see everything off the break really) and we got into a little snap shooting firefight. Well, sort of, there were enough trees and stuff in the way that it was a 'loose' snapshooting firefight. We moved around a little tiny bit, until finally I saw the gold. Literally, a 4x4 inch space from about 100 feet away through oogles of trees and hanging vines. He didnt see this hole. I picked up my mag and put my new AA to work :) A nice, quick stream of paintballs and I dont know how many made it, but they went straight for his mouth. He had a paintball sandwich :) he said it tasted sweet, then strange, then mediciny
Ill post pics of it when I get it from the camera

H.K S.O.C.O.M.45
08-14-2003, 12:43 AM
i have astory ok this one time i went to showtime and there was this kid (who shall remain nameless ) was like treatin me like a newbie and stuff (just cuz i didnt always go to an actul field ) and now the kids like ok i admit it you can beat me . and sence at that time me and like all the paintball guys in my school thought he was a freak . ok so i go and play woods wit this kid and 2 other guys and i saw him point his gun at me or i thought he did i dont no so i shot him all my friends thoguth it was funny (cuz he was a jerk to them ) you wann no who that kid is .................................................. ...........................that kid nows (Cough murphy cough)

08-14-2003, 02:28 AM
i hope that in the future those mag owners out there when confroted by blind ignorance [primarialy cocker guys/gals] that you will respond with a demonstration or a witty quip to destroy their feeble minds, rather than just resorting to "oh ya!?"


08-14-2003, 09:11 AM
Here is that pic I promised lol, since the thread popped back up (the guy I shot)

08-14-2003, 09:50 AM
Originally posted by H.K S.O.C.O.M.45
i have astory ok this one time i went to showtime and there was this kid (who shall remain nameless ) was like treatin me like a newbie and stuff (just cuz i didnt always go to an actul field ) and now the kids like ok i admit it you can beat me . and sence at that time me and like all the paintball guys in my school thought he was a freak . ok so i go and play woods wit this kid and 2 other guys and i saw him point his gun at me or i thought he did i dont no so i shot him all my friends thoguth it was funny (cuz he was a jerk to them ) you wann no who that kid is .................................................. ...........................that kid nows (Cough murphy cough)

wow... learn grammer.

falcon: nice shot hahaha. what paint were you using that taisted sweet?!

H.K S.O.C.O.M.45
08-15-2003, 04:39 AM
ddue i posted it sooo late at night that i didnt reall care nor do i no if you noticed grammer mastkies good but whos cares !

08-15-2003, 06:06 AM
this one time at band camp....:D