View Full Version : Custom Frame Video by AO's own Nitroduck

07-23-2001, 08:01 PM

This was posted in the Name the Frame thread by Nitroduck. It is a video commercial for the new frame. He spent 15 hours on it and we think it's great!

Check it out!



07-23-2001, 08:06 PM
Tom, thats awesome! WoW! Nitroduck did a great job and came up with a good name. I think I know whos gonna win.

-68 Classic Automag
-SP Proggresive barrel
-Lapco drop forward
-PMI gas through
-12 volt revolution
-Crossfire 68CI 3K Stubby
-Microline fittings

07-23-2001, 08:07 PM
Marvelous! I'll bet Nitroduck REALLY hopes he wins.

07-23-2001, 08:16 PM
Thank you Mr. Kaye. It's a honor that you like my video for it. Just for you to post feels like I've already won.

07-23-2001, 08:18 PM
nitroduck if you want to win you have to say something nice about tom kaye you dhouldhavr read the rules. now quick like a bunny say something nice ablut tom on the thread

"your dangerrous!!" -IceMan

07-23-2001, 08:21 PM
Totally Awesome, my congrats to nitroduck, Tom if you read this, he deserves something for that, all that hard work, come on ppl lets here it for Nitroduck.

[This message has been edited by Marbelizer (edited 07-23-2001).]

07-23-2001, 08:23 PM
That is very creative, bravo http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif

07-23-2001, 08:28 PM
Tom Kaye = Perfection in motion

You have to admire someone who's been working for a company for 15 years and even today reads and responds to Mag owners like me http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif

Just read what I said on my post on page 8 for the "Name the Frame" contest.

07-23-2001, 08:34 PM
Damnit... I was thinking about doing some flash for that compo... and all i needed was a decent name

/me slaps forehead

some nice flash dude

07-23-2001, 08:41 PM
well i think i know who won! http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif lol good job nitroduck that was awsome!!!

Don't run if you can't hide

07-23-2001, 08:42 PM
Whoa! thats awesome! thats true dedication to AGD! good job!

07-23-2001, 08:47 PM
That Was Sweet

i could not do that if someone paid me enough even though im 16
great job nitroduck!!
you deserve to win !
i feel so hopeless now *sob* http://www.automags.org/ubb/frown.gif
oh yeah i loved the Ozzy great job!

07-23-2001, 09:15 PM
Kudos to nitroduck on the video. I know how long it can take to make videos as I make one regularly at least a week. If I had 15 hours to burn i would try to match your effort http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif

AGD Emag
Black Warp Body
Crystal Blue Warp
68ci Flatline

07-23-2001, 09:30 PM
that is sweet. nitro duck deserves to win if not he deserves somthin for all that hard work and effort!

07-23-2001, 09:46 PM
heheh - Tom must not have seen your video on poking fun at the emag. Actually - it was pretty darn funny...

Webmaster - AutoMags.Org
[email protected]
"Good...bad...I'm the guy with the gun." - Ash, Army of Darkness

07-23-2001, 10:21 PM
come on fluid frame is better....

07-23-2001, 10:35 PM
you may have won the rt pro with warp, but we will see about the other warp feeds, muwuhahahahahahahaha http://www.automags.org/ubb/wink.gif

07-23-2001, 10:37 PM
<font face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">Originally posted by Webmaster:
heheh - Tom must not have seen your video on poking fun at the emag. Actually - it was pretty darn funny...


i second that, i was rollin when i seen that. the warp part was hallarious. the tribal part was quite funny too.

07-23-2001, 11:08 PM
Well done!

Tom, take that to the ZAP-Am on a continuous loop and play it for everyone walking by the booth.

Oh, and give him a Warp at least http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif

07-23-2001, 11:17 PM
Hey, not a bad idea! You should play it on a continuous loop with the matching music that Nitro's provided, it'll be more than just eye-candy.

And yes, at least a warp feed. http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif

RT Pro - Chrome Powerfeed Right
Armageddon 68/4500
KAPP Chrome Apoc Drop Forward
12 vt Revolution

07-23-2001, 11:24 PM
Well guys.....

If I win this (which I hope I do) I have arranged a ride out to Zap, so I could come out with my laptop , set it on a continous loop, and add bounus "footage" featuring more goodness of the new AGD frame.

Also, if I do not win, I'd gladly make AGD another video featuring the name of the new frame and any slogans that AGD would want me to do and arrange it in the same way.

www.stickballmovies.com (http://www.stickballmovies.com) for all your paintball comedy needs!

07-24-2001, 07:56 PM
good job Nitroduck, i hope you win.....if i dont...lol

[email protected]

07-24-2001, 08:24 PM
nice and clean...thats some decent flash. good job man. hope you can finagle somethin for it http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif

07-24-2001, 09:23 PM
Excellent job Nitro. Imaginative and interesting. On effort alone you deserve to win. So here's some humble applause from 1 of 300+ who just posted names.

07-24-2001, 09:48 PM
After seeing that I take my hat off to NITRODUCK...GJ!!
I refuse to post my inferior name to nitroducks....Tom give it to the lad he deserves it!!

But I will post for the runner ups http://www.automags.org/ubb/biggrin.gif

How do my balls feel on your chin? (HEADSHOT)

07-24-2001, 10:23 PM
your one of the genuisus at SBM.com????? nitro i LOVE those movies "can i shoot your angel?"

07-24-2001, 10:53 PM
I'm a genius? wow , that makes me happy http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif

Yes , I run the site , along with my brother.
Thankfully , all my work on the site has really paid off , we're now getting several offers for ad space http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif expect to see much higher quality movies and such.

Thanks http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif

07-24-2001, 11:59 PM
Good job nito. I hope you get something for your effort. AGD take that to the amature open, it is a cool add for a new product.

07-25-2001, 12:56 AM
how long till this is done with?

07-25-2001, 07:54 AM
errr... why should you win? that movie can't be placed on the top of the packages, tom asked for new names. and, considering that video couldn't have taken 15 hours, this is getting a bit crazy. dude, all you used were basic effects that designsbymark outlines. and to top it off, you play with an autococker.

i am sorry if i am acting a little angry, i held back form posting this earlier, but when someone claims a movie took 15 hours, when it really could have been done in under 2 and fooling the general people of ao is pretty crazy. ask chaos how long something like that would take, he infact uses flash as well.


07-25-2001, 08:23 AM
Hey irbodden,

How do you know how long it took him to make this?? Were you there at his side minute to minute when he was making it??
It very easily could have taken him that long if he took his time and did not rush. And seeing the quality job he did, i would say he did not rush.

And if for some reason you did not notice, he did create a name for it, "the Fearsome Frame"

07-25-2001, 10:00 AM
It could well have taken him 15 hours, just look at all them individual letter tweens.

they take time to seperatate out and stuff.

07-25-2001, 10:14 AM
Why should nitroduck win because he made a little flash animation? It is a "NAME" contest.

If his name gets it, great. But I don't think his movie should take the chances away from others who thought up great names.

Just my $.07

Pepsi Is Good
Never kick a fresh TURD on a HOT day!

07-25-2001, 12:02 PM
People.. Nitro spent a good deal of time on this, whether you like to admit it or not.

And even IF he spent lets say.. all 30 minutes on making this flash vid? He still deserves a little credit for being original (in comparison to the other posts in the contest, before someone picks this post apart). He had the additional insight to make his entrance that much more noticiable and the credit is his.

Now this doesn't mean he will automatically win the contest. Did Tom name the winner yet? Nope.

At the end of the day Tom and his team will be the ones deciding the winner of this show.

RT Pro - Chrome Powerfeed Right
Armageddon 68/4500
KAPP Chrome Apoc Drop Forward
12 vt Revolution

07-25-2001, 12:08 PM
Right on Arthurus.

People forget something, no one said I won, no one said I haven't. Lets wait till Sunday to see what happens.

No matter what happens, even if Tom decides that the name should be the barney frame or the tom kaye frame , you're going to have to realize that Tom Kaye made the equipment we're using today. We should all trust Tom's decision when he makes it, not before he has!

07-25-2001, 12:10 PM
good job nitroduck. But i don't think that this comp should be won by a video. some of us cannot make these things and that gives us a disadvantage. But still i like it , and the name!


07-25-2001, 02:34 PM
<font face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">Originally posted by irbodden:
errr... why should you win? that movie can't be placed on the top of the packages, tom asked for new names. and, considering that video couldn't have taken 15 hours, this is getting a bit crazy. dude, all you used were basic effects that designsbymark outlines. and to top it off, you play with an autococker.

i am sorry if i am acting a little angry, i held back form posting this earlier, but when someone claims a movie took 15 hours, when it really could have been done in under 2 and fooling the general people of ao is pretty crazy. ask chaos how long something like that would take, he infact uses flash as well.


Hey I dont see your flash movie?

07-25-2001, 04:00 PM
would you like to see me back a flash movie? btw you dont need to tween the letters alone, you could tween an entire slogan if you wanted. if i find my self with an idle hour or two, i could make a movie just to back up my statement on time.


07-25-2001, 06:30 PM
You probabally could do it in a hour , but i can't. I'm not the greatest at flash , and atleast i TRIED , i tried to do something nice for AGD and the contest , but you're really actin crappy about it. Why do you have to bash me , my movie and my name?

07-25-2001, 11:50 PM
First off, I have used a Mag for almost 2 years. Some (or most) of the people on the forum do not realize 2 people post under this name (my brother and I), I own a Cocker, and my brother owns a Mag. We both came up with the name "Fearsome Frame". I think that other people came up with very good names as well, but I did the flash movie just to make my name more origonal, and show AGD a few slogans if they should pick my name. Some names are great, but if they can't figure out a slogan, it'll never sell. It's called marketing.

As for the 15 hours. I spent 2 hours ALONE on editing the music. I spent nearly a hour on creating the animations for the "A" in AGD. Whether you realize it or not, I had to make 50 unique frames without animation tweens.

And in all honesty, I think it's sad that someone would flame another persons idea and have the reason that they own a cocker. If that made a few of our ideas non-valid, I am sure that more than half of the people here would be disqualified because they own other guns! I don't only own a cocker and mag as well, I also own a trracer and getting a angel. Does that make me less of a AGD fan? Is my name offencive to some that I use a different brand nitrogen system? All I know is I shoot what I like and I stand behind AGD's products 100% even though I dont use all of them for one reason or another.

www.stickballmovies.com (http://www.stickballmovies.com) for all your paintball comedy needs!

07-26-2001, 12:03 AM
I don't care what anyone says...kudo's to NITRODUCK!

Whether you win or not, you do deserve recongnition for your hard (and I'm assuming unpaid) work.

07-26-2001, 12:38 AM
I'm just curious what software he used to put it together with the music and all...

07-26-2001, 12:39 AM
i do agree, anybody that works that long on something like that deserves a round of aplause.

07-26-2001, 12:49 AM
ok I only read the first half. Nitroduck - good video, I see areas of improvement such as how to properly import a picture into flash so its not all pixelated, and other things, but I must say its a great effort. Very original, had I thought of it I would have done the same style thing.

Now, I'm not bashing, but the contest IS for the name, not a movie. If you wanted to do a movie contest, I know I could bust something out with a lot of effort for a chance to win an RT pro or even a warp, it doesn't seem fair to me you win for creating a movie. I'd say for the originality and effort, you deserve something, but to win the contest, I think it should be based on the name and not the movie.

Oh and on another note, people dont understand how easy flash is. All it is is motion and shape tweens. You put in point A and point B, and the program does the rest of the pretty changing and such. Creating something like that wouldn't be the hardest thing to do, just takes time to get it to flow properly. I'm not saying it didn't take hime 15hrs, I'll take his word that it took something like that, and thats a great effort and he deserves a new blade frame or something.

This gets me thinking, do I get brownie points if I make a nice flash movie with the usage of one of the names i suggested?

[email protected]
MAG CENTRAL (http://www.magcentral.org)

"If all I see in society is darkness, why should I express myself with a different color than black? Its camoflauge to mingle with society" ~Chaos

07-26-2001, 01:17 AM
he uses flash off of macromedia.con, if im not mistaken. he doesnt get payed, yet him and his bro keep makin the movies

My Mag can beat your spyder w/ no paint.~~~me

Dont worry if it wasnt for losers like u, There couldnt be winners like me.~~~me

My mag is my mag, not yours, so go get your own one and be happy like me. ~me

07-26-2001, 04:02 PM
When I said 15 hours, I meant 15 hours on everything, not just the flash. I spent about 6 hours on the movie, and the 9 hours was spent on thinking up the next part on the movie (I did all this without forethough).

As for the pixelated images, the origonal images I used was 50x30 pixels in a thumbnail image from AGDs site. I couldn't find anything better.

Oh also, if you're still wondering about the other 3-5 hours that I haven't accounted for......I spent thoes working on the song. please listen to Ozzy Osbourne's "Perry Mason" I had to remix it with a program that's almost like windows audio player.

As for all the people saying I shouldn't win because I made a moive. The only reason I did the movie was to provide a origonal way to promote my idea for the Fearsome Frame. My logic was
" Why make a 10 character text slogan for something great when you can use flash to get your point accross for the frame much better" . I just made it because I had far to many slogans and ideas for the Fearsome frame than a text-baised forum could hold.

07-26-2001, 04:04 PM
When I said 15 hours, I meant 15 hours on everything, not just the flash. I spent about 6 hours on the movie, and the 9 hours was spent on thinking up the next part on the movie (I did all this without forethough).

As for the pixelated images, the origonal images I used was 50x30 pixels in a thumbnail image from AGDs site. I couldn't find anything better.

Oh also, if you're still wondering about the other 3-5 hours that I haven't accounted for......I spent thoes working on the song. please listen to Ozzy Osbourne's "Perry Mason" I had to remix it with a program that's almost like windows audio player.

As for all the people saying I shouldn't win because I made a moive. The only reason I did the movie was to provide a origonal way to promote my idea for the Fearsome Frame. My logic was
" Why make a 10 character text slogan for something great when you can use flash to get your point accross for the frame much better" . I just made it because I had far to many slogans and ideas for the Fearsome frame than a text-baised forum could hold.

07-26-2001, 04:57 PM
<font face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">Originally posted by XspyX:
Why should nitroduck win because he made a little flash animation? It is a "NAME" contest.

If his name gets it, great. But I don't think his movie should take the chances away from others who thought up great names.

Just my $.07

My thoughts exactly. Some people took time to think up very good names. Many(most)of these same people do not have the skills necessary to make a video advertising the product. I think in no way should the skills of one person unfairly take an advantage over all of the others who participated.

07-26-2001, 05:55 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Bigzamboni:
[B] [QUOTE]Originally posted by XspyX:
[b]Why should nitroduck win because he made a little flash animation? It is a "NAME" contest.

If his name gets it, great. But I don't think his movie should take the chances away from others who thought up great names.

Just my $.07

Great flash movie but, it is a name contest, this shouldn't have any influence upon the winnin name, just my thoughts

07-26-2001, 06:07 PM
I feel compelled to comment on this subject. Nitroduck did a neat thing, and for God's sake grow up a bit and enjoy the video for what it is, and stop whining and dis-ing him for it. Jeez...

Russ, steping down from the soapbox now.

Great job, Nitroduck! http://www.automags.org/ubb/biggrin.gif

07-26-2001, 07:31 PM
I know he did I great job on it, and kudos to him if he wins or whoever wins, I was just simply staing my thoughts thats all, I am not goin to whine, lol

07-27-2001, 12:28 PM
I think the reason this thread is gettin lots of flames is the fact the people who are really sayin i shouldn't win are people that i talk to quite alot in the AOL chats.

07-27-2001, 01:46 PM
nitro- yes i have talked to you in the chats, i never said you shouldn't win either, but that flash work didn't take 15 hours, and in some ways you admitted that. You may have "thought" of making the video for 9 hours, but it really only took 6 hours. Chaos, who also uses flash even said it straight out. You tween the whole slogan not just letters. I just dont like when people lie about the amount of work they put into something so they look better. I could think about what show on tv i wanna watch for 5 hours, and than watch is for an hour. That doesn't mean it took me 6 hours to watch tv. i am lucky chaos came and saw it the same way as me.


07-27-2001, 01:56 PM
by the way, i dont care about the prize, the chance of me winning it is 1000000 to 1 ,but I do care when others lie to try and get the prize.


07-27-2001, 02:51 PM
nice movie but like others have said, you creating the movie should not make your chances of winning the contest better. Nothing against the "Fearsome Frame", but IMHO, there are MANY better names in that thread...lol dont take it the wrong way, Please!

07-27-2001, 07:03 PM
All in all I spent 14 hours. I am sure you could do it in 2 hours, but I am NOT lying that it took me 14 hours. Why would I want to lie about the hours? Even if I put 2 hours into it, would it have changed peoples thoughts about the movie at all? I am sure that some people can do it faster/better than I can, but my job doesn't lie 100% in creating flash, I dont get paid often for flash, and I use a very crappy laptop to make any flash I've done.

I know it took me every bit of 14 hours to do everything, from start to finish. Now if you can do it quicker, lets leave it at that because I can't. If you look at stickballmovies.com and have seen the site before you KNOW it's taken me 5 months to do just ONE 15 minute movie!

07-27-2001, 11:27 PM
This whole contest 'shpeel is making some of these kids cut throat to win this prize..sheesh. Calm down..

Cactus Jack
07-29-2001, 02:37 PM
I think they are just mad they didn't do it.

Nice work.

07-29-2001, 02:53 PM
It's a good animation man, but it IS a naming contest, therefor, I'll voice my opinion that one of the random prizes should be un-randomized and pointed in nitroducks direction, or just give him something else entirely (a classic s/f for his brother maybe?) just my $0.02

No offense man, it was good, but I don't think it's worth an RT pro, but I don't do flash, it might be harder than I thought, I'm just going by what people are saying. Good luck at winning the whole thing though man.

07-29-2001, 03:13 PM
They needed a origional name , not only did i give em a origional name , i gave em a origional movie , and an a bunch of slogans for thier people in marketing http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif

07-29-2001, 03:29 PM
I like it Nitroduck, it shows you are a true AO team member and worship AGD. Great work you get my vote.

Kelly J.

07-29-2001, 04:40 PM
This vid is great. if you do not give him something you should maybe hire him to do your website....

07-29-2001, 04:52 PM
this forum was doing so well, it has been a while since i saw a good thread turn nasty like this. oy.

cool movie nitro, hats off to you.


07-29-2001, 05:16 PM
<font face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">Originally posted by irbodden:
errr... why should you win? that movie can't be placed on the top of the packages, tom asked for new names. and, considering that video couldn't have taken 15 hours, this is getting a bit crazy. dude, all you used were basic effects that designsbymark outlines. and to top it off, you play with an autococker.
i am sorry if i am acting a little angry, i held back form posting this earlier, but when someone claims a movie took 15 hours, when it really could have been done in under 2 and fooling the general people of ao is pretty crazy. ask chaos how long something like that would take, he infact uses flash as well.


DUDE HE IS LIKE A PRO AT MAKIN THESE MOVIES go and watch em ALL you know maybe part of that time is coming up with ideas to if he wins its NOT going to be cus his video

Reactor Valve
BenchMark 2x
LabVert Adapter
Dye Gas Thru Grip
Dye 14 in Boomstick
Warp Feed
Stock Bolt
RT Valve
E-Lcd or hyper Frame
ANS Venturi
Some Sort of paint job
10in BoomStick

[This message has been edited by -Jôker- (edited 07-29-2001).]

07-29-2001, 05:17 PM
Awesome work Nitroduck.


07-29-2001, 05:21 PM
Guys... give it a rest.

He did a good job on it, give him the credit for it.

Keep in mind whoever the winner may be, we're all getting a great new product and design from AGD.

RT Pro - Chrome Powerfeed Right
Armageddon 68/4500
KAPP Chrome Apoc Drop Forward
12 vt Revolution
Lapco Aluminum Autospirit 12"